看板 NBA
作者 munchlax (小卡比獸)
標題 [花邊] 老巴: 聯盟要怎麼處理家暴問題
時間 Wed Oct 25 14:54:27 2023

來源:Awful Announcing (NBA on TNT賽前訪問)

Barkley:“They said go to commercial, but I’ve got a serious question
for you, There’s a couple of disturbing incidents of domestic violence in the
NBA right now. What are we doing to address that? You can’t put your hands on
women, man, and we should be at the forefront in sports when men hit women.So
what are we as a league gonna do about that?”

老巴: 他們說要進廣告了,但我有一個嚴肅的問題要問你,NBA最近有幾件令人不安的
家暴事件。我們該怎麼去處理它,你不能對女人動手,老兄。 在運動領域上,當男性打傷

Silver:“That’s an area where we’re not looking to compete against
other leagues when you say forefront,” Silver responded. “I think all the
leagues are trying to address this issue. But I know, again, our players
association, credit to them, this wasn’t adversarial. We put in place a new
program for how we deal with, first of all, accusations of domestic violence
even before they’re prosecuted. Part of it goes to the training of our players.
Counseling of our players to make sure they understand during high-stress
situations obviously never to resort to violence against anyone and so we’re
addressing it. We have state-of-the-art counseling professionals dealing with
our players, but of course, if a guy does cross the line the consequences are

阿銀: 當你談到前線時,在這個議題上我們並沒有要與其他聯盟競爭。我想全部的聯盟都



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: munchlax 2023-10-25 14:54:27
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bEBkcOu (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1698216870.A.638.html
e8e88: 世界和平+Kidd:家暴真的不好1F 10/25 14:56
conqueror507: 大刑伺候2F 10/25 14:56
dynamo: Poole:是在說我?3F 10/25 14:57
alittleghost: 老巴語錄:今天贏球看我老婆多高興,她知道不會被揍了4F 10/25 14:58
gn01360921: 台美友好,PN友好,家暴繼續打球沒問題5F 10/25 14:58
kingianlin: 這是在說小橋那事件嗎?6F 10/25 14:59
ken720331: 臭阿銀7F 10/25 15:00
MK47: KIDD不是還在當教練8F 10/25 15:06
WardellSteph: 家務事外人沒資格插手9F 10/25 15:13
abc730042: 老巴是不是有在關注台籃10F 10/25 15:15
Crazyheros: Kidd跟世界和平好像都是被扁的那邊啊…11F 10/25 15:23
Kidd 2001年打前妻被判有罪,2007年聲請保護令把前妻請出家門
mikazeray: 登登才是被世界和平扁的那個12F 10/25 15:37
LBJ9527: 綠師傅:一拳解決不了 就兩拳13F 10/25 15:53
JUNstudio: 中譯第二行的「man」比較像語助詞,不是真的受詞14F 10/25 15:54
sean4712: 小心錄音黨被流出15F 10/25 15:57
asd07633: KPJ女友:我沒被打
遛鳥俠:16F 10/25 16:01
pzztt: 男女憑拳18F 10/25 16:12
EXUAN: 嘴綠:?19F 10/25 16:13
sammy5062: 這要美國法律和教育才有用吧20F 10/25 16:16
cv120345: 跟MLB比真的差距很大,相比T.Bauer後來也沒被起訴就就禁賽兩季且所有球團都不錄用21F 10/25 16:16
※ 編輯: munchlax ( 臺灣), 10/25/2023 16:24:56
kgismvp: 樓上,鮑爾根本不是家暴啊23F 10/25 17:14
pieceofcake: 以前蒐證難,息事容易,現在人人都可拍片,以後浮上檯面應該只會更多24F 10/25 17:44
mose56789: == MLB真正的家暴仔根本沒被封殺 別亂講26F 10/25 17:51
mschien8295: 今年道奇的家暴仔Urias應該接下來就會被各球團默契封殺,可能只能得回墨西哥打球了27F 10/25 18:04
alex0973: MLB? 呵呵 作弊的垃圾隊伍沒受到任何處罰29F 10/25 18:06
john91018: 某人還好只會扁隊友30F 10/25 18:13
gentleman317: 羅振豐:31F 10/25 18:28
windsp0419: 打隊友也順便討論怎麼處理阿32F 10/25 18:43
allyourshit: JA9:還好我是持槍不是扁人33F 10/25 18:55
chinhan1216: 慈世平是被扁的34F 10/25 19:01
sdiaa: TREVOR BAUER是得罪方丈 不是疑似毆打或性侵被封殺35F 10/25 19:03
phoenix286: Bauer那件事感覺是變成:不准玩SM...36F 10/25 22:03
FreedomX10: 新台灣人Q表示:還好我在台灣?!37F 10/25 22:47
asdfzx: 鮑爾和席林都是管不住嘴巴導致被聯盟往死裡打的案例,所以說講話真的要小心不要得罪方丈38F 10/26 03:54
