看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [花邊] DH:AD是我兄弟,我們之間沒問題時間 Sat Oct 23 13:35:25 2021
Dwight Howard on the argument with AD on the bench in the 2nd Q, which he said c
ame from a disagreement on the court: “We already squashed it. That's my brothe
r. We're good.”
Added: “We all understand that we have to stay humble and stay positive.”
Mike Trudell
Dwight Howard on the argument with AD on the bench in the 2nd Q, which he said came from a disagreement on the court: “We already squashed it. That's my brother. We're good.”
Added: “We all understand that we have to stay humble and stay positive.”
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→ ben780413: AD喔,一句話 大哥小弟嘛 一定挺你1F 10/23 13:36
→ max52001: 有社會瓜在 誰敢造次 已經和好惹6F 10/23 13:36
→ bangch: 再輸三場才知道有沒有問題11F 10/23 13:36
→ ben780413: AD大哥 兄弟一句話 你跟我很合 大哥小弟麻20F 10/23 13:37
推 ethanchang: DH跟AD吵完就沒上場過,湖人要不要把DH送給我牛,拜託21F 10/23 13:37
推 Krishna: 我們是兄弟,我老大、他小弟26F 10/23 13:38
推 Aggro: 他之前和老科也說沒問題 還一起拍照(略27F 10/23 13:38
推 lwswjs: 贏球治百病28F 10/23 13:38
→ ben780413: AD不用講了 苦民所苦啊 會做事 會改麻31F 10/23 13:38
推 a129634: 看起來就場面話 私下…38F 10/23 13:40
→ ben780413: DH:AD這事情我看不懂 不合要打架麻 你們是有看到
我們打架的畫面?39F 10/23 13:40
推 pttxx: DH: 沒事 我扛41F 10/23 13:41
→ tinhanho: 兄弟打個架而已 不用太擔心44F 10/23 13:41
推 WIGGINS22: 兄弟一二三四五!!!兄弟個十百千萬!!!47F 10/23 13:42
→ ben780413: DH:受不了你們這些底層記者想帶風向 給你雙幹給狗幹48F 10/23 13:42
推 rbull: 超公關的場面話49F 10/23 13:43
→ lickllll: 軟豆:觀眾是我麻吉,你們信嗎53F 10/23 13:44
推 tomoti: 怎麼看都AD在鬧啊,DH很明白自己的角色了,AD還動手XD57F 10/23 13:45
推 masao0103: AD自己打爛還想虧隊友,那比數狀況難怪魔獸當下不爽,魔獸沒把AD揍扁算給面子了58F 10/23 13:45
推 HellFly: 有沒有問題是看接下來有沒有再輸60F 10/23 13:45
推 MK47: 這是啥館長發言61F 10/23 13:45
推 King5566: 來 姆斯 把那隻龜龜牽出來給大家看66F 10/23 13:48
推 coiico: AD:湖人只收菁英 沒75的不能坐下67F 10/23 13:48
→ hunt5566: b17171717轟轟轟!!68F 10/23 13:48
→ x147159357: 現在球星怎一個比一個軟蛋,AD落後被拉開了還有心情開玩笑;自己打那個鳥樣,未來怎扛下湖人招牌?70F 10/23 13:49
→ rony98: 魔獸脾氣算好了 以前駭獸被對手當沙包打也很少發火74F 10/23 13:49
推 eno03: 再連敗幾場就不是兄弟了81F 10/23 13:53