看板 NBA
作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)
標題 [外絮] 賈霸發文回應比爾和圍巾對疫苗的疑慮
時間 Thu Sep 30 13:12:06 2021

Another Scary Side-Effect of COVID: Dumb Jock Syndrome

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar


Bradley Beal, Washington Wizards

Washington Wizards guard Bradley Beal recently opined: “I would like an expla
nation … [as to why] people with vaccines, why are they still getting COVID?
... Like, it's funny that, ‘Oh, it reduces your chances of going to the hospi
tal.’ It doesn't eliminate anybody from getting COVID, right?”

Next time you have a serious infection, don’t take the anti-biotics the docto
r prescribes because they don’t work 100 percent of the time. And when you’r
e playing basketball, don’t shoot the ball unless you score 100 percent of th
e time. Also, that question has been answered a thousand times by experts.

Golden State Warriors guard Andrew Wiggins promised that he would “just keep
fighting for what I believe…what’s right to one person isn’t right to the o

Trying to make this a matter of principle would be fine, if there was a ration
al principle involved.  It’s not being forced to be vaccinated, since no one
is forcing you. If you are so righteously committed to the principle, then don
’t play professional basketball. Stand firm on that principle. Unless money t
rumps principle.

By the way, the whole “what’s right to one person isn’t right to the other
” idea sounds great, unless you realize society only exists because we consid
er the greater good to be more important than individual choices.

Try driving on the left side of the road, don’t pay taxes, don’t get your ch
ildren a polio vaccine. The problem with that vague philosophy is that the res
t of us pay for those sloppy thinkers because they are the ones clogging our h
ospitals, crushing our economy, and keeping us from our loved ones.

The unvaccinated account for 97.3% of all COVID-19 cases. That says it all. An
d those who have COVID-19 but show no symptoms, may be spreading it to others
without ever knowing it. So, what’s right to one person isn’t right to the o
ther doesn’t work when you’re killing the other person.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XLKSeuj (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1632978728.A.E2D.html
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 09/30/2021 13:13:33
MK47: 賈霸感覺不太像一些怪怪的黑人1F 09/30 13:13
hsiang1049: 腦子很好2F 09/30 13:15
kyo06: 其實就是一句很簡單的"自由是建立在不妨礙他人之上"3F 09/30 13:16
chk95: 賈霸思考邏輯清晰,果然歷史巨星腦袋都比別人聰明4F 09/30 13:16
kyo06: 但這波疫情可以看到歐美一堆人把自由無限上綱了5F 09/30 13:16
ILLwill: 賈霸很左,一方面他也討厭偏右的張伯倫6F 09/30 13:16
Broyz: 正確阿,要你的工作就乖乖去疫苗,要談人權,那請先離開籃球,大家會尊重你人權7F 09/30 13:17
cidcheng: 西門表示沒錯,沒100%把握就不要投9F 09/30 13:18
cl1030hen: 賈霸講的超有邏輯 超清晰10F 09/30 13:19
rivet: 有智慧11F 09/30 13:19
orange7986: 賈霸人雖老但論述能力很強欸12F 09/30 13:19
losa: 賈霸讚13F 09/30 13:20
d8731400: 推 論述有條有理14F 09/30 13:21
SlamKai: 還是有正常人15F 09/30 13:21
loserloser: 我覺der如果打疫苗還是有感染風險只是不會重症16F 09/30 13:22
