看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 籃網記者:KD鬍子中至少一人的經紀人向總經理施壓讓KI回歸
時間 Sun Dec 19 19:55:13 2021


The plan to bring back Kyrie Irving was put into motion as early as last week, s
ources tell me and NetsDaily. Setting the stage, the Nets made the decision on O
ctober 12 to ban Kyrie Irving from team activities until he was “eligible to be
 a full participant,” either by getting the COVID-19 vaccine... or until the Ne
w York City mandate changed. For the first two months of the season, the Nets di
d not waiver from that decision. That all changed after a mid-December meeting.


With Kevin Durant and James Harden among the league leaders in minutes per game
and shouldering a heavy load, an agent of at least one of them met with GM Sean
Marks, according to an insider.

中一人的經紀人與總經理Sean Marks見了面。

The goal of that meeting was reportedly simple; It was time for Marks and Nets o
wner Joe Tsai to re-think the stance of disallowing Kyrie Irving from team activ
ities including road games. Ideally, even as a part-time player, Irving could he
lp preserve Durant and Harden for the playoffs, the argument went.


Those discussions were somewhat contentious, added a source. Some within the Net
s organization believed Marks left the meeting feeling as if his hand had been f
orced, he said. Although Durant has signed an extension, Harden (and Irving) hav
e player options in the summer.


A Nets spokesman, however, firmly denies any such meeting took place.


EXCLUSIVE: Behind the scenes of Kyrie Irving’s return - NetsDaily
The Brooklyn Nets’ decision to reintegrate star guard Kyrie Irving moved hastily — and the fallout was almost just as immediate.
On Friday, the Nets a ...


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starxls: KD吧 納瓜場場操他 真的頂不住了1F 12/19 19:55
F16V: 籃網摸余有在甩經紀人的嗎2F 12/19 19:56
ste14563: 讓KI回來3F 12/19 19:57
mrif: 讓他回來>讓他中>他打疫苗>主客都能打>豈不美哉
讓他回來>他沒中>能打客場>防疫也是很厲害啊4F 12/19 20:00
callme76: 把Nash換掉也是個選項6F 12/19 20:01
kraftman: 扛不住了7F 12/19 20:02
lillardfor3: ki自己的經紀人不作為?8F 12/19 20:02
zx7860601: 鬍子還有本錢施壓? 他今年的成績有很好看嗎9F 12/19 20:05
ARCHER2234: 鬍子沒那本事啦10F 12/19 20:07
sowenvoy: 依這賽季的表現,應該只有 KD 有資格大聲11F 12/19 20:09
NOKIA8888: 上場時間太長12F 12/19 20:09
teasy: 施壓KI?是神嗎?13F 12/19 20:09
Tabrisyang: 場場40分鐘 頂不住了14F 12/19 20:10
xo45527788: 球團之前的堅持到哪去了XD15F 12/19 20:10
F16V: 時空背景不同16F 12/19 20:12
WLR: 操成這樣,這是求救訊號吧17F 12/19 20:13
JimmyBlue: 我記得鬍子的經濟人掛他老媽的名字...有跟沒有一樣18F 12/19 20:14
max52001: 八成是腿帝 快被操死 鬍子本季沒啥影響力19F 12/19 20:14
Chanlin01: 老媽子經紀人20F 12/19 20:14
hiphopboy7: KD打得太賣命 怕KD受傷才妥協吧21F 12/19 20:14
kano2525: 怎麼可能是鬍子,他這個賽季超沒存在感22F 12/19 20:15
sezna: 超巨就是能影響球隊23F 12/19 20:16
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2021 20:16:42
CheerWesley: KD打到快軟腳了 是要這樣操一整季喔24F 12/19 20:29
kimo6414: 以KD表現很有資格講話吧25F 12/19 20:30
josephpu: 真多內幕,我本來以為不讓KI上是全隊討論好的,照這樣看主要是管理層不給他上?26F 12/19 20:32
rony98: 沒想到會這麼多人進安全協議吧 然後NASH又愛操大咖28F 12/19 20:35
max52001: 一開始好像有找雙星開會 KI不打也沒關係 現在是操累了受不鳥 才會施壓籃網給他打客場29F 12/19 20:35
qsccft123: 大腿一直操受不了了31F 12/19 20:49
Duncan7406: 球團一開始姿態那麼硬根本笑話 學學勇士好嗎32F 12/19 20:51
f77928: 扮黑白臉才能讓防疫魔人閉嘴又讓球員回歸啊
反正打疫苗的不是可以防重症很勇嗎33F 12/19 20:53
yodilouis: 今年沒奪冠 籃網絕對大地震35F 12/19 20:56
leophior: 中了才打疫苗有用嗎?36F 12/19 21:02
ray2501: 不然要 KD  比賽打多長時間? 你就叫 KI 回來啊37F 12/19 21:06
xxxrecoil: 氣氛嚕38F 12/19 22:04
guesswho: 想看KD多打幾年39F 12/19 22:14
freshbox7: 肯定是KD的經紀人吧,鬍子的人去應該會被轟出來40F 12/19 23:37
kevin0733: 不讓KI打就是老闆和總管的決定 當時新聞都寫了
怎麼可能是全隊討論 其他人哪有權力決定要不要上KI41F 12/19 23:46
losage: 登登轉隊過來是要拿冠軍的。目前來還不如離去43F 12/19 23:53
seemoon2000: 那個上場時間絕對要正視這問題吧 經紀人沒錯啊
20多歲可能操一點還好 KD大傷又34了 又不是季後賽44F 12/20 00:11
asdfzx: KD被納瓜操到快掛了……46F 12/20 00:24
qaz19wsx96: 一開始有討論好啊誰知道鬍子沒哨音就變成另一隻小47F 12/20 00:28
jzsc5566: 疫苗仔大暴怒49F 12/20 00:43
sunnyyoung: 一定是鬍人50F 12/20 00:50
modelight: KD再操下去 感覺快要傷了51F 12/20 01:07
julian42: kd才有這權力吧52F 12/20 01:08
rial: Nash操死人,這兩巨頭不得不施壓KI來分擔上場時間其實經紀人也可以施壓Nash讓他不要這樣操球星53F 12/20 01:49
semicoma: KI的經紀人施壓KI是想被換掉嗎XD55F 12/20 05:19
