看板 NBA
作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
標題 [外絮] NBA:沒證據負載管理對受傷風險沒幫助或有幫助
時間 Sun Jan 14 06:51:16 2024

NBA report - No link between load management, less injury risk - ESPN
The NBA disseminated an analytics report to its teams and media members this week that said there is no correlation between players being load managed ...


作者:Tim Bontemps

The NBA disseminated an analytics report to teams and select media members
this week that said there is no correlation between players being load
managed and having a reduced risk of injury.

The report, the latest step in what has been a long debate over the concept
of load management, comes in the wake of Joe Dumars, the NBA's executive vice
president of basketball operations, saying in October that there is no
correlation between the two. Commissioner Adam Silver backed up Dumars in a
news conference last month.


Joe Dumars於十月份表示,這兩者之間沒有相關性。NBA主席Adam Silver在上個月的記者

Dr. Christina Mack, epidemiologist and and chief scientific officer at IQVIA
Injury Surveillance & Analytics, which produced the report, was careful to
point out that the report does not say that load management doesn't work,

"We're not saying it's better or worse," Mack said.

Christina Mack博士是IQVIA傷害監測與分析部門的流行病學家兼首席科學官,該部門製作


The 57-page report was sent to NBA teams earlier this week -- at the behest
of the NBA's competition committee -- to see if there was any relationship

‧ frequency of game participation and injury

‧ schedule density and injury

‧ cumulative NBA participation and injury

The report concluded that there was not.




"Results from these analyses do not suggest that missing games for rest or
load management -- or having longer breaks between game participation --
reduces future in-season injury risk," the report said, in bold type, in its

"In addition, injury rates were not found to be higher during or immediately
following periods of a dense schedule."

The report said that remained true even when factoring in things like player
age, minutes played and injury history.




The report based its findings off a 10-year sample -- from the 2013-14 season
through 2022-23 -- using leaguewide data and focusing on a group of 150
"starter-level players" each season. Those players were All-Stars from the
past three seasons, top 10 picks in that season's draft and the remaining
players with the most total minutes played in the prior season who don't fit
into either of the previous two groups

The report also focused on players missing a single game, rather than
multiple games in a row, and was split into players sitting specifically for
rest, as well as games in which a player missed time for rest or injury.



Although the report said there were a variety of factors that limited the
scope of the findings -- the inability to examine trends from outside the
10-year window of data, and the different ways individual teams handle this
topic -- it repeatedly stressed that there was no correlation between load
management and ensuring players will be on the court more regularly.

While single-game absences for starter-level players skyrocketed over the
past decade -- from a combined 169 among starter-level players in 2014-15 to
380 in 2022-23 -- the number of regular-season injuries among starter-level
players also reached a 10-season high this past season.



Early in the report, it explained why it was commissioned this summer: the
ongoing discussion about star players missing games.

In the 1980s, star players -- a group defined by the report as players who
were either All-Star or All-NBA selections in the current season or the prior
two -- missed an average of 10.4 games per season, a number that was 10.6
games in the 1990s.

But that number jumped from 13.9 games in the 2000s to 17.5 games in the
2010s and 23.9 games in this decade.




NBA senior vice president of player matters Dave Weiss, asked if that
dramatic increase in missed games over the past 20 years could be attributed
to load management, said much of it was because of injury, but that
single-game absences for players had increased by about five times over that

"Clearly, that's happening more than at just the rate of injuries," Weiss

The report's findings -- establishing that load managing players does not
definitively lead to them being healthier -- was in line with what Dumars
said back in October.

NBA球員事務資深副總裁Dave Weiss在被問及過去20年間缺席比賽次數的急劇增加是否可



At last month's in-season tournament, Silver reiterated the stance that
there's no data-driven proof that the concept of load management keeps
players healthy. He called the science and medical data "mixed."

"The question is I think the ultimate question behind load management isn't
so much that there isn't a fall-off from performance when you are tired and
fatigued," he said. "The question is, does that lead to more injuries?"

That was in direct contrast to Silver's comments last February, when he said,
"The suggestion, I think, that these men, in the case in the NBA, somehow
should just be out there more for its own sake, I don't buy into."




Weiss said that change in tone was a function of the league deciding it was
necessary to study the data.

"We accepted that conventional wisdom and some of the information that teams
had shared with us over years, which included some data but never nearly as
robust as what we've now shared back," Weiss said. "And it hit a point where
we said, 'You know, we have been looking at this for years and we are not
seeing this effect, and so we think we need to get more formal and structured
in terms of how we're analyzing this and sharing it out with teams.' And
that's really kind of what led to this."



Diving deep into data, the NBA, formally, says its numbers don’t back load management - The Athletic
According to the NBA, its report on load management, "calls into question the conventional wisdom that it does ... reduce injuries." ...


作者:David Aldridge

The league pointed out that the report has limitations:

‧ It only covers regular-season games.
‧ It doesn’t account for players coming from the offseason and ramping up
for play before the start of a regular season.
‧ It does not determine how much the fatigue of playing more minutes or
games impacts players’ mental health, a major area of increased concern and
care by the league in recent years.
‧ It does not account for individual intensity of play (how much does one
player pace himself during a season, compared with another?)
‧ In addition, players over 35, who are eligible for exemptions from the
PPP, are such a relatively small sample group that more data may be needed to
see if they’re impacted differently.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2024-01-14 06:51:16
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1benFc7x (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1705186278.A.1FB.html
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 01/14/2024 06:51:46
badotise: 但b2b比賽多風險就變很高1F 01/14 06:53
EZ78: 並沒有 研究就是說沒有相關性
我比較困惑的是 既然沒證據顯示沒幫助 那也不應該禁止輪休= =2F 01/14 06:54
answertw: 很好奇一樓是如何以除了情感外的因素得到結論的5F 01/14 06:55
coiico: 輪休對票房有負面影響 輪休和是否受傷沒有相關性6F 01/14 07:01
coyoteY: 禁止輪休主要是為了票房吧7F 01/14 07:01
o0991758566: 單純比賽可能真不是直接因素 個人先天素質 訓練模式可能還比較有關8F 01/14 07:01
coiico: 兩者放一起 得到禁止輪休的結論不意外吧10F 01/14 07:02
o0991758566: 沒幫助那當然聯盟要你出賽啊==  亮相給觀眾看11F 01/14 07:02
EZ78: 確實 感覺這決定商業面的考量應該大於醫療面12F 01/14 07:03
LFTK: 多少海外球迷一輩子去不了幾次 然後去了球員輪休==13F 01/14 07:04
MK47: 中職再度領先 越投越帶勁14F 01/14 07:06
coiico: 我是想知道球員跳的高度 是否和受傷頻率有相關性15F 01/14 07:07
driftcreator: 可以說這份研究只是解開了部分迷霧 並沒有具體結論16F 01/14 07:08
LFTK: 現在真的很少球星打滿82場 看紅色光頭生涯一排82
滿敬佩的17F 01/14 07:09
driftcreator: TA那篇報導中,有明確把環境限制條件寫出來19F 01/14 07:10
coiico: 喬丹中後期裁判有特別保護他20F 01/14 07:11
yuffieAK47: 但對球員心理健康有幫助21F 01/14 07:12
coiico: 而且喬丹算是蠻自律的球員22F 01/14 07:12
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 01/14/2024 07:14:06
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 01/14/2024 07:20:54
O10lOl01O: 我懂了 所以應該要天天上場 雙贏!23F 01/14 07:14
driftcreator: 就變數太多很難控 老錫有抱怨過輿論只看場上操球員但都沒有意識到場下(他)對球員訓練的調控配套24F 01/14 07:17
LFTK: 現在的哨音尺度應該也算滿保護球員了26F 01/14 07:19
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 01/14/2024 07:22:18
mirac1e: 殺豬公戰法 操就對了27F 01/14 07:24
bruce1119: 報告也指出近年缺賽率高,這之中是真的因傷缺賽的是否也是相對增加的28F 01/14 07:28
EZ78: 是 近幾年職業球員(而且不只籃球)傷病都有大量爆增的趨勢 這是一個很多人都在研究的主題30F 01/14 07:31
alex8725: 強度有差32F 01/14 07:31
mepass: 沒受傷風險 當然就是要盡量出賽33F 01/14 07:31
k798976869: 減少b2b場次就好惹34F 01/14 07:32
alex8725: 其實就跟棒球投手近年來動刀率越來越高一樣35F 01/14 07:33
EZ78: 只是NBA這份報告是聚焦在輪休上而已 傷病變多算是普遍的共識36F 01/14 07:33
f77928: 確實 82場 48分鐘就對了 奈瓜KD48根本先知寂寞38F 01/14 07:33
alex8725: 差別是棒球有個客觀的球速數據能告訴您你球速越快越容易動刀39F 01/14 07:34
cangyisu: 然後這新聞出來 咖哩今天輪休41F 01/14 07:34
alex8725: 記得也有人認為近年pace提升增加球員負擔?42F 01/14 07:37
EZ78: 研究這方面的很多 Holmes就認為是美國運動員系統性的問題43F 01/14 07:38
evangelew: 噁心的阿銀45F 01/14 07:39
EZ78: 這個問題太複雜 這份只是暫時說輪休沒證據有沒有效果而已46F 01/14 07:39
evangelew: 他們這根本話術大賽xd48F 01/14 07:39
alex8725: 我自己覺得1.美國青少年也走向過早專精化/接受高強度訓練2.比賽強度、節奏的上升對於球員負擔加大49F 01/14 07:40
evangelew: E版說的沒錯 因為很多實驗沒法限制變因下 你做出的結論就往往是不顯著 而無有效證據證明51F 01/14 07:40
alex8725: 主因當然是$ 但商業聯盟怎麼可能不談53F 01/14 07:40
evangelew: 這反過來說 你也無法證明這絕對沒用阿
棒球本身負載管理就行之有年了 例如新人投手的
新人球季的投球局數限制 到了還往往會提前關機
運動本身一定需要負載管理 球團能進行控制的也就是54F 01/14 07:41
alex8725: 不過棒球也有Don Cooper這種認為球數限制就是沒道理的人就是58F 01/14 07:43
evangelew: 出賽時間跟出賽場次
一定肌肉疲勞會大幅增加受傷風險的已經是難以反駁的60F 01/14 07:43
alex8725: 所以就是 還真都沒有結論 反對棒球這種球數管理的人一樣可以說有管還不是一堆去動刀 甚至還有人認為就是平常投太少才會一投就受傷62F 01/14 07:44
airash800513: [情報] Hollinger:從球隊的角度來談談"負荷管理"
https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1677068372.A.D7C.h65F 01/14 07:44
[情報] Hollinger:從球隊的角度來談談"負荷管理" - NBA板 - Disp BBS
creative 消息來源: 內容:前灰熊副總裁 Hollinger:從球隊的角度來談談“負荷管理” 擷錄片段 在此我想說的是:上世紀80年代的球員不進行"負荷管理",並且他們中的一部分確實表 現得
evangelew: 現在只是運動員有個別體質的差異 所以投多少球會67F 01/14 07:45
airash800513: tml68F 01/14 07:45
evangelew: 導致受傷風險開始大幅上升 這樣的問題69F 01/14 07:45
o0991758566: 比賽方式也有關 像JA 以前的Rose 打法上來看耗損70F 01/14 07:46
isequ: 多少還是有影響啦 不然你各位怎麼不每天跑健身房?71F 01/14 07:46
o0991758566:  風險會比較高 結果也是如此 但個人先天身體素質可72F 01/14 07:46
isequ: 休息必要性又有個人體質分別73F 01/14 07:46
o0991758566: 能還是最重要 Westbook也是各種飛 要不是遇到血貝是74F 01/14 07:46
mirac1e: 不過球員本來就是高薪的消耗品
為了怕受傷所以減少上場時間 有點本末倒置75F 01/14 07:46
o0991758566: 沒大傷過的 而且到現在也是打得好好的77F 01/14 07:46
airash800513: 貼錯篇,囧,ez版之前有一篇有提到越來越多還沒進聯盟就開刀的球員78F 01/14 07:47
alex8725: 龜龜其實被傷影響不少就是80F 01/14 07:47
evangelew: 是阿 龜龜被影響真的不少81F 01/14 07:48
Zacoe: 用這種方式統計,出來的結果就是大便82F 01/14 07:51
f77928: 尊重科學好嗎 既然沒有任何統計推論上的意義 就是操好操滿才對得起到場球迷 個體差異什麼的重要嗎83F 01/14 07:55
MDAISUKE18: 這種不就變成跟輔助判決一樣,看開頭先站在哪一邊,但沒有證據可以推翻85F 01/14 08:03
mangojocker: 美國青少年並沒有過早接受菁英化訓練吧 AAU的商業利益讓青少年打太多比賽而且不練球的球隊很多 都是依賴天賦  這NBA明星很早就出來討論過 抨擊現在的AAU 打太多比賽導致青少年太早耗損而且基礎技術幾乎都沒有打磨87F 01/14 08:03
EZ78: 打AAU要打好的前提就是要大量菁英化訓練阿
所以就變成整年都是比賽->訓練->比賽->訓練的循環92F 01/14 08:05
TheoEpstein: 就年輕人太早就開始操,手臂膝蓋都是消耗品94F 01/14 08:18
gakuto: 不懂對這份報告結論的邏輯..95F 01/14 08:19
TheoEpstein: 跟以前一樣大四打完才進NBA的話,少三年一年差50場96F 01/14 08:19
gakuto: 若研究結果是 負載管理與減輕受傷風險沒相關
照理說不就是表示 負載管理對減輕受傷沒幫助了嗎
標題卻又說沒證據 有幫助或沒幫助
當然 "沒相關"不表示因果關係 也不能當"證據"
總之就是感覺在玩文字遊戲啦97F 01/14 08:20
EZ78:  https://i.imgur.com/0V4P2wt.jpg
標題是我簡化記者的推文的 但你可以直接理解為就是沒有任何關聯103F 01/14 08:29
gakuto: 以統計方法來做的研究 無論多嚴謹都很難說是可以
喔喔好的 謝謝原po的回應106F 01/14 08:30
EZ78: 因為諸多限制的原因 沒證據有幫助跟沒幫助本來就不能劃上等號109F 01/14 08:31
gakuto: 嗯嗯不過他一開始決定用這個研究方法
一樣都是沒證據可以證明有幫助 也沒有證據可以證明沒幫助了XD111F 01/14 08:34
Playonenight: 不打一定不會受傷115F 01/14 08:35
gakuto: 所以感覺這就跟政治滿像的  要看官方一開始的立場如果官方一開始的立場就是支持負載管理
那研究統計出來有相關 就會聲稱此研究支持這個說法反之亦然
那就是不管研究結果是哪一邊116F 01/14 08:39
apulu0507: 不打一定不會受傷→休賽期因為奇怪的原因變傷兵122F 01/14 08:41
gakuto: 官方都可聲稱  因為因素太多 所以仍無證據證明任何一邊的結論123F 01/14 08:42
EZ78: 其實就是 如果沒有找到實際的連結都很容易落入這個結論 要否定一個東西存在比肯定需要更多證據125F 01/14 08:44
currit: 訓練的專精度 會不會也是原因 強化了肌群 但是也讓身體恢復不好管理127F 01/14 08:54
chen5575: 訓練時都有可能意外傷到了何況是比賽,有時後是運氣 有時後是過勞129F 01/14 08:57
ILLwill: 其實AAU早已密集到不可能有甚麼訓練了131F 01/14 08:59
cowcowleft: 不打一定不會受傷。gorden:?132F 01/14 08:59
rgo: 跟球員的打法風格比較有關係133F 01/14 09:05
CjackC: 沒證據表明抽大麻對身體有害無害134F 01/14 09:08
ponkd: 唯一可以證明的是不上場比賽就不會受傷 至於負載管理與受傷正相關或負相關或零相關 很難驗證的啦135F 01/14 09:09
zero549893: 不上場也是可能受傷的137F 01/14 09:14
harrybbs: 這篇說沒證據  那不打比賽就不會比賽受傷
沒上場還受傷 那種救不了你。138F 01/14 09:21
ifyoutry: 是,而且不做職業運動員風險可以降得更低。140F 01/14 09:23
madeathmao: 所以是57頁的"窩不知道"
沒上場還受傷,這個問姜握141F 01/14 09:37
Bigcookie2: 不打也可能受傷啊……143F 01/14 09:39
MDAISUKE18: 100種受傷的方式不是假的,打電動都會受傷了144F 01/14 09:45
s24066774: 如果我花了十幾萬去美國看到喜歡的球星輪流我應該會轉黑145F 01/14 09:56
mikol: 結論有沒有輪休不影響球員健康 該上場就上場
10年的樣本數也夠多了147F 01/14 10:01
evangelew: 實驗變因沒控制 你樣本數再多也沒用149F 01/14 10:02
mikol: 這是觀察性研究150F 01/14 10:03
evangelew: 你不把影響更大的變因去除 那終究實驗出來就是不
顯著151F 01/14 10:03
domejo: 沒有相關性可能的原因很多好嗎,可能實驗設計跟樣本數都有關。153F 01/14 10:04
h75311418: 輪休多傷的也沒比較少
薪水還不是沒少拿155F 01/14 10:05
evangelew: 因為這觀察性研究球員體質、打法差異等 都沒列入阿157F 01/14 10:05
domejo: 一堆醫療常規也沒有證據有效 但是低風險成本等原因都會照常執行158F 01/14 10:06
evangelew: 好比你拿西門跟老詹做觀察性實驗 最終我閉著眼睛也知道 球員體質會顯著影響160F 01/14 10:06
mikol: 同樣的觀念放到real world就是應該先解決真正導致近幾年傷病比較多的問題 不然輪休也沒用162F 01/14 10:06
evangelew: 球員體質會顯著影響 有看球的球迷都能感覺的到
問題 而不是在還沒解決這問題 去嘴說輪休無用
這種給人是商業考量的感覺太重了 科學? 反而不覺得164F 01/14 10:07
neyokiwi: 說給可愛聽168F 01/14 10:10
mikol: 姆斯跟西門的舉例更證明輪休影響很小 一個操超久結果很少大傷 另一個一直休還是動不動就躺半季169F 01/14 10:10
sony0223098: 重點還是在最近十年受傷爆增的原因吧
這篇報告研究出賽程密集與受傷無關171F 01/14 10:11
evangelew: 就說體質變因影響實驗內容  這也不懂173F 01/14 10:11
sony0223098: 那球員受傷增加的原因?只是單純最近十年球員比較玻璃?174F 01/14 10:11
liu02112: 聯盟要做的本來就是根據科學跟統計推論  訂整體規則176F 01/14 10:12
evangelew: 真是選擇性去看文字耶 別反科學反的這麼噁心177F 01/14 10:12
mikol: 但現實世界你也不可能控制球員體質 在這前提下輪休就沒影響啊==178F 01/14 10:12
evangelew: 你說現實上不行 所以就別用這種觀察性實驗當報告阿180F 01/14 10:13
liu02112: 老是講個別球員狀況要怎麼訂定全部人都要守的規則?181F 01/14 10:13
evangelew: 你都知道有更大的變因去除不掉 你還拿這報告給球團這不是拿鬼抓藥
在各種變因下 輪休當然就變得相對不顯著182F 01/14 10:13
mikol: 所以聯盟的確有立場限制輪休185F 01/14 10:16
h75311418: 這發言是兩邊都沒說死吧,就證據不足186F 01/14 10:17
y1c6: 球員4節全都打好打滿吧187F 01/14 10:20
GimmeTempo: 就證據不足又不是下結論說輪休有用沒用
報告也說考慮傷病歷史了188F 01/14 10:20
evangelew: 他們就很奇怪啊 為啥不去思考例如因為比賽節奏的
話說光是背靠背 是否會影響球員比賽表現這點190F 01/14 10:21
Artist: 對玻璃體質或是大傷剛回來的球員來說 還是有點幫助194F 01/14 10:24
evangelew: 就可以去做判斷的吧 你總是能透過背靠背的例子去看密集出賽是否會影響運動員表現吧195F 01/14 10:24
jay228: 很多球員受傷都只是運氣不好 或是遇到爛人197F 01/14 10:44
ccl007: 碰到格鬥還是整骨師傅 你休多久都沒用198F 01/14 11:08
lanchenchen: 結果咖喱跟老詹今天都輪休XD199F 01/14 11:23
swimbert: 過度疲勞容易受傷,不早就是共識了?200F 01/14 11:24
TraeYoung11: 可以發表論文了…201F 01/14 11:31
jojo5: 禁止輪休是觀眾權益吧 又不是單純受傷問題202F 01/14 11:33
ewayne: 好科學喔,現在吹一堆運科,球員到底有因為運科而更健康更耐操嗎?怎麼老人殺豬公的訓練,反而一堆都可以打滿整季的?
每天都在運科,科到球員變玻璃人。有一種運動項目很運科啦,運科到每個參與者都是有名的玻璃人,那項運動叫做健美。203F 01/14 12:00
Xliao: 介於有用或沒用之間 叫你寫報告不是叫你談玄學欸209F 01/14 14:44
yoyibbi: 我覺得大家都忽視球員可能習慣不好這件事210F 01/14 18:03
