看板 NBA
作者 lovetina (顏回模式)
標題 [花邊] Jimmy Butler 推出限量 "大臉咖啡冰淇淋"
時間 Sat Jun 25 23:11:32 2022


Miami Heat Star Jimmy Butler Kicks Off Summer With Limited-Edition Big Face
Coffee Ice Cream
Miami Heat Star Jimmy Butler Kicks Off Summer With Limited-Edition Big Face Coffee Ice Cream
Miami Heat player Jimmy Butler is collaborating with ice cream company Van Leeuwen to add a frozen treat to his culturally shifting Big Face Coffee br ...


Atiya Jordan
Sat, June 25, 2022, 5:30 AM·


Just in time for summer, NBA star Jimmy Butler is taking his coffee brand,
Big Face Coffee, up a notch with a new partnership.

The Miami Heat player is collaborating with ice cream company Van Leeuwen to
add a frozen treat to his culturally shifting Big Face Coffee, Good Morning
America reports. Butler and Van Leeuwen, which started as a yellow truck on
the streets of New York City in 2008, are celebrating the release of a
limited-release ice cream flavor called Big Face Coffee Affogato.

吉巴 的Big Face Coffee 和 冰淇淋Van Leeuwen 在今夏要攜手推出

限量口味冰淇淋,稱為 Big Face Coffee Affogato。



“Van Leeuwen as a whole is about bringing the best products to people, and I
want to follow suit and be just like that, so this made all the sense in the
world to me,” Butler said.

The new affogato flavor features cold brewed ice cream swirled with
milk-flavored ice cream, according to Van Leeuwen co-founder Ben Van Leeuwen.

“Jimmy and I met in November, and within minutes I said, ‘Wow, this guy’s
serious about coffee.’ Then I tasted the coffee and said they’ve got really
good products,” which he ultimately knew would work well with their
desserts, Van Leeuwen said.

Van Leeuwen 聯合創始人Ben Van Leeuwen介紹

Big Face Coffee Affogato風味將以冰釀和牛奶為特色。


“The trial and error of us finding the right coffee, adding the sweet cream
and ingredients, putting it all together — it was all a blessing. The Big
Face team and the Van Leeuwen team really did something special, and I can’t
wait to bring it to the world,” Butler said, per Front Office Sports.


"我迫不及待地想把它帶到世界上"  吉巴說。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YjoMelN (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1656169896.A.BD7.html
※ 編輯: lovetina ( 臺灣), 06/25/2022 23:15:06
e4789215: 豪爽1F 06/25 23:15
starchiang: 誰不認真練球,就去賣冰淇淋2F 06/25 23:16
alwaysstrong: 吉巴對咖啡是真的很認真3F 06/25 23:16
tdhsu8718: 吉巴有料4F 06/25 23:16
yonggan: 吉巴平常不務正業打籃球,終於回歸賣咖啡了5F 06/25 23:17
qqbjtwins: 好奇問一下,大臉咖啡是真的有產品的品牌喲?6F 06/25 23:17
Bakushinchi: JB的IG有很多他的咖啡貼文~7F 06/25 23:17
SIMONKID: 退休之後搞不好賺的比球員時期多8F 06/25 23:17
kingfsg7326: 之前在邁阿密有2天吉巴親自賣冰淇淋 好像不少粉絲原來吉巴在邁阿密還有點名氣 本來以為他只是過客打9F 06/25 23:18
jyekid: 吉巴克呢11F 06/25 23:19
kingfsg7326: 工仔
https://i.imgur.com/Qarh5j9.jpg12F 06/25 23:19
alittleghost: 練球好嗎14F 06/25 23:20
josephpu: 什麼時候來台灣賣一下qq15F 06/25 23:21
yen5642: 吉巴超文青,來台灣大概是那種在星巴克默默帶耳機,打開筆電或者是看書,然後桌上有一杯星巴克咖啡,整個氣質很有書卷味16F 06/25 23:21
cang123: 看起來好好吃19F 06/25 23:22
lousen0068: 咖啡才是他的主業20F 06/25 23:23
Bakushinchi: 真的!限動都是音樂 咖啡 擺盤很棒的義麵XD21F 06/25 23:23
drcula: 他大臉咖啡是玩真的,品牌標誌,餐具,餐飲都有在做22F 06/25 23:23
ck326: 被NBA耽誤的咖啡達人23F 06/25 23:24
drcula: 看他IG很多都是他在親自試咖啡或是餐飲的影片
前兩天就是跟這品牌在邁阿密的活動啊24F 06/25 23:24
kingfsg7326: 希望他能在邁阿密拿冠退休 不要拿去換Irving之類的26F 06/25 23:27
fack3170: 酷27F 06/25 23:27
a9564208: 大臉咖啡好像有賣易開罐?28F 06/25 23:28
CLawrence: 靠!?認真經營的喔?29F 06/25 23:32
LLSGG: 好好吃感覺30F 06/25 23:33
highwayshih: 認真的啊 這他本業欸31F 06/25 23:34
jerry761031: 文青吉巴32F 06/25 23:35
earldunn: 球員生涯很短暫,當然要提早規劃士官長退伍後的人生33F 06/25 23:41
iifz32: 做什麼都認真~34F 06/25 23:45
Mjun: 感覺很棒耶XD35F 06/25 23:47
KingChang711: 士官長咖啡36F 06/25 23:48
zego41: 吉巴找個好點開文青咖啡店應該賣到翻調37F 06/25 23:49
sickle30: 士官長打球認真 練球刻苦 副業也弄得虎虎生風
反觀AD38F 06/25 23:51
Mydadisgay: 他有去註冊這個品牌的樣子40F 06/25 23:53
NotUniqueSol: 逼個廢死41F 06/25 23:58
PrimeChaoz: 阿芙加朵超讚,咖啡苦香配上甜膩的冰淇淋,兩個極42F 06/25 23:58
miu4570: 認真去做 一點一滴經營起來 他如果在咖啡餐飲的成43F 06/25 23:58
PrimeChaoz: 端的味道互相衝擊,完全達到一個美妙的平衡,美味44F 06/25 23:58
miu4570: 就比在NBA高也是有可能的45F 06/25 23:58
PrimeChaoz: 啊46F 06/25 23:58
mikechang829: 吉巴 : 主業賣咖啡 副業季後賽轟4X分47F 06/26 00:06
Ayanami5566: 無情工商48F 06/26 00:06
MyDarkLife: 印象有認真在做 還有自己去弄咖啡豆49F 06/26 00:14
