看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] 鵜鶘隊在2019年曾想組Zion+Ja時間 Wed Feb 16 18:23:52 2022
Zion Williamson essentially entered the draft as the consensus No. 1 overall pic
k, and Ja Morant was expected by many folks to follow Williamson at No. 2 overal
Things did indeed pan out that way. Williamson went to the New Orleans Pelicans
at No. 1, and Morant landed with the Memphis Grizzlies at No. 2.
Although the Pelicans looked to be getting a generational prospect in Williamson
on the night of the draft, they apparently had their sights set on something ev
en bigger. New Orleans reportedly wanted to find a way to get both Williamson an
d Morant.
“The Pelicans were intrigued by the possibility of pairing AAU teammates Willia
mson and Morant together in 2019, sources said,” wrote Christian Clark of NOLA.
com. “They had the Nos. 1 and 4 picks entering that draft. They offered the Gri
zzlies multiple packages that included the No. 4 pick. All of their offers were
“If the Grizzlies had accepted any of the Pelicans’ packages for the No. 2 pic
k, Williamson and Morant would be teammates. Instead, the Grizzlies wisely held
onto it.”
It certainly would have been a blockbuster move by the Pelicans. Had it happened
, both New Orleans and Memphis would likely be in very different positions today
Instead, it did not come to fruition.
While Williamson has shown superstar potential with the Pelicans when healthy, s
taying on the floor has been a huge struggle for him. The 21-year-old hasn’t ap
peared in a game this season.
戰。這位 21 歲的球員本賽季沒有出現在比賽中。
As for Morant, NBA fans have seen much more of him than Williamson since the 201
9 draft. The Murray State University product has been playing at an extremely hi
gh level this season and has the Grizzlies in contention in the Western Conferen
至於Ja,自2019年選秀以來,NBA 球迷對他的了解比對Zion來得多。Ja本賽季一直處於非常
To this point, most folks would say that Morant has panned out in a way that Wil
liamson hasn’t. Still, there’s time for that to change.
With any luck, NBA fans will get to see both stars in action for the entirety of
the 2022-23 season.
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推 earldunn: 可惜了,所以zion要去曼菲斯了?6F 02/16 18:26
推 turnpoint: 搞不好Zion跟鬍子、西門一樣,轉隊後傷馬上就好了8F 02/16 18:27
推 bbo9527: 當年想要ja的多著 我陽坦整年結果抽到#6 哭死9F 02/16 18:28
→ ilanese: 飲食管理很爛的狀元。10F 02/16 18:28
→ wakayama: 你拿到現在看也只剩下JA在單核,懷樂還在吃披薩12F 02/16 18:29
推 a0987761110: 那年共識就是前三順位等級跟第四以降就是差一個梯次啊17F 02/16 18:34
推 acura123: Zion比鬍子、西門聰明,躺著就能離隊幹嘛要喊吹密19F 02/16 18:35
推 Tommy92C: Zion不說我也快忘記他有打過球了20F 02/16 18:35
推 dakkk: 有組成應該猛
zion哪有比較聰明 大約還沒拿到耶
至少西門拿到大約21F 02/16 18:35
→ dakkk: zion這樣只會掉價25F 02/16 18:36
推 TheoEpstein: 半年後的休季期,Zion可以簽延長合約,我是很懷疑水鳥不會開頂約五年給他啦26F 02/16 18:37
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/16/2022 18:37:58
推 lrac: 禁區會太擠吧30F 02/16 18:39
推 leevarchu: 一位在MVP的道路上前進 另一個在體重的放縱下沉淪31F 02/16 18:39
推 dwiee: 那會浪費JA生涯 ZION吃到不能上場有屁用喔
水鳥會開頂薪給zion吧 小市場的悲哀32F 02/16 18:40
推 black2453: 太陽也小市場 就沒開頂薪給Ayton啊XD
應該說”還沒開” 但難得看到有打出來的狀元沒被提前續約34F 02/16 18:43
推 dwiee: 太陽有底氣阿 水鳥又沒有 太陽戰績這麼好37F 02/16 18:46
推 jeff8231: 都快忘記還有Zion這個人了38F 02/16 18:47
噓 DontPLZ: 當初酸膝蓋權威那些人哩 要幫家屬報失蹤人口嗎40F 02/16 18:49
→ dakkk: 有ad這前例 水鳥可能不會41F 02/16 18:49
推 XD051: 都忘記有Zion這個人了 沒紀律到一個不行43F 02/16 18:51
→ teruhyde12: Zion痛成這樣,再不能上場,大概就另一個Oden44F 02/16 18:51
→ xo1100: 自信點 把搞不好拿掉45F 02/16 18:51
推 www2967: 原來是胖虎啊 今年繼續養肥好了46F 02/16 18:51
推 once1024: 結果來看前三跟第四真的差一個等級48F 02/16 18:54
推 Leaflock: Zion在電視機前又多吃了一桶炸雞49F 02/16 18:56
推 dwiee: zion受的不是什麼大傷 一般8週回來 結果躺快一季
原本以為天賦異稟 胖沒關係 結果還是有差阿50F 02/16 18:56
噓 hua1027: 這是後來才說的吧...再怎樣也是組杜克三王55F 02/16 19:02
推 skylove21: Ja能跟Zion組一隊 真的是有夠可怕 籃框都爛了
不過真的Zion該先把身體養好 鵜鶘給她機會真的很多57F 02/16 19:04
推 bbo9527: 這兩個的膝蓋也都很危險吧 一個胖死 一個怕變rose2.059F 02/16 19:05
→ potterpig: 過去式還假設誰在乎啊 然後菜恩能出場再說吧61F 02/16 19:06
推 acura123: 外電寫到Zion不讓鵜鶘人員參與復健評估,這個很明顯是另一種形式的鬍子
Zion就像為了逃兵役增肥62F 02/16 19:07
推 icou: 先等zion可以穩定上場再說吧 笑死65F 02/16 19:14
推 safe: 第四順位是 De'Andre Hunter66F 02/16 19:16
推 j861010: 之前還要被酸膝蓋權威69F 02/16 19:17
推 black2453: 花環強歸強 跟Zion還有Ja還是有落差啦 但跟RJB比好像就不輸了XD70F 02/16 19:17
推 acura123: 鵜鶘GM完全不知道Zion情況,呵呵。73F 02/16 19:17
推 GHowPan: zion連開特力都顧不了74F 02/16 19:17
→ acura123: Zion現在就被動式逼鵜鶘交易他,再看尼克已經有杜克2王了。75F 02/16 19:19
推 bores: 別人是水貨狀元 這是吃貨狀元77F 02/16 19:20
→ acura123: 現在球星吹密方法越來越奇葩,一個交易可以同時治好西門鬍子傷病。
Zion應該是躺到鵜鶘交易。78F 02/16 19:20
噓 lowl99: 笑死,那時候水鳥為了要清所羅門爛約,才跟老鷹做交易81F 02/16 19:28
推 whhw: 笑死83F 02/16 19:33
推 matsuwu: zion換去太陽不知道救不救得回來86F 02/16 19:35
推 wwj3924: 「staying on the floor has been a huge strugglefor him.」87F 02/16 19:41
推 peter89000: 其實鵜鶘Griffin上任時有挖到太陽醫龍團隊的人89F 02/16 19:42
推 andy82116: 那年 花環現在能排第三吧?當初超多人嘴又選矮後衛91F 02/16 19:48
推 NLchu: 說Zion膝蓋痛肥死的我看你們根本不懂
只要交易去尼克這些問題馬上藥到病除,比甚麼都有效93F 02/16 20:00
推 chick1227: 我陽當年抽到#6真的吐血,意淫Ja超久,不過至少#6後來變成了 Saric 和Cam Johnson 重要性不多說了96F 02/16 20:06
推 MK47: Zion有沒有預定啥時會好啊?本來預計九月能上場現在二月都過一半了= =99F 02/16 20:13
推 mouz: Zion是?好像有聽過,但怎麼沒什麼印象?101F 02/16 20:14
推 mib999888: Zion+西門+KI感覺很有搞頭103F 02/16 20:16
推 phoenix286: 結果鵜鶘選的Hayes表現如何啊?看數據8分4板很不起眼105F 02/16 20:16
→ Duncan7406: Zion團隊應該是消極罷工策略 而且上季就見識到威力Oden有上場打的比賽其實內容很普107F 02/16 20:17
推 sxzc: 應該要向當初說Zion養壞的鄉民道歉109F 02/16 20:19
→ Duncan7406: 自律這種東西歐肥 包皮 鬍子都出現過 問題在他們想不想出來打 照理說傷好了就要出來亮相才對110F 02/16 20:20
推 ppo7741: ?當其他隊棒槌嗎113F 02/16 20:55