看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] PG與心理健康組織合作,為需要的人提供3
時間 Fri Oct 21 08:52:31 2022


Mental health is an important issue in the world today, and there's no doubt tha
t there has been a push in a lot of places across the United States to improve a
nd increase resources for mental health and wellness. That is no different in th
e NBA, and we've seen a lot of players speak out about mental health in the past


Paul George is a star that has spoken out about mental health in the past, and i
t was recently reported that he would be partnering with BetterHelp on an initia
tive that will provide up to $3 million worth of free 恩義mental health services
. Joey Linn of Sports Illustrated relayed the news.


"It kinda just happened on my own," George said about opening up in 2020. "But I
'll be honest, I was one of those people that thought I was invincible, and I wa
s stronger than any human being, and I could handle everything internally. It ki
nd of just gets to a point where it overflows, and you don't have any direction,
 and you don't know where to go, and you don't have the answers. That's really w
hat it came down to. I didn't have the answers. And it took me to finally realiz
e that I wasn't perfect, and that there is stuff that goes on that I have no con
trol over, and I need an answer for. That's where I was mentally at that moment.


Having gone to multiple therapists since deciding to no longer keep his mental b
attles internal, George is a huge advocate for therapy. This is one of the reaso
ns he decided to partner with BetterHelp on an initiative that is giving up to $
3M worth of free mental health services to people in need.


BetterHelp is the world's largest online therapy platform, and through their par
tnership with athletes like Paul George, Venus Williams, Frances Tiafoe, and Tay
lor Fritz, they are attempting to de-stigmatize mental health, while offering fr
ee services to those who need them.



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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZKUrIBX (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1666313554.A.2E1.html
ArlenBeard: 推!1F 10/21 08:53
MacBookAir12: 西門要不要先去當第一位客戶?2F 10/21 08:53
WIGGINS22: 籃網有人很需要3F 10/21 08:53
FunGuy: 推4F 10/21 08:53
nolander: 不愧是我大PG5F 10/21 08:53
ginopun10477: 推喬治6F 10/21 08:53
gnl1n: 推爛,每個問題都需要被重視7F 10/21 08:53
ste14563:  西門9F 10/21 08:53
Evonn: 我大PG老二之王!!10F 10/21 08:54
kilmmy149: 喬治一生推11F 10/21 08:54
mason3901: 籃網先預約了12F 10/21 08:54
Zeka6721: 西門是案例等級的 他願意很多人大概不收錢也上13F 10/21 08:55
a11011788: PG被泡泡害慘 全員健康的一年14F 10/21 08:55
k450012: 推推15F 10/21 08:55
Bakushinchi: 推16F 10/21 08:55
a123b456c788: 推17F 10/21 08:56
Monetelliz: 西門應該是第一個客戶,被隊友推進去18F 10/21 08:56
kraftman: 推19F 10/21 08:57
ymsc30102: 推 過來人20F 10/21 08:57
josephpu: 推21F 10/21 08:57
kingianlin: 該幫助西門了吧22F 10/21 08:57
dream6789: 推23F 10/21 08:57
JameerNe1son: 西門:感恩24F 10/21 08:58
Yancy0727: 心理健康真的需要被專業的處理,這是無論錢多寡都可能會有的問題25F 10/21 08:58
NukAnah: 推PG當年不知道在泡泡也笑過他,心理健康真的重要27F 10/21 08:58
Y1999: 籃網:有VIP可以辦嗎?28F 10/21 08:58
kingianlin: 西門這個能治好,可能口碑直接做起來了29F 10/21 08:58
Zeka6721: 籃網各有各問題要不談個買2送130F 10/21 08:59
NOKIA8888: 西門:需要31F 10/21 08:59
highwayshih: 西門很需要這個服務
等等 PG這樣算不算資敵32F 10/21 08:59
zxzx443: PG只能推34F 10/21 09:02
matsuwu: PG好事推!!35F 10/21 09:04
y6yv3r4d: 推36F 10/21 09:04
gp03dan: 推37F 10/21 09:04
Aequanimitas: 西門當代言人了吧38F 10/21 09:06
chenghow: PG這樣當年切版不會酸他,而且也沒把這件事情大聲39F 10/21 09:07
Miyanishi25: 任何人有300萬美元40F 10/21 09:07
chenghow: 嚷嚷講出來讓自己洗白41F 10/21 09:07
mavescott: 推,就像感冒要去看病一樣,心理出狀況去看醫生也不該是被污名化的東西42F 10/21 09:07
doyeewuer: 推PG44F 10/21 09:10
FunGuy: 西門當第一個客戶45F 10/21 09:10
ym60606: 推46F 10/21 09:12
NukAnah: 比較有印象心理健康出狀況的球星就Derozan和PG47F 10/21 09:12
hasroten: 能治好西門就無敵了48F 10/21 09:12
gaiaesque:49F 10/21 09:13
swimbert: 西門自己承認有心理問題的,他也有找醫生了吧50F 10/21 09:13
WLR: 推善行51F 10/21 09:14
hunt5566: 龜也幫看一下
感覺都悶出病了52F 10/21 09:15
koakoa: 推54F 10/21 09:16
ThunderLord: 好事推啊,不要輕忽心理疾病55F 10/21 09:18
Giovinazzi99: 提供三百萬美元心理馬上健康 不用服務56F 10/21 09:18
ste14563: 推PG57F 10/21 09:19
okichan: 那個西門還有救嗎?58F 10/21 09:26
carrey8: 看大家第一個都想到西門 我就放心了59F 10/21 09:29
qo40330: 給錢就好了60F 10/21 09:30
STRO: 好事推61F 10/21 09:30
kraftman: PG過來人62F 10/21 09:31
jason88633: 頂尖球員的心理健康真的非常人所想..63F 10/21 09:33
ghostxx: 善心64F 10/21 09:35
wallacechen: 心理健康真的該好好重視,這是大家都要面對課題65F 10/21 09:35
BrahmaBull36: 其實PG泡泡那年後來就有說自己在園區心理狀況不好了 只是一樣被大家當理由伯酸而已66F 10/21 09:36
luck945: 推個68F 10/21 09:38
a840901: 吳宗憲:不知足69F 10/21 09:38
Toy17: 推PG 心裡問題真的要重視面對解決70F 10/21 09:39
dehlin: 推71F 10/21 09:41
timedilation: 推72F 10/21 09:42
NOKIA8888: 推73F 10/21 09:42
ssshleo: 推74F 10/21 09:44
danisaku: 真的偉大75F 10/21 09:44
drcula: 推76F 10/21 09:45
a20350567: 推77F 10/21 09:45
ghostl40809: john wall之前也遇到心理狀況的樣子78F 10/21 09:46
aspired: 第一個客戶 西門79F 10/21 09:48
benboy: 蠻多位NBA球員都說過心理問題 補個DeRozan80F 10/21 09:49
hn11: 每個月只有30K我也需要心理輔導81F 10/21 09:51
kingroy: 西門表示缺研究對象嗎82F 10/21 09:52
YU0158: 今年FB有選PG 加油R83F 10/21 09:57
chichung: 西門:免費?好喔84F 10/21 10:00
ezpznigahiga: PG 推爆85F 10/21 10:02
BruceChen227: 西門:感謝哥 我要去蹭免費了86F 10/21 10:04
k385476916: 西門先報名87F 10/21 10:04
c7683fh6: 大家都是當年姆斯稱霸東區的受害者88F 10/21 10:05
Sakurajima99: 推89F 10/21 10:06
ApAzusa126: 西門:90F 10/21 10:08
FunGuy: 重視心理問題91F 10/21 10:09
bobby94507: 西門92F 10/21 10:20
ohya111326: 這筆錢會被西門花光吧93F 10/21 10:27
jerry70938: 推善人94F 10/21 10:28
simonwang: 推!面對嘗試解決,很好!95F 10/21 10:29
s90206: 推96F 10/21 10:31
webberfun: 推97F 10/21 10:32
ste14563: 善心98F 10/21 10:33
Zacoe: 西門:哪裡可以報名?99F 10/21 10:34
Weasley40: 推善事100F 10/21 10:34
Kin3Flash: 推PG 老二之王101F 10/21 10:43
frank901212: 推102F 10/21 10:49
shrink5566: 推 對的事情103F 10/21 10:56
Lonely85poly: 受過那種傷要再重返這種高強度賽場,心理確實很重要,pg 讚104F 10/21 10:59
Fanlic: 推106F 10/21 11:02
shadowstrike: 推107F 10/21 11:03
jyings0303: ben很需要108F 10/21 11:06
rl55586: 推109F 10/21 11:07
vgil: 幫西門報名吧110F 10/21 11:07
BonDiGagaga: 推!111F 10/21 11:08
oBatman: 西門:I’m in112F 10/21 11:13
jingle870524: 真뜳00萬美金113F 10/21 11:16
paiming: 推114F 10/21 11:22
BeSomething: 推115F 10/21 11:27
DarkHolbach: 西門很需要116F 10/21 11:39
madyoungN: 推推117F 10/21 11:40
emptie: @西門118F 10/21 11:45
alex0973: 西門那個是品性問題吧? 拿不出什麼像樣的醫療紀錄只是在敷衍跟躲藏逃避119F 10/21 11:51
a8856554: 推PG121F 10/21 11:52
YAHOOOOOOOO: 好事給推122F 10/21 11:53
juseschen: 推推,心理疾病雖然不比癌症致命,但也是很嚴重的123F 10/21 11:54
alex0973: 另外補充一下 超過25%的職業運動員有心理健康問題比例非常高 在這裡面有確實說出來尋求治療和解決的人很少 會被知識貧乏的球團/球迷/媒體苛責或嘲諷
美國人並沒有多進步 他們是終~於察覺到要有點改進124F 10/21 11:54
noodlecool: 好人砲喬治 推心理健康128F 10/21 11:57
darkreborn: 推129F 10/21 12:04
sowhat2207: 推130F 10/21 12:04
GreenMay22: 明明第一個該去看的是為了4萬分犧牲球隊戰績的lbj吧?131F 10/21 12:05
sa13961387: 反觀133F 10/21 12:06
hankwan1218: 推我大PG134F 10/21 12:08
reallen: 推135F 10/21 12:09
duck12321: 這我推一個136F 10/21 12:18
justaID: 推,現代人其實很多心理問題,不一定到憂鬱躁鬱那種嚴重程度,但社會競爭和步調和以前差太多了,很難完全沒有心理問題137F 10/21 12:18
LSDsochill: 推一個140F 10/21 12:23
vltw5v: 推141F 10/21 12:24
Wall62: 籃網那兩個澳洲來的狀元很需要142F 10/21 12:25
ph90119: 推143F 10/21 12:30
