看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] AD:這波連敗不會太久
時間 Thu Oct 27 21:39:55 2022


When asked what the first step to righting the ship is, Anthony Davis didn’t me
ntion shooting, defense or any other facet of the game – just winning itself.


“It sucks when you’re in it right now,” he said. “But we’re not gonna be in
 this for too long, and once you get that first win under your belt, you kind of
 just get that monkey off your back.”


James was 3 for 10 in the final quarter; Davis was 1 for 2. And yet James said h
e felt he needed to take more control after the game.


“I was coming off a lot of screens, looking to pass, get guys involved and I wa
sn’t aggressive enough,” he said. “Those were careless turnovers on my part.


Part of that might have been James and Davis trying to beat the Nuggets two-on-f
ive. While Coach Darvin Ham didn’t call out any of his players by name, he ackn
owledged that faith between teammates seemed to waver in the game, just at the m
oment the Lakers need that quality the most.


“We got to trust,” he said. “Trust is the big part of competing, staying toge
ther and holding ourselves accountable. We’ll go back and break down this tape
and see what we could have done better. But at the end of the day, we can’t nev
er waver.”


LeBron James, Lakers drop to 0-4 with loss to Nuggets
With the team struggling from 3-point range again, Lakers stars LeBron James and Anthony Davis seemingly try to win it themselves in a 110-99 loss to  ...


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Kappa: 好了啦1F 10/27 21:40
RicFlair: 一波2F 10/27 21:40
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 10/27/2022 21:40:47
FunGuy: 一波連敗3F 10/27 21:40
zego41: 早就知道你又要發連勝文4F 10/27 21:41
DoraGmon: 抗輸保勝5F 10/27 21:41
nerlens: AD講話好有趣6F 10/27 21:41
a10141013: 一波連敗很快就會結束7F 10/27 21:41
rbull: AD公式又來了 放話必8F 10/27 21:41
s425247: 可是還會有下波連敗9F 10/27 21:41
cool34: 前提是先...先贏第一場10F 10/27 21:41
kinve1014: 差不多到4月就結束了啦11F 10/27 21:41
mhkt: 總覺得一直放話 好嗎  XDDD12F 10/27 21:42
tasiki2002: 又放話了13F 10/27 21:42
ste14563: 先贏一場14F 10/27 21:42
KobebetterMJ: LBJ在賽後說他覺得他需要更多的控制球權。???15F 10/27 21:43
xra686: 也不會太久 大概一個球季的時間而已16F 10/27 21:43
qt359101: ☺17F 10/27 21:43
chihlanren: 那到底會多久?18F 10/27 21:43
freshbox7: 實在看不出來他的發言有什麼負擔在........19F 10/27 21:43
KobebetterMJ: 把球權還給隊伍吧,弧頂停球王20F 10/27 21:44
Hohenzollern: AD你不要再說了......21F 10/27 21:44
gold97972000: 10連敗也不算太久22F 10/27 21:44
b08297: 0-8223F 10/27 21:45
johnbill: 完了==24F 10/27 21:46
ricky77525: 一波25F 10/27 21:46
Puye: = =先說哪一場要贏26F 10/27 21:46
FAYeeeeeeee: 又有語錄了 哈哈27F 10/27 21:47
kraftman: 還要多久28F 10/27 21:47
k102asdf: 這只是剛開始!!29F 10/27 21:47
chen2021: 先笑為敬30F 10/27 21:47
adamlovedogc: 哈哈哈 出一張嘴很會31F 10/27 21:47
UncleDrew: 不要再說了,快變成糗了32F 10/27 21:48
thatblue: 最後的雞湯就是自己灌雞湯33F 10/27 21:48
abc1599: 超樂觀34F 10/27 21:48
kuroxxoo: 讓我們繼續看下去(盛竹如調35F 10/27 21:48
Zxc2184: AD:目標以幾場連勝開啟新賽季...連敗
AD:目標在丹佛拿下首勝..然後第4敗36F 10/27 21:48
NoPush: 這次不指名取勝對手38F 10/27 21:50
smalldds: 連敗文39F 10/27 21:50
NOKIA8888: 這只是剛開始40F 10/27 21:50
konnene: 幸好現在還是10月41F 10/27 21:50
deadeyedan: AD確定要一直放話嗎…每次放話完下場都42F 10/27 21:50
s29961091: 笑死只想贏一場嗎43F 10/27 21:51
SpursTony09: 哈哈 每日一放話44F 10/27 21:51
kixer2005: 旗海飄揚45F 10/27 21:53
foxlula: 一波還未平息~~~一波又來侵襲~~~46F 10/27 21:53
tommica33: 超好笑47F 10/27 21:53
WeGoYuSheng: 而是很久48F 10/27 21:54
kaga1991: 每天都有笑話xddd49F 10/27 21:54
leon82guy: 湖人後面的賽程還是硬欸 要從哪隊偷一場?50F 10/27 21:54
ankai: 我快笑死51F 10/27 21:54
sony0223098: AD又放話了52F 10/27 21:55
curlymonkey: 一波連敗的結束!53F 10/27 21:55
jeffmao5566: 哈哈哈哈哈哈54F 10/27 21:55
rokobomb00: 每日樂觀(1/1)55F 10/27 21:56
vltw5v: 先首勝再說好嗎56F 10/27 21:56
sa1989: 一波接一波57F 10/27 21:56
Leaflock: 一波連敗的繼續58F 10/27 21:56
chenu: 懂什麼 80連敗後會迎來二連勝的59F 10/27 21:56
langeo: 82場連敗預定60F 10/27 21:57
coke5130: 每一次敗場後AD都用心地幫球迷想,下一個好笑的標語62F 10/27 21:57
jardon: 來了 ad總是要說話的63F 10/27 21:58
dodoro1: kraftman=arod1414
在用分身推自己文阿64F 10/27 21:59
FunGuy: 一波連敗還沒結束66F 10/27 21:59
christucker: |>67F 10/27 21:59
Carsr: 一波連敗已經開始囉68F 10/27 21:59
ideal5566: 一波連敗的開始69F 10/27 22:00
KiDCuDi: 上面那張圖哈哈哈70F 10/27 22:00
tgmrvmle: 明年4月就結束了71F 10/27 22:00
jimm900: 一個禮拜了,兄弟72F 10/27 22:01
dodoro1: arod用分身推自己文 推 kraftman    : 還要多久73F 10/27 22:01
uuuuOPuff: 其實AD都打得可以 其他人太弱74F 10/27 22:01
dodoro1: 自己推自己文好了啦75F 10/27 22:02
sky070650: 推文的圖笑死 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈76F 10/27 22:03
lsgsl: 再78場就結束了QQ~~77F 10/27 22:03
kem0606: 自己推自己的文喔XDDD78F 10/27 22:04
wj1009: 下一波一定比這波長79F 10/27 22:04
dodoro1: arod1414用分身一直推自己文夠了沒80F 10/27 22:04
yeay: 頂多半年吧,球季結束81F 10/27 22:04
supermni: 一波五連敗的開始,我超樂觀看待事情發生。82F 10/27 22:04
kashnes: AD連講幹話都只會那幾句83F 10/27 22:05
dodoro1: arod1414   kraftman
arod1414用分身一直推自己文要玩多久啊84F 10/27 22:05
sunti0519: 一波!86F 10/27 22:05
pokerhow: 準備連五拉五87F 10/27 22:06
NTUKarbe: 好了啦 都快變立旗哥了88F 10/27 22:06
asd07633: 抓到分身囉89F 10/27 22:06
ACEFUCK: 已經被字母不知道甩幾條街了90F 10/27 22:07
feathery: 好了啦 一眉哥 輪椅哥91F 10/27 22:07
ARCHER2234: 75海值得75敗92F 10/27 22:07
k5545332: 可是姆斯已經決定開刷惹93F 10/27 22:07
boyutsai: 嘴巴不會 身體很誠實94F 10/27 22:07
RicFlair: 那圖XD95F 10/27 22:08
Xliao: 糗爺4ni?96F 10/27 22:08
Ethan45: 到年底97F 10/27 22:08
versace: 一波連勝的開始98F 10/27 22:08
Allencash: AD=高級餅皇,沒自主進攻能力99F 10/27 22:09
ginopun10477: 推文冷靜一下 不要那麼躁100F 10/27 22:09
zakijudelo: 每天立旗101F 10/27 22:10
Tommy92C: 一波十連勝的開始102F 10/27 22:10
ste14563: 準備12連勝103F 10/27 22:11
lxf: 先挑戰最長連敗紀錄104F 10/27 22:11
Digense: 一波連敗的結束105F 10/27 22:13
Sessyoin: 一波106F 10/27 22:13
davidwawa: 先朝聖 新名言準備好了107F 10/27 22:14
turnpoint: 再不斬:你不要再說了108F 10/27 22:15
star1234: 灰狼等你喇109F 10/27 22:16
e8e88: 連敗不會太久     ---AD語錄110F 10/27 22:16
feng990719: 每日放話1/1111F 10/27 22:18
IaKoMu: 繼續喊 總有一場會喊對112F 10/27 22:18
truth76901: AD變放話仔搞笑咖了嗎 笑死113F 10/27 22:19
QoGIVoQ: 沒什麼錯 但他講就感覺很好笑114F 10/27 22:19
