看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] Ingram:開局讓LBJ得到他想要的一切,但
時間 Tue Mar 29 00:01:05 2022


Ingram, who led the Pelicans with 26 points, was understandably ecstatic about t
he victory over his former team.


Via Andrew Lopez of ESPN:

“It shows that we believe in each other,” Ingram said. “We were down and faci
ng adversity in that moment when LeBron was getting everything he wanted. Everyb
ody stayed poised. We executed. Guys made some big-time plays down the stretch o
n the defensive end.”


The Pelicans needed a big game from Ingram to counter the enormous effort of LeB
ron James, who ended up with a game-high 39 points. Ingram poured in 20 of his t
otal points in the contest in the second half and also got plenty of support fro
m Jonas Valanciunas (19 points) and CJ McCollum (18 points).

的比賽中貢獻了20分,並且還得到了大V(19分)和CJ(18 分)的火力支援。

With the victory, the Pelicans managed to leapfrog the Lakers for the ninth spot
 in the West, as they improved their record to 32-43 — half a game ahead of the
 Lakers (31-43).


Up next for New Orleans is the start of a four-game road trip in Portland this c
oming Wednesday.


Pelicans news: Brandon Ingram reacts to New Orleans' 23-point comeback
The New Orleans Pelicans are no Will Smith but they just slapped the Los Angeles Lakers Sunday night with a loss. Down by as many as... ...


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chenliu0716: 帥啊大IG英奎哥1F 03/29 00:02
dwiee: 關鍵就半場冰dg 換tm3上來 湖人找不到對手提款了2F 03/29 00:03
mrif: 你錯囉 最終都有39分 他皇依舊是最後贏家 計畫通3F 03/29 00:04
truejoker: 4/2再虐一次B2B的湖人4F 03/29 00:04
RicFlair: 讓他刷到他想刷的5F 03/29 00:05
ste14563: 先讓他得分6F 03/29 00:05
WIGGINS22: 英滾 傳承中距離的藝術7F 03/29 00:07
shfunhuang: 讓他刷8F 03/29 00:07
CrazyStone: 給他刷分,我們慢慢追 兩個字大中計9F 03/29 00:09
lsgsl: 他刷由他刷,清風拂山崗~~10F 03/29 00:10
wewaJamesla: IG和姆斯雙贏,湖人或是最大輸家11F 03/29 00:10
kraftman: 笑死12F 03/29 00:11
jack0216: 讓他刷分反正刷不了整場 刷久了隊友手感冰冷就去了13F 03/29 00:12
st890284: 讓他刷14F 03/29 00:12
Antares: lbj目前要刷的是季賽數據,這場有刷到15F 03/29 00:12
SkTSMaR1n: 小KD!16F 03/29 00:13
NOKIA8888: 讓他刷17F 03/29 00:13
MK47: 反正他不防守 不用太緊張18F 03/29 00:15
liimp: 究竟LBJ過不過的了小將隊?19F 03/29 00:15
Lycoris1290: 姆斯:我用防守跟你們換得分    鵜湖:!!?20F 03/29 00:20
nbcb: ig真的成長了21F 03/29 00:21
once1024: IG真聰明22F 03/29 00:22
saTUnotSATO: Le欲擒故縱23F 03/29 00:23
Aggro: XDDDDDD讓他得到想要的一切24F 03/29 00:24
paul51134: 讓姆斯刷好處是龜龜沒辦法熱機,龜龜都是弄丟幾球25F 03/29 00:24
gunlinuu: 先讓他刷一會兒26F 03/29 00:24
paul51134: 開始準27F 03/29 00:24
gto731216: 今天打的很沉穩28F 03/29 00:25
kaga1991: 話中有話 厲害29F 03/29 00:25
s29961091: 笑死30F 03/29 00:26
lavarslaker: 是不是看過讓子彈飛?31F 03/29 00:26
donkilu: 讓姆斯刷一會兒32F 03/29 00:29
Aggro: 球員都知道喇叭要什麼了33F 03/29 00:31
a516013: 先讓他刷一下34F 03/29 00:31
Miracleyan: IG:你要你的數據,我要我的勝利35F 03/29 00:31
Tommy92C: 先給他得分,後面我們再逆轉36F 03/29 00:31
kimdaphone: 看看得分排行榜,誰才是真正計畫通還不知道呢~37F 03/29 00:31
rbull: 全世界都知道他想刷38F 03/29 00:32
ste14563: 讓他得到想要的一切39F 03/29 00:33
Miracleyan: 他刷任他刷,暑假包回家40F 03/29 00:34
jyekid: 全世界都知道他要刷分41F 03/29 00:34
danson555: 我大BI真的長大了 現在也有自己的一票小弟了XD42F 03/29 00:37
simon5030: 果然每隊都很清楚,腿詹本季就是前面刷完後面就沒力就沒體力 還一直霸球43F 03/29 00:37
EEzionT: 偷臭喔淫棍   翻譯:讓他刷45F 03/29 00:39
Qorqios: 以後開局先給30分就對了46F 03/29 00:39
EEzionT: 姆斯拿球刷時讓隊友手感冰冷 最後自己沒力進攻加上本來就沒在防守計畫通47F 03/29 00:41
pilk: 讚喔 殺人誅心49F 03/29 00:41
kraftman: 話中有話50F 03/29 00:44
Leaflock: 讓他刷51F 03/29 00:51
aph860212: 讓他刷到其他隊友不會打球52F 03/29 00:52
corlos: 全世界都知道母獅在刷53F 03/29 00:54
candbilly153: 殺人誅心54F 03/29 00:55
kojo1234: 我聽懂了55F 03/29 00:58
qoqocat: 要是兩年前BI準備進桶
刷分的藝術56F 03/29 00:58
NOKIA8888: IG真聰明58F 03/29 01:08
jingle870524: 最佳男主角和配角們59F 03/29 01:13
Blazeleo819: 不愧是跟姆斯共事過的AD碎片,這麼了解姆斯60F 03/29 01:21
xm3k0828: 小老弟造反了?61F 03/29 01:22
uam: 得分讓他刷,勝利是我們球隊的62F 03/29 01:28
