看板 NBA作者 Gotham (萬惡之城)標題 [情報] 溜馬預計留下Lance Stephenson 時間 Mon Jan 10 01:22:51 2022
The Pacers are expected to keep Lance Stephenson for the rest of the season,
league sources say, thanks to his very strong play in this third Indiana
stint that has won admiration from Pacers coach Rick Carlisle.
Stephenson has one day left on his initial Indiana hardship deal.
Marc Stein
The Pacers are expected to keep Lance Stephenson for the rest of the season, league sources say, thanks to his very strong play in this third Indiana stint that has won admiration from Pacers coach Rick Carlisle.
Stephenson has one day left on his initial Indiana hardship deal.
溜馬隊預計留下Lance Stephenson
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XsndkYQ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1641748974.A.89A.html
推 Aggro: 完全不意外4F 01/10 01:24
推 tailsean: 沒看過那麼強的10天合約成員7F 01/10 01:25
→ Aggro: 而且溜馬球迷也愛他 上次看他上場就歡呼真的嚇到
有沒有溜馬迷講解一下為啥這麼受歡迎阿8F 01/10 01:25
推 Sparxxx: 溜馬時期就反姆大將軍12F 01/10 01:27
推 cpblsbl: 待在溜馬真的超強!14F 01/10 01:28
→ SCLPAL: 你還能繼續舞嗎!!16F 01/10 01:29
→ wannafeel: 過去溜馬打姆斯悍將就是pg跟舞王,有情懷在17F 01/10 01:29
→ Aggro: 我印象中不是不要他 是留不住20F 01/10 01:32
→ Wall62: 10天約簽他賺翻23F 01/10 01:34
推 Aggro: 剛找了一下 原來他之前還有回去過XDD 但被釋出24F 01/10 01:35
推 karmel: 打成這樣誰不想留XD25F 01/10 01:37
推 en8846en: 半重建要打掉重練的球隊留老將幹嘛…26F 01/10 01:37
→ karmel: 溜馬球迷一定愛他的吧
前前後後待了五年27F 01/10 01:38
推 lavida: 之前他想拼大約,所以拒絕溜馬給的四年約,跑去跟黃蜂簽短一點的三年29F 01/10 01:38
→ nnkj: 簽下去就重建成功了31F 01/10 01:39
推 disgusting: 這是他第三次回印城了
第二次的時候不是溜馬不要他嗎33F 01/10 01:42
推 hws606: 重建拼圖 不拆了35F 01/10 01:42