看板 NBA作者 jefflin0824 (jeff)標題 [外絮] Curry:2016是NBA全盛期,73勝和Kobe時間 Wed Nov 23 14:16:15 2022
勇士球星Stephen Curry日前上JJ Redick的Podcast節目,談到2016年賽季。
"I don’t know at what point we started to even talk about 73-9. I’m trying to
like it was probably right after the All-Star break. You start to think about if
you win seven of eight games just the rest of the way. We’re gonna get there a
nd then it became a huge talking point probably the last 20 games and we carried
that all the way through and actually got it done. ."
"I remember that game set 82. Two games going on at the same time as playing Mem
phis chasing the 73rd win. Meanwhiles, in LA, it was Kobe’s last game playing a
gainst Utah and scoring 60 whatever he did. So just NBA was at its height."
"And you know how it ended. What I say about that 3-1 situation is, I've never s
een two guys play at that level for three straight games. It was the craziest th
ing I've ever seen. Bron and Kyrie were just on. Like, we played well; they just
played better, and it was hard to watch and be in that vibe where you couldn't
do anything about it."
"So, the whole season was insane to think about all the experiences we had. The
fact that we have a 73-and-9 banner in our practice facility but no NBA Finals b
anner that year still hurts, but, you know, that's part of the journey."
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推 XXXaBg: 灌籃大賽也是那年最好看1F 11/23 14:17
推 lightmei: 我柯說的真好,總算可以放下了5F 11/23 14:19
推 lost0816: 推1樓,還有史上最大灌籃大賽對決6F 11/23 14:19
推 danorken: 去年那冠可以讓curry整個放下了8F 11/23 14:19
→ mtmmy: 灰熊還會被黑的年代9F 11/23 14:22
推 seishin: 推16奇蹟年 支持的隊伍都奪冠11F 11/23 14:22
推 dahlia7357: 確實,LBJ救贖的克城第一冠,最後一分鐘才分勝負
每一個隊都是亮點12F 11/23 14:23
→ Chanlin01: 2016就是我逆轉你的逆轉 逆轉年 隔壁棚小熊還奪冠15F 11/23 14:23
推 mouz: 那年的雷霆……算了20F 11/23 14:26
→ Chanlin01: 2016年的3-1 lead 超不穩21F 11/23 14:27
推 trayman: 16年老詹真的太扯 1個打勇士全部 根本籃球之神本人逆轉翻掉73勝球隊直接成為goat22F 11/23 14:28
推 s21mo9025: 克里夫蘭的籃球逆轉別人 但棒球被別人逆轉24F 11/23 14:28
噓 a516013: 可惜有人冠軍賽腳不乾淨25F 11/23 14:29
推 aegis43210: curry拿到FMVP後,已經該拿的都拿了,剩下只剩享受比賽27F 11/23 14:30
※ 編輯: jefflin0824 ( 臺灣), 11/23/2022 14:31:10
→ happyaw: 那天挑戰73勝的收視率記得比kobe那場高30F 11/23 14:33
推 cblade: 去年已經證明了31F 11/23 14:34
推 YellowTiger: 2016是最經典的一年 AI 鯊魚 姚明名人堂 Kobe KG TD退役
73勝 全票MVP 騎士隊史首冠 那年的馬刺主場也只有一敗33F 11/23 14:35
→ karmel: 那年真的經典37F 11/23 14:38
推 rl55586: 2016 騎士KI進攻真的太神了40F 11/23 14:40
推 a894392000: 那年真的是NBA經典年 有跟到都是見證歷史43F 11/23 14:47
推 linchez: 姆迷會繼續說Curry晚上做惡夢嘻嘻47F 11/23 14:53
→ MK47: 那年真的滿經典的48F 11/23 15:00
推 WIGGINS22: 勇士這一亞換來阿杜拿兩冠再後來輾轉換來阿巾,讚!49F 11/23 15:00
→ kingianlin: 那年雖然勇士輸了但確實蠻多事情發生
小熊魔咒也是那年吧?51F 11/23 15:01
推 sarau: 那年冠軍是LBJ拿過最純的了53F 11/23 15:02
推 legendd: 那天全lab一起看kobe57F 11/23 15:05
噓 yyyboy: 爵士那場哪裡放推了???59F 11/23 15:05
→ SaintSeven …
推 SaintSeven: 你嚼那場就明顯故意放推隨便打啊,懷疑啥啊?61F 11/23 15:08
推 kaede0711: 去年拿完冠軍贏回他被低估的尊重以後應該已經放下當年的遺憾了
那年真的是很經典的一年 TD跟Kobe同一年退休 LBJ救贖的一冠62F 11/23 15:08
噓 rr1234tw: 爵士放推?那場攸關季後賽門票怎麼可能放啊66F 11/23 15:10
噓 ksk0516: 笑話冠軍73勝總亞軍少蹭老大67F 11/23 15:12
推 yoyodjy: 搞半天結果沒放下的是詹迷68F 11/23 15:12
→ earldunn: 爵士無論有沒有認真打都是放推阿,就是個一輪遊球隊69F 11/23 15:15
推 lll840322: 說放推隨便打的484沒看整場比賽啊?70F 11/23 15:16
推 a25270672: 那年連中職冠軍戰都很精彩,拋了兩次彩帶!75F 11/23 15:29
→ CCFACE: 2016最後幾場KI看到CURRY整個就殺紅眼 拼命吃76F 11/23 15:30
推 wayne4225: 笑死 現在73亞怎麼嘴都不到痛點了QQ77F 11/23 15:31
推 newandnew: 73勝完美落幕 亞軍
不會痛啊 只是笑話 天大的笑話QQ80F 11/23 15:34
推 benboy: 還有我勇1:3逆轉雷霆 結果總冠被逆回來QQ82F 11/23 15:39
推 benboy: 現在看16年真的瘋狂 還有路人400顆三分 場場紀錄84F 11/23 15:42
推 ms0545173: 2016本來就是近幾年最經典最值得一看的85F 11/23 15:42
推 wayne4225: 確實 的確就是個大笑話 我勇迷現在看也是想笑88F 11/23 15:48
推 p10121987: 爵士放推老大也不用拚逆轉還拿60分了90F 11/23 15:48
噓 Pinka5566: Curry就是臉皮太薄了,你看恥力高一點的姆斯鬧了個75海0輪的天大笑話後,隔天還是喜孜孜地在社群媒體轉貼自己的數據。92F 11/23 15:50
推 ooxxman: 73亞,籃球史上最傳奇無可超越的一刻95F 11/23 15:54