看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 鬍子:我覺得我是聯盟裡面最佳隊友之一
時間 Wed Mar  2 11:03:44 2022

來源: NBC Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/r8pvktzm
James Harden: 'I'm one of the best teammates that the NBA's seen'
James Harden clashed with Rockets teammates Dwight Howard and Chris Paul. Harden clashed with Nets teammates Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving. ...


James Harden: ‘I’m one of the best teammates that the NBA’s seen’
James Harden: 我是聯盟裡面最佳隊友之一

James Harden clashed with star teammates Dwight Howard and Chris Paul on the
Rockets. Harden turned off role-player teammates by using his leverage to set
the team’s schedule to accommodate his partying. On the court, he dominated
the ball, disengaged when without the ball on offense and played lazy
defense. To force a trade last season, Harden flaunted the NBA’s coronavirus
protocols to party and reported late to Houston. Once he arrived, he
quarreled with teammates during practice and publicly declared the Rockets to
be broken beyond repair – further disrespecting teammates who cared about
the season.
James Harden在火箭時期,與明星隊友Dwight Howard跟Chris Paul起過衝突。他用過他

Harden got traded to Brooklyn, where he clashed with star teammates Kevin
Durant and Kyrie Irving. To force another trade, Harden sulked and sapped
morale. He reportedly told Durant he was committed to the Nets… while
actually wanting to leave – and indicating his true feelings through his
actions. Harden reportedly arrived late to multiple games (while sidelined by
a hamstring injury).

After another trade, to the 76ers, Harden has earned a reputation as a bad

Harden, via Brian Hill of the Associated Press:

“That’s for the media. The media say that. I feel like I’m one of the best
teammates that the NBA’s seen, on the court and off the court.”

“Just because the current situation happened, whatever happened, happened,”
Harden said. “It doesn’t mean that I’m a bad teammate. Me, personally, I
feel like I needed to do what’s best for my career, and help myself and be
happy. It doesn’t harp on whether I’m a bad teammate or not.”



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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1646190227.A.068.html
ginopun10477: 籃網 大中計1F 03/02 11:04
Llind31100: 語畢2F 03/02 11:05
yyyyy: NBC好臭3F 03/02 11:06
ooxxman: 自我感覺4F 03/02 11:06
RadioMan: KI: 我覺得我才是最佳對友5F 03/02 11:07
downtoearth: 這一代的球員 常聽到這種說法:讓我自己舒服6F 03/02 11:07
iwgpg1ghc: 普丁不獨裁7F 03/02 11:07
jsliao9786: 籃網: 火箭:8F 03/02 11:07
peter89000: 你在哪裡不氣氛,算了吧9F 03/02 11:07
kevin0733: 只有舒適贏球的時候才是10F 03/02 11:08
chh1470: 真假11F 03/02 11:08
gowaa: 最佳隊友是在他心情好的時候 絕對好用12F 03/02 11:08
toin1537: 目前抱腿的很舒服!13F 03/02 11:08
yodilouis: 籃網火箭:他在供啥小?14F 03/02 11:08
MarcPolo: 說個笑話15F 03/02 11:09
Vince4117: 贏球氣氛都好 輸球再看看
還沒壓力測試呢16F 03/02 11:09
gn0028526: 有巨頭的話 真的是18F 03/02 11:10
a11011788: 笑死 最背骨隊友吧19F 03/02 11:10
lakb24: 應該只有七六公鹿熱火你才會想好好打球吧20F 03/02 11:11
ken720331: 夜店最佳隊友21F 03/02 11:11
MK47: 跟西門比的話的確蠻讚的啦22F 03/02 11:11
xjapan329: 自己舒服自己XD23F 03/02 11:11
iuh123776: 哭狸:只有阿銀跟三哨是好隊友24F 03/02 11:11
Chanlin01: 等開始輸又要擺爛囉25F 03/02 11:12
justiiinchen: 好奇鬍子之後公關這塊有沒有人會來幫忙26F 03/02 11:12
ben22294: 海珊總統不打仗 戈巴契夫頭髮最長27F 03/02 11:13
krodang: 真假28F 03/02 11:13
Ommmmmmmmmm: 笑死 山羌也覺得他是GOAT啊 何不問問籃網球員?29F 03/02 11:14
liefuchen: 有個最差隊友KI 最棒隊友也是扛不住30F 03/02 11:14
ARCHER2234: 你不是,謝謝
倒過來算是第一集團的等級31F 03/02 11:14
joe2: 中伏了籃網!  換了一個背疼的師哥33F 03/02 11:15
tzu0217: 擺爛仔34F 03/02 11:16
TreceVipers: ?35F 03/02 11:16
canlest: 火箭求勝的隊友?36F 03/02 11:16
lalaBar: 問問CP3和DH就知道你是不是好隊友37F 03/02 11:17
andy055097: 吹密兩次的最佳隊友38F 03/02 11:17
aniji: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈39F 03/02 11:17
huesis: 最佳夜店咖,沒有之一40F 03/02 11:18
kediflower: 鬍子到籃網一開始也算是盡心盡力喇41F 03/02 11:19
totenkopf001: 臉皮厚度最佳嗎42F 03/02 11:20
ghostl40809: XD43F 03/02 11:20
kay00503: 帶去club44F 03/02 11:21
RandyPerseus: 氣質杜:三弟~你.........45F 03/02 11:22
Ligamenta: 帶隊友去夜店當然最佳46F 03/02 11:22
schumi7401: 備註 心情好的時候47F 03/02 11:23
Flitz: 包含這季在籃網嗎?48F 03/02 11:23
sunti0519: 有個頂薪打工仔在那邊搞 相對來說鬍子算敬業了啦49F 03/02 11:24
mmchen: 消極打球的態度很姆斯50F 03/02 11:24
jason00608: 自己舒服自己是哪招zzzzz51F 03/02 11:24
sunti0519:  但是最佳隊友真的就還好52F 03/02 11:24
Ommmmmmmmmm: 場上擺爛到隊友出來暗示搞爛氣氛=敬業XDD53F 03/02 11:25
AStigma: 呃……..這是哪裡來的自信?54F 03/02 11:25
pttyu: 剛轉隊都很好啊 今年沒奪冠再看看55F 03/02 11:27
kevin0733: 到底是怎樣跟KD不合  上次說的因為戰術做給KD嗎56F 03/02 11:28
kkkk0923: 哈登在火箭後期真的是各種爛,前期還算不氣氛57F 03/02 11:29
a3221715: 但不是籃網的我58F 03/02 11:30
joe521003: 籃網根本被莫雷擺了一道,當初七六不想犧牲太多直接跟火箭換,轉了一手籃網,真是一步好棋59F 03/02 11:30
kaiyoung: 擺爛選隊友??61F 03/02 11:34
dvnorlag: 跟吸門比 我也是最佳隊友62F 03/02 11:34
kkjjkkjj: 大概跟西門一樣好63F 03/02 11:34
GioGiorvanna: 海珊總統最不愛打仗 戈巴契夫頭髮最長64F 03/02 11:35
boy80421: 語畢 籃網全隊/火箭制服組哄堂大笑65F 03/02 11:35
kkjjkkjj: 去籃網一開始?要不要算一下他在籃網總共待了幾天66F 03/02 11:35
x73831: CP3表示68F 03/02 11:35
HsiangFly: 笑死 只要有贏球連我阿嬤都能當最佳教練69F 03/02 11:36
lala31446: 拿錯了 是謊言豆沙包70F 03/02 11:37
WIGGINS22: 反正我是信了啦^.^71F 03/02 11:38
ptt821105: 確實72F 03/02 11:39
hwtab: 很明顯,他不是73F 03/02 11:40
klayjohnson: 確實74F 03/02 11:41
Lhmstu: KD:小貓而已75F 03/02 11:41
o0991758566: 不管怎樣  這種事要自己吹根本笑話76F 03/02 11:41
hwtab: 不太懂怎麼會有人覺得籃網是被莫雷擺了一道77F 03/02 11:41
callme76: 問題是哈登也覺得保羅爛,互相怪罪哈哈78F 03/02 11:42
o0991758566: 像龜那種跟他當過隊友的出來說都服他的才有用79F 03/02 11:42
shawn0629: 也是最佳演員XD80F 03/02 11:43
Darvish5566: KD:81F 03/02 11:43
sony0223098: 這種話還是請別人說吧 自己說沒可信度82F 03/02 11:45
a8856554: 算了吧83F 03/02 11:46
Alipapa: 好了啦 其實沒啥好解釋的 現在你就跟西門各自努力看誰過得比舊情人更幸福就好了XD84F 03/02 11:48
eipduolc: 應該是比KI好86F 03/02 11:48
NuRaymond: 年度笑話87F 03/02 11:50
dynamo: 夜店的最佳隊友88F 03/02 11:51
XXXaBg: 最佳隊友不會連兩季吹蜜89F 03/02 11:51
lickllll: KD:你是最好的話,你會只換到西門?!?!?!!?90F 03/02 11:51
Rocksolid: 說笑話? 的確挺好笑的91F 03/02 11:52
sunnyyoung: 相對論 相對於KI而言92F 03/02 11:53
hcl00: 僅限贏球的時候93F 03/02 11:54
chccang: 爛鬍一個94F 03/02 11:55
rlhl7799: 書豪 dh cp3 龜 kd:95F 03/02 11:56
tim200513: 來籃網的時候不是還說恐怖籃網嗎XDD等開始輸或是季後賽止步的時候再來說啦擺爛仔~96F 03/02 11:59
ODFans: 贏了說自己是最佳隊友 輸了擺爛崔密98F 03/02 12:03
ks96021019: 隊友多強我就多好,隊友小貓我就擺爛99F 03/02 12:03
greedfat: 最強老二100F 03/02 12:04
cancer0708: 不不不 你是西門那一邊的101F 03/02 12:06
Puye: 但過去跟大咖合作的經歷  真的很難說是好隊友102F 03/02 12:07
blackman5566: 最佳隊友,但是前巨頭隊友們都跟鬍子不合,得證是they的錯103F 03/02 12:11
a9527a: 而那位某K是最差隊友之一(咦?105F 03/02 12:15
peterw: 西門:我懂你兄弟106F 03/02 12:16
yoyonigo: 語畢 哄堂大笑107F 03/02 12:21
webberfun: 別讓自己丟臉啊108F 03/02 12:23
shan70: 知道了,最爛隊友109F 03/02 12:26
chasher: 在籃網被有冠的惡搞搞回去也沒不對吧110F 03/02 12:27
longreen: ...111F 03/02 12:28
heyguys: 夜店都是我買單 當然好隊友112F 03/02 12:28
Zoro80298: 語畢 哄堂大笑113F 03/02 12:28
IBIZA: 書豪 龜 都跟她沒問題吧  KD也沒明白講甚麼114F 03/02 12:30
