看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 湖記:龜龜KI的交易並非瘋狂想法,但KI
時間 Tue Jun  7 00:01:43 2022


The Lakers, who missed the playoffs in the 2021-22 season, are trying to find a
way to move off of guard Russell Westbrook to improve their roster for the 2022-
23 season.


Brooklyn is in a similar situation, as the team is noncommittal to the future of
 guard Kyrie Irving heading into the offseason.


Both players have player options on their contracts for the 2022-23 season, and
one Lakers insider believes that there could be some logic to a Westbrook-Irving


The Athletic’s Bill Oram explained his thinking on a recent appearance on “The
 Herd with Colin Cowherd.”

The Athletic的Bill Oram最近在節目上解釋了他對這筆交易的看法。

“I don’t think it’s nuts,” Oram said of a Westbrook-Irving trade. “I don’t
 know that it’s going to happen, but from a logical standpoint it makes sense.
From a logical standpoint, the Nets are absolutely sick of the Kyrie Irving expe
rience. The Lakers are sick of the Russell Westbrook experience. That said, the
Nets know they have the better player and the better asset despite all of his id


The Nets clearly have the leverage if any deal were to be completed, as Irving i
s a much better player than Westbroo at this point of their respective careers.


In addition, this would be an interesting swap because it would reunite the two
guards with their former teammates. Irving would reunite with LeBron James, who
he played with on the Cleveland Cavaliers, and Westbrook would reunite with Kevi
n Durant.


Westbrook and Durant had a bit of an ugly breakup from the Oklahoma City Thunder
, and that could throw another wrench into any potential Irving-Westbrook swap t
his coming offseason.


While Oram thinks the trade makes sense, it seems that there are a lot of hurdle
s that would need to be cleared for it to actually happen between the Lakers and


NBA insider on potential Kyrie Irving-Russell Westbrook trade: 'The Lakers are sick of the Russell Westbrook experience' - Lakers Daily
The Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Nets both find themselves in similar situations entering the offseason. The Lakers, who missed the playoffs in the ...


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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/07/2022 00:03:03
Fifteam: KI不是資產,KI是籃網GM籃網教練1F 06/07 00:03
SlamKai: 姆斯換KD2F 06/07 00:03
md3q6e: 有料3F 06/07 00:03
kraftman: 確實4F 06/07 00:04
GeeBen: 兩個都很爛 一個不上場 一個上場湊人數5F 06/07 00:04
laygoyolo: 確實6F 06/07 00:04
karmel: 姆斯換KD真的還比較有可能 雖然幾乎都是不可能7F 06/07 00:05
SIMONKID: 湖人不貼籤就沒什麼可談的8F 06/07 00:05
same60710: Vogel+姆斯+龜龜 <-> Nash+KD+KI 可惜已有人下台了9F 06/07 00:06
A135142: 我猜明天這篇下面又會戰   16  FMVP10F 06/07 00:06
k102asdf: 所以籃網小虧11F 06/07 00:07
dwiee: 籃網拿龜幹嘛? KI還是比龜好用12F 06/07 00:07
kai08130623: 好了啦記者13F 06/07 00:07
leo755269: 大概也只有湖人記者會覺得不是瘋狂想法Zzz14F 06/07 00:07
King5566: 龜2k評分都降到78了15F 06/07 00:08
korgh413: 龜可以上場啊,雖然場上作用一言難盡16F 06/07 00:10
trylin: KI願意打的時候還是比龜龜強多了17F 06/07 00:10
saisai34: 一個不打 跟一個打球=沒打的人18F 06/07 00:13
yyes5210: 好了啦 坦ㄧ整年了還要臭喔19F 06/07 00:13
mrmowmow: 湖人現在重點是送走龜龜而不是拿到誰20F 06/07 00:14
a26480924: 還在追殺喔21F 06/07 00:19
ginopun10477: 朕的帶刀侍衛22F 06/07 00:20
Tommy92C: 要別隊吃到期大約兩隻籤加上去也不知道其他球隊收不收了還想挑人呀23F 06/07 00:21
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/07/2022 00:22:42
f92174: 姆斯換kd 感覺最剛好25F 06/07 00:23
BadGame: ... 西老LBJ+KI  vs 東河+KD  這啥鬼26F 06/07 00:24
karta328: 加州疫苗禁令取消了嗎?27F 06/07 00:24
olin7745: 籃網拿龜幹嘛 拿AD來換還差不多,兩個出席率也差不28F 06/07 00:28
linearppt: 因為KI能打還是很厲害,之前覺得咬咬牙不一定可以。看來這聯盟比想像中冷靜很多,KI都已經跟龜要同級距的資產了。畢竟這可是一大筆錢啊30F 06/07 00:28
MK47: 龜龜哪可能換得到KI 能換早就秒換了33F 06/07 00:30
Landius: 湖記是又在果子別人家最甜?34F 06/07 00:31
kaga1991: 想看重逢35F 06/07 00:31
eineFrage: 說一個比較沒這麼異想天開的:AD換KD。36F 06/07 00:32
jerrylin: 我是KD的話我覺得可以
能打的時候很厲害  但是KI不能打的時間太多了37F 06/07 00:32
IAMGRICE: 舊愛還是40F 06/07 00:34
kennot: 龜+西門41F 06/07 00:34
ooxxman: AD換KD42F 06/07 00:35
Flitz: 龜+西門,KD會不會原地退休43F 06/07 00:36
kraftman: KI不能打的時間比較多44F 06/07 00:38
alankira: 如果龜+西門都能健康打, 反快攻應該超噁心45F 06/07 00:39
hiyida: 我不同意 龜有拿過mvp ki 16年被偷一個fmvp 所以算平手才對46F 06/07 00:39
Wishmaster: KD已嚇死 XDDDD48F 06/07 00:40
kaga1991: 陣地戰kd也會被包的很噁心49F 06/07 00:41
ronin9354: 爛咖換爛咖 讚啦50F 06/07 00:42
playerunknow: 欸不錯喔 我覺得可以51F 06/07 00:43
hunder31: 湖人搭上兩個首輪去問或許有機會52F 06/07 00:43
alan14871487: 唉 想當初龜的地位還大於KI53F 06/07 00:43
qoqocat: 幫龜龜QQ54F 06/07 00:45
WardellSteph: Kd帶龜奪冠才能證明自己超越山羌,一個奪冠一個連附加賽都沒有,就算累積數據有差,誰高誰低還是一目瞭然55F 06/07 00:45
gglonkey: 龜+西門 那外線…58F 06/07 00:47
picochemical: KD:怕59F 06/07 00:48
satousei: 姆斯換KD就不必貼籤了,真的比較可能60F 06/07 00:51
AmigoSin: 支持61F 06/07 00:52
hlb5828: 場都上不了,更好在哪??62F 06/07 01:04
s4511981: …欸不是 是雷霆三哨死者復甦了嗎?63F 06/07 01:06
