看板 NBA
作者 azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)
標題 Re: [花邊] Marcus Smart:Jayson和Jaylen不想傳球
時間 Tue Nov  2 14:13:32 2021

Keith Smith
Smart also said "There's only so much I can do when the ball isn't in my hands and I'm standing in the corner."

He's not looking to be a scorer, BTW. He wants to run the offense to get other guys shots vs Boston devolving into the same ISO actions that teams know are coming.


Smart also said "There's only so much I can do when the ball isn't in my hands and I'm standing in the corner."

He's not looking to be a scorer, BTW. He wants to run the offense to get other guys shots vs Boston devolving into the same ISO actions that teams know are coming.





He said he wants the ball to make plays and get shots for other guys and to make the game easier for Brown and Tatum.


Keith Smith
Marcus Smart quietly said he wants to be more involved in the offense. Then he added that Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum need to move the ball move, so that they aren't taking such difficult shots.

On a follow-up Smart said "I'm a great passer. I know I can get guys good shots."

Marcus Smart quietly said he wants to be more involved in the offense. Then he added that Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum need to move the ball move, so that they aren't taking such difficult shots.

On a follow-up Smart said "I'm a great passer. I know I can get guys good shots."





這傢伙前幾場1-7 3-12 之後突然準一場就開始教訓人






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※ 同主題文章:
Re: [花邊] Marcus Smart:Jayson和Jaylen不想傳球
11-02 14:13 azlbf.
drcula: 氣氛起來1F 11/02 14:15
hayabusa2004: 一直單打  把球給我 我可以傳球2F 11/02 14:15
crownschou: 還真的…很多場只中一球3F 11/02 14:17
a3221715: 這三隻 一定要丟一隻
雙J只留一個最好 都很獨4F 11/02 14:26
Ethan45: 全部都丟掉 看了就煩 以前曾進東冠就拿翹了6F 11/02 14:30
aa01081008tw: 賽隊已經丟過一輪了吧..聰明也丟掉..感覺還是一樣拉7F 11/02 14:33
LBJ23: Celtics不是累積了一推籤嗎  現在養的怎麼樣了?8F 11/02 14:44
sezna: 大家都要球 球只有一個9F 11/02 14:46
ltmps: 德軟:我還沒說話,怎麼先氣氛起來了?10F 11/02 14:48
baseball5860: 進東冠被老詹斬下馬11F 11/02 14:49
Zeka6721: JB很多出手都是轉換快攻
會不會丟一堆 最後跟灰狼一樣發
現手上的牌才是真正該丟的12F 11/02 15:00
HHH0214: smart就無意成為得分手但想成為小鐵匠這樣~15F 11/02 15:02
Kazmier: 他這傢伙就這尿性啊16F 11/02 15:05
turnpoint: 結果德軟變成隊上最不搞氣氛的17F 11/02 15:11
magamanzero: 我都忘記得軟了XD18F 11/02 15:14
AtDe: 德軟簽中産有啥好氣氛的,刷刷數據看下一季有沒有好報價就好19F 11/02 15:23
hanslins: 現在隔壁世界大戰,德軟插進來太菜太小了21F 11/02 15:24
PeterHenson: JB還好啦 主要是JT真的獨22F 11/02 15:25
nuturewind: 綠賽如果想放水流明年有機會抽白KD或是Jaden,說不定就可以放生雙探花重練了23F 11/02 15:38
hydeless: 其實你觀察聰明的發言久了就會發現他也是個雙標仔25F 11/02 15:43
camelot0603: 聰明:對方一直在假摔26F 11/02 15:50
ktkowhypop: 德軟說不定在想...靠北,這隊現在這樣,我還能拿好數據爭取大約嗎27F 11/02 15:50
camelot0603: 這句超有印象29F 11/02 15:50
kuloda: 在青賽不好用,但是雙J要交易出去,是很有交易價值趁早拆一拆,拿去交易其它的好球員,青賽還是有機會30F 11/02 15:53
AtDe: 雙J換出去 換籤而已吧,戰力能換到誰?32F 11/02 15:55
kuloda: 雙J戰力不差吧,JT單換西門,76人有機會同意吧
西門 聰明跟活佛負責策動跟防守,杰倫來終結,還行33F 11/02 15:55
Artist: 就你們這三個加之前的KI把帥哥教練搞到不想帶了35F 11/02 16:07
skylove21: 雙J只能換籤 我也是笑
聯盟現在高強度的側翼可不多見 這兩個算很好了
用籤就能換 就不會有一堆球隊缺側翼戰力了36F 11/02 16:42
iamchyun: 母斯也無意成為得分手39F 11/02 16:46
flicker36: ki氣氛 好歹有實力 這個氣氛只會被酸沒本事40F 11/02 16:56
plan1: 聰明選秀前是能防守的控衛,選秀完變成只能守的後衛,真慘!41F 11/02 17:19
dreamaker1: 不是不給JB球是他沒到那個能力
Tatum遇到的防守等級跟JB差很多43F 11/02 17:21
wayne291291: 好了啦 杰倫黑45F 11/02 17:25
jojo5: 少年得志就是大家都自我膨脹46F 11/02 17:32
skylove21: 聰明本來就不是以主控為主的後衛 偏向二傳手類的
組織上真的就比較不行 但之前搭KI跟IT都還OK
防守很穩健啦 可以守多位置的後衛算稀有品
只是進攻就不大穩y47F 11/02 17:34
SCLPAL: XDDDD51F 11/02 17:56
cmid05: yahoo選到他超慘52F 11/02 18:07
