看板 NBA作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)標題 [花邊] 可愛開始練球 Lue:我沒有看到他時間 Thu Apr 7 05:24:21 2022

Tomer Azarly
. @MirjamSwanson on Kawhi Leonard shooting: “There was a guy out there shooting on the court. I don't imagine you have much to say about him?"
Ty Lue: "I didn't see him."
@MirjamSwanson on Kawhi Leonard shooting: “There was a guy out there
shooting on the court. I don't imagine you have much to say about him?"
Ty Lue: "I didn't see him."
記者:『今天有個人(可愛)在那練投籃 我想你應該沒有什麼要透露的吧?』
盧總:『我沒看到他』 (偷笑)

Tomer Azarly
Kawhi Leonard did a combination of free throws, elbow jumpers, and then around the arc three-pointers.
As Andrew noted, a lot of focus on alternating jabs into jumpshot.
https://twitter.com/andrewgreif/status/1511414652139311106 …
The most consistent thing Kawhi Leonard has worked on so far is planting on his left leg and jab stepping to the right. He’s also mixed in some jabs to his left. His surgery 9 months ago was to the right knee.
Kawhi Leonard did a combination of free throws, elbow jumpers, and then
around the arc three-pointers.
As Andrew noted, a lot of focus on alternating jabs into jumpshot.
Unfortunately, we were told not to record Kawhi shooting despite multiple
記者被告知 禁止拍攝可愛練球影片

Tomer Azarly
Kawhi Leonard is out here before practice shooting around before Clippers practice.
Kawhi Leonard made about 20 straight free throws when he first came out. Now
he’s shooting some elbow jumpers, showing off some jab-step pull-ups.
可愛一開始就連續命中20顆罰球, 現在正練習一些試探步跳投
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YJWKD2u (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1649280269.A.0B8.html
→ EZ78: And His name is…JOHN CENA2F 04/07 05:33
→ boardsee: 雜魚有季後賽 75大球星組隊沒季後賽可打!!7F 04/07 06:17
推 huntai: 會跟Zion 一起成為資格賽的兩大驚喜嗎?9F 04/07 06:41
→ KENGI: 哇操~我沒看到11F 04/07 06:44
推 turnpoint: 其實一個月前就有影片照到可愛在練投了,用關鍵字可愛搜尋本版文章就知道,所以搞不好真的會變季後賽的秘密武器14F 04/07 06:47
推 AtDe: 現在買快艇來的及嗎17F 04/07 07:09
→ Chanlin01: 75抓太陽:笑死 全員艇抓太陽:幹
75湖18F 04/07 07:11
→ ghost069: 這個老8真的很強 抓太陽囉23F 04/07 07:32
推 e83312g: 快艇也是有可能第七的 怎麼大家都覺得要打太陽27F 04/07 07:36
推 bypetty: 擺真五小 pg KL mann 炮 國民黨 就問你怕不怕28F 04/07 07:37
→ ChildX: 奇蹟 不過一定下季了31F 04/07 07:42
推 huntai: 不只定點投籃,已經可以做jab step表示膝蓋已康復32F 04/07 07:45
→ Wall62: You can't see me33F 04/07 07:46
推 SlamKai: 一康復就要打高強度的季後賽 不好吧34F 04/07 07:46
推 satousei: 快艇隊形很剋太陽啊,CP3哭了35F 04/07 07:46
推 elvita: 太陽艾寶發揮不出來 打快艇勇士都滿吃力的36F 04/07 07:50
推 mikol: 這隊真的少兩個主將還能進季後賽38F 04/07 07:51
→ crasser: 7th那組好像是快艇會比較喜歡打的對手...40F 04/07 07:55
→ huntai: 查了一下,作者好像曾2015落選選秀,有專業球員背景42F 04/07 07:56
推 aa52189: 可愛回來季後賽就精彩了43F 04/07 08:01
推 LENMAN: 太陽今年真的是躺著冠軍46F 04/07 08:15
推 coox: 可愛能打 那西區突然出現一隻超級強隊耶48F 04/07 08:17
→ IBIZA: 快艇排名不會變了,不過七八名條件一樣55F 04/07 08:32
→ EQUP: 又休息到季後賽準備收割嗎56F 04/07 08:35
推 tassadar1: 記者:有個人在那投籃 Lue:假的,你眼睛業障重61F 04/07 08:42
推 gydiaw: 學長無聊來投投籃而已 瞧你們嚇的63F 04/07 08:50
推 Evonn: 西艇東網,高順位的兩大地雷,不要不信 XDD68F 04/07 09:15
→ Aggro: 西艇東網根本水鬼70F 04/07 09:24
推 brianhxy: 西艇東網真的都很可怕,但東網目前有點抖就是了71F 04/07 09:28
→ op520: 藏?73F 04/07 09:36
推 LivveTi: Lue:你看錯了啦 那是方蓋 不是可愛75F 04/07 09:39
推 GHowPan: 快艇沒KL沒PG能進真的猛78F 04/07 10:28
推 SEVEnMonth: 東區低順位有籃網,西區有快艇,現在高順位好難當啊81F 04/07 11:14
推 armsooo: 只要有機會還是會上去抓太陽吧
不然太陽側翼這麼爛 不抓也太可惜83F 04/07 11:20
→ xo1100: 太陽&灰熊:88F 04/07 12:07
推 firxd: 那是方蓋89F 04/07 12:28