看板 NBA作者 VeryGoodBoy (很棒的男孩)標題 [花邊] 西門現身76人訓練館 代理教練:我不知道時間 Tue Jan 4 16:33:12 2022
Hearing rumblings Ben Simmons is in the building. Unclear if he's working
out, getting treatment or something else.
據76人記者Tom Moore的透露,Ben Simmons今日現身76人球館。
#Sixers acting coach Dan Burke: ‘I don’t know (if Ben Simmons worked out
this afternoon at WFC).’ Says he was meeting with coaches and didn’t see
76人代理教練Dan Burke表示:我不知道

Tom Moore
Hearing rumblings Ben Simmons is in the building. Unclear if he's working out, getting treatment or something else.

Tom Moore
#Sixers acting coach Dan Burke: ‘I don’t know (if Ben Simmons worked out this afternoon at WFC).’ Says he was meeting with coaches and didn’t see Simmons.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xr0PCcW (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1641285196.A.9A0.html
→ Flitz: 樓下要貼我不知道圖了2F 01/04 16:34
→ pneumo: 窩不知道.jpg6F 01/04 16:34
推 rs6000: 西門:給我黃金8F 01/04 16:35
推 smik: 窩不知道16F 01/04 16:40
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推 CW4: 最近訂婚 來發帖子暗示要包紅包的27F 01/04 16:45
→ sezna: 他來發喜帖要紅包29F 01/04 16:45
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推 coox: 這樣能算有來練球嗎?37F 01/04 17:03
推 Pixis: 發紅包wwww39F 01/04 17:03
→ GodEyes: 去發帖子討紅包的嗎41F 01/04 17:12
→ corlos: 艾倫:........
西門是自由的44F 01/04 17:17
→ rs6000: 來發喜帖的46F 01/04 17:20
推 ltmps: 發紅色炸彈,討紅包吧?48F 01/04 17:22
推 vgil: 窩不知道51F 01/04 17:35
推 ABA0525: 腳踏上訓練場就有錢58F 01/04 18:00
推 Gsun: 嗨 肉腳 你們好啊 給我黃金 不59F 01/04 18:03
推 dibblo: 窩不汁道 peko65F 01/04 18:10
→ Alipapa: 來發喜帖的吧 要結婚了67F 01/04 18:10
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推 deadair: 沒錢也是要低頭啦XDD69F 01/04 18:19
推 DDhow: 窩不知道81F 01/04 19:15