看板 NBA
作者 Gotham (萬惡之城)
標題 [情報] Monty Williams連兩年拿到教練協會COY
時間 Wed Apr 13 06:56:39 2022

ESPN Sources: The Phoenix Suns’ Monty Williams - architect of the NBA’s
best regular-season team - has been voted the National Basketball Coaches
Association’s Coach of the Year for a second consecutive time:

The award, named in honor of the late NBCA Executive Director Michael H.
Goldberg, is based on a vote of the league’s 30 head coaches. The league
will announce the NBA’s coach of the year winner later in the playoffs – an
award based upon media voting.

Adrian Wojnarowski
ESPN Sources: The Phoenix Suns’ Monty Williams - architect of the NBA’s best regular-season team - has been voted the National Basketball Coaches Association’s Coach of the Year for a second consecutive time:http://es.pn/3O5CdvI 

Woj推特-太陽隊 Monty Williams連續兩年當選教練協會的年度最佳教練

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YLWEgg0 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1649804202.A.A80.html
HongLiers: 不只會帶隊還會帶人1F 04/13 06:59
kaimar: Monty真的是好教練,值得獲獎~2F 04/13 07:05
lsps9151014: 今年就差總冠就圓滿了3F 04/13 07:25
WardellSteph: 可惜永遠拿不到4F 04/13 07:35
sedicause: 嗯嗯 希望拿得到5F 04/13 07:41
articlebear: 盡人事聽天命6F 04/13 07:44
SULAjardin: 灰熊大眾臉軍團的大眾臉教練可惜了7F 04/13 07:46
md3q6e: 有料8F 04/13 07:57
doooooooooog: 恭喜9F 04/13 08:03
iki912857: 帶隊又帶心 推MW10F 04/13 08:04
Proteiner: 去你湖準備拿第三年11F 04/13 08:10
One102bird: 灰熊教練真可惜12F 04/13 08:11
Nistelrooy: 請問Monty要拿幾冠或幾勝才有機會挑戰nba史上最偉大教練?13F 04/13 08:32
RX11: monty離那些還太遠了15F 04/13 08:38
iki912857: 但他還年輕 要挑戰那些都很有機會16F 04/13 08:40
mea7211: 最偉大應該是沒他的份 但拿到冠應該能晉升偉大行列17F 04/13 08:41
Scinfaxi: 灰熊教練也才37歲 未來應該很可能拿18F 04/13 08:47
app20165: 實至名歸  NBA裡面最喜歡的教練~19F 04/13 09:05
s90188: 不過這不算nba官方的獎項就是了20F 04/13 09:17
dragon2000: 有料21F 04/13 09:37
moods: 跟球員打成一片 還讓新人老人融入在一起 實至名歸22F 04/13 09:37
mib999888: 帶人帶心又有料 香
去年雖然被淘汰但還去公鹿更衣室致敬 風度滿分24F 04/13 09:39
kaimar: 這個不是是NBA最佳教練獎項,是教練協會設立的獎項但得獎表示獲得其他教練的認可26F 04/13 09:41
blairchief: 恭喜 實至名歸28F 04/13 09:51
SULAjardin: 還好,灰熊那個叫不出名字的教練還有機會。29F 04/13 10:01
liimp: 他是球員出身對吧?覺得他像卡特教頭的小蟲30F 04/13 10:28
XBUCKXMR: 去公鹿更衣室是字母邀請他的= =31F 04/13 11:30
ksk0516: 太陽穩了吧32F 04/13 11:34
brian6212: THE 有料,下一新聞:THE 不沾歡迎入主湖人教頭33F 04/13 12:42
islandant: Monty值得 帶心好教練 雖然cp3大概也幫了不少忙34F 04/13 12:53
sfh20230: 有料35F 04/13 14:03
whhw: 穩了36F 04/13 14:43
