看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] Shams:有些球員覺得這賽季NBA的身體對
時間 Sat Dec  4 23:59:43 2021


Fouls are getting called less frequently than in years past, and players are not


NBA insider Shams Charania recently offered some insight into the matter. He exp
lained that some teams and players feel that more physicality is being allowed t
his season.

Shams Charania最近對此事提供了一些見解。他解釋說,有些球隊和球員認為本賽季允許進

“I don’t think it’s quite ’90s basketball yet, but I have heard some teams a
nd some players refer to what’s going on right now as far as a little bit more
physicality,” Charania said. “You’re able to have a little bit more physical
play, especially when it comes to non-basketball moves. If you’re making a move
 but you’re clearly trying to force contact as an offensive player, you are not
 going to be given the same liberties.”


This isn’t by accident. The NBA put rule changes in place aimed at decreasing f
oul calls, and the initiative seems to be working.

這並非偶然。NBA 對規則進行了修改,旨在減少犯規,而這一舉措似乎正在奏效。

Many superstars around the league have had a difficult time adjusting to the new
 rules. In past seasons, many of the NBA’s biggest names relied on foul calls f
or scoring. A good number of those players have struggled this season.

聯盟中的許多超級球星都很難適應新規則。 在過去的幾個賽季中,NBA的許多大牌球員都依
靠犯規得分。 很多這樣的球員本賽季都打得很掙扎。

Some folks feel that basketball is more fun to watch when there are fewer whistl
es. It’ll certainly be interesting to monitor whether or not the new foul rules
 get tweaked in any way going forward. So far, it seems like most fans are happy
 with the change.


Report: NBA players believe league’s play is getting a lot more physical than in years past - Ahn Fire Digital
The 2021-22 NBA season has been full of interesting developments so far. One of those developments is centered around the way games are being officiat ...


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xgv1nG- (NBA)
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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2021 00:00:28
camelot0603: 很好阿1F 12/05 00:01
skybin: 畫圓跟移動迷宮什麼時候要改?2F 12/05 00:01
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 12/05/2021 00:02:04
Tommy92C: 假摔跟走步什麼時候要改?3F 12/05 00:02
harry881210: 靠犯規拿一堆分 然後沒進幾球真的難看4F 12/05 00:02
ste14563: 不錯啊5F 12/05 00:02
st890284: Stewart有感6F 12/05 00:02
harry881210: 走步也的確滿嚴重的 但這改下去大概兩邊整場在換球7F 12/05 00:03
kraftman: 比較好看9F 12/05 00:04
avtime: 比賽真的變比較好看10F 12/05 00:04
EZ78: 走步基本上從很久以前沒得利的小碎步就不太吹了
不然比賽節奏會很零碎11F 12/05 00:05
sowenvoy: 姆斯小碎步一大堆,裁判都沒在抓的。13F 12/05 00:06
NOKIA8888: 很好啊14F 12/05 00:06
camelot0603: 但有些哨音依舊是莫名其妙15F 12/05 00:06
alonelykid: 哈登:484有人在臭啊16F 12/05 00:09
Azabulu: 不好討飯吃了17F 12/05 00:11
EEzionT: 比前三年都好看18F 12/05 00:12
taikonkimo: 不知道是不是錯覺 這陣子哨子又多了
看得幾場 還是被哨子吹到支離破碎19F 12/05 00:17
sunnyyoung: 貴今迷不覺得 他們覺得跑動才算累21F 12/05 00:17
camelot0603: 開季前面比較有感,沒響哨的流暢度有夠蘇胡22F 12/05 00:18
acura123: 哈登可能拿不到下張頂薪23F 12/05 00:22
simon5030: 該不會是腿詹在抱怨吧 難怪本季命中率降那麼多24F 12/05 00:23
skybin: 最近哨音的確有回來的趨勢25F 12/05 00:27
thiefkisi: deal with it26F 12/05 00:28
EQUP: 哨音別再回來了好嗎,畫圓能不能完全封鎖掉R==27F 12/05 00:32
Erishcross: 從開季一陣子炒新聞出來後哨子聲就變多了啦 沒看一堆人開始吃飽了嗎28F 12/05 00:38
schzel: 最近哨音有感變多,三分鐘熱度?30F 12/05 00:38
tailsean: 莫名其妙的吹哨也一大堆31F 12/05 00:39
potterpig: 最近哨音明顯又開始多了好嗎 搞笑32F 12/05 00:40
camelot0603: 鉛筆沒哨的命中率快跌破四成了
沒哨的話33F 12/05 00:42
roger2623900: 哨音回來一點是裁判和球員適應新規則後修正吧?35F 12/05 00:44
vans24: 第一位陣亡MVP:乞丐36F 12/05 00:44
ste14563: 哨音別回來了37F 12/05 00:45
Aggro: 就裁判還在抓尺度 一開始抓不準+對特定人士嚴格檢視後面裁判尺度開始適應+球員也適應 該給的就會給了38F 12/05 00:46
chuchu000: 裁判這季根本瞎雞巴吹
每個球員的尺度都不一樣40F 12/05 00:52
lsslz: 身體對抗增加 尺度還是沒統一啊 想控制比賽就BBB 根本拿裁判沒輒42F 12/05 00:57
camelot0603: 哈登其實適應了,近10場場均10.5罰44F 12/05 01:02
kraftman: 最近又變多了45F 12/05 01:04
samsam80821: 哈登適應本來就是時間問題46F 12/05 01:09
grimnir158: 只有一開始 現在哨子又慢慢回來了47F 12/05 01:09
robinnibor: 現在nba有夠難看48F 12/05 01:14
ej942l4: 好看很多49F 12/05 01:31
eno03: 鬍子:買飯好累 球給KD50F 12/05 01:33
jj980734: 哨音還是要少一點,不然整場在那邊BBB有夠難看51F 12/05 01:33
ILNARA: 身體對抗增加 對新生球員吃不消
然後又一堆衝突= = 只是這放在20年前...
拜託 你很軟耶~~ 以前對抗還比這季強的多太多.....如果打到明星賽後 尺度又變摸毛 那以前的高對抗性大概以後也不會出現了 這季刻意放寬 結果變成幹群架..對商業聯盟更傷 the怕~52F 12/05 01:34
JALAL: 以前打球真的是被打下場吧  現在的人看球賽會喜歡看球員打摔角嗎?58F 12/05 02:05
laker7634: 之前看場比賽常常超過3hr,現在幾乎都準時2.5hr結束60F 12/05 02:19
