看板 NBA
作者 Childishan (幼稚安安)
標題 [情報] Rob表示LBJ腳傷樂觀
時間 Sun Feb 12 13:15:30 2023


Lakers: LeBron James' foot injury draws optimistic update from Rob Pelinka
Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka reveals that imaging of LeBron James' foot injury came back 'clean and good.' ...


The good news for Lakers fans everywhere is that there appears to be no structur
al damage on LeBron’s foot. Team general manager Rob Pelinka revealed the resul
ts of the tests on James’ foot, and it sounds like the newly-crowned all-time N
BA scoring champion is going to be fine:

對於湖人球迷有一件非常好的事情,那就是湖人GM Rob揭露了LBJ的腳經過檢查後的結果並沒

“LeBron did have some imaging on his foot injury, and we’re grateful that thin
gs came back clean and good,” Pelinka said, Janie Mccauley of Toronto Star.

Rob :「 LBJ照了一些影像,我們很開心且感謝一切都回到好的原點了。」

Despite the optimistic update, however, the reality for the Lakers is that it re
mains unclear when James will be able to come back. There has been some talk of
LA potentially shutting him down through the All-Star break, but head coach Darv
in Ham said that LeBron himself wouldn’t allow it.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Childishan 2023-02-12 13:15:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Zw7Nqep (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1676178932.A.A33.html
TristyRumble: 感動1F 02/12 13:15
lin512: 希望如此2F 02/12 13:16
cor1os: 御用記者說不樂觀 GM放置架說樂觀 要聽誰的www3F 02/12 13:16
supermni: 直接排到下賽季再回來吧,LA充滿快活空氣4F 02/12 13:16
sk050607: 只有龜受傷的世界5F 02/12 13:16
wahaha303: 每日樂觀6F 02/12 13:16
matsuwu: 贏球治百病XDDDD7F 02/12 13:16
pongbao: 好想刷阿!!8F 02/12 13:16
frankie30432: 今天贏了樂觀9F 02/12 13:17
roger2623900: 風向很亂XD10F 02/12 13:17
bond30422: 樂觀,要邁向41111F 02/12 13:17
h5t6566556: 越來越樂觀了12F 02/12 13:17
jim12441: 每日樂觀(1/1)13F 02/12 13:18
matsuwu: 今天 湖迷/詹酸/龜黑 都大晴天14F 02/12 13:18
aa01081008tw: 好爽..早上那篇還以為傷多重15F 02/12 13:18
a8856554: 情況越來越樂觀16F 02/12 13:19
earldunn: 能打明星賽嗎?17F 02/12 13:19
k102asdf: 可不可以喬一下再說阿 那邊不樂觀這邊樂觀19F 02/12 13:19
ymsc30102: 備品還找得到還沒斷貨20F 02/12 13:19
heavensun: 樂事  樂觀之事21F 02/12 13:20
dahlia7357: 老實說,真的嚴重怎麼可能上去刷36分22F 02/12 13:20
shai5487: Le觀23F 02/12 13:20
m791017: 又樂觀了24F 02/12 13:20
Magic0312: 下一場打後段班,應該腳的狀況會突然好不少了吧25F 02/12 13:20
aa01081008tw: 明星賽前不是剩兩場...可能下一場就上了26F 02/12 13:23
hayabusa2004: 假面姆斯本來季後賽無望不想打 看到贏球又突然好了27F 02/12 13:23
Childishan: Le觀不錯XDDD28F 02/12 13:23
pieceofcake: 恐怖湖人要來了29F 02/12 13:25
bananacookie: 18樓那張圖還好吧,又不是只挑坦隊上,年紀也有了慎重點正常30F 02/12 13:25
b2305911: 急需一波樂觀32F 02/12 13:26
abc1204:  ==== 今年不可能奪冠了 是心受傷 怎麼醫 ????33F 02/12 13:26
Kerere: 無柯勇又變前段班囉 不知道聽到的勇迷怎麼想xD34F 02/12 13:27
webberfun: 樂觀35F 02/12 13:27
fxxkleo0804: 那張圖是不是還沒更新啊36F 02/12 13:28
baggio717: 有人說佩傯是GM放置架?道歉單簽了沒37F 02/12 13:29
Yofu: 只是個官方說法38F 02/12 13:30
a3221715: 老漢今天很開心 滿血再回歸39F 02/12 13:30
justice0926: 發現隊友有點強 可以回來抱腿惹40F 02/12 13:32
maboroshi: 之前11連勝的灰熊比賽,姆斯也有上場打球啊。所以11連勝的灰熊是強隊了吧。魔法部長自嗨通靈王表示:41F 02/12 13:34
johnny88108: 佩神說沒問題就沒問題43F 02/12 13:35
ray002216: 笑死,贏了變樂觀44F 02/12 13:35
z0: 贏球後傷勢會好轉 我信了45F 02/12 13:35
lepidoptera: 被發現沒上場球隊就贏球了…46F 02/12 13:35
nolander: 笑死,被排完會怕齁47F 02/12 13:39
wx190: 刷完就傷了 球隊戰績隨便啦48F 02/12 13:40
cksxxb123: 腿都換一輪年輕的啦~49F 02/12 13:43
taboothorn: 贏球治百病,這句話真的不是都市傳說。50F 02/12 13:43
Abreu1995: 話說這消息是在比賽前說的51F 02/12 13:46
leoz69927: 看到球隊沒他打很好快點改說法
輸了肯定說腳傷嚴重賽季可能不會再上場52F 02/12 13:51
aegisWIsL: 小貓贏球就樂觀了54F 02/12 13:59
