看板 NBA作者 usnavyseal (usmarine2008)標題 [外絮] Banchero: 去年撞牆期時 龜龜主動鼓勵我時間 Sat Feb 3 14:06:37 2024
Banchero上 JJ Redick的節目談到第2年的撞牆期,他提到龜龜主動鼓勵他
JJ: Last time we had you on the pod, it was December-ish, if that's right, of
your rookie year. Yeah, December. Was that the biggest adjustment for you? Or
the biggest shock in terms of your rookie year? Because when we talked to
you, you guys had probably played like 20 or 25 games. Like, you hadn't
really hit this point of the season, which is, I think, the worst point of
the season, which is like January 5th-ish to All-Star break.
PB: Yeah, no, and that's when, last year that was when I got messed up.
January, February, I got messed up. Like, that was the wall that everybody
talked about. That was when I hit the wall. So, like, that was the biggest
thing for me this year. Like, how can I make sure that I'm ready for that?
Because it's gonna happen. So, like, actually, a guy who talked to me, or I
talked to and asked, was Russell Westbrook. And he came up to me and told me,
he was like, yo, whatever, like, "good year", said, "what's up",
"congratulations". He was like, but, you know, year two's the hardest year.
And I was like, "For real, you know, why do we say that?" And he said,
"Because, one, you got expectations now. Everyone is expecting you to
perform. And, you know, everyone's expecting you to improve and be better."
And so then I asked him, like, "What was your mentality? Like, how did you
become better in year two? Like, what did you do?" He said, like I said
earlier about energy, "I made sure my routine was the same every day." He's
like, "I still do." But made sure I ate the same every day. I knew how much I
was eating, what I was eating, how much I was sleeping, so that when the
games start, I'm not even thinking about how I feel. Like, you know, I might
be sore or whatnot, but mentally, you know, physically, like, I'm all there."
And so that was my biggest thing, was like making sure game in and game out,
like all the other stuff I gotta do leading up, whether it's stretching,
eating, sleep, like all that's taken care of. So the game, I can just focus
on the game.
reddit 留言
https://i.imgur.com/mnRoW7E.png https://i.imgur.com/8dKj92Q.png
https://i.imgur.com/GtkUwfL.png https://i.imgur.com/3TP9Skg.png
"Paolo, my boy. Never go to the Lakers" - Westbrook, probably
but he was drafted first overall by the magic, it's his destiny
The way players feel about Westbrook and the way average fans feel about him
are completely different.
I wonder what other players are like that
Kyrie maybe? For completely different reasons but Kyrie seems loved by fellow
B...But X and r/nba told me Russ cancer.
但推特和reddit nba版跟我說他是毒瘤
McMenamin said vampire. McMenamin is a bitch.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: usnavyseal 2024-02-03 14:06:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1blTVlyc (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1706940399.A.F26.html
※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 02/03/2024 14:07:13
推 kyo33: 暖龜3F 02/03 14:07
推 MK47: 球員有御用記者McMenamin懂嗎7F 02/03 14:09
推 melzard: 龜龜場下暖男一輩子 只有在某支球隊被叫吸血鬼8F 02/03 14:09
推 HellFly: 龜龜暖成這樣,他只要沒退休,都一定有球打17F 02/03 14:11
推 e8e88: 聖光龜19F 02/03 14:13
推 sheed30: 真的人人說好話,除了吸血鬼20F 02/03 14:14
推 seguignol: 推龜 活塞球員Iver今天也很感謝龜21F 02/03 14:15
推 love1500274: "McMenamin is a bitch."
好狠22F 02/03 14:17
推 cloudal: 真正的吸血鬼還在湖人25F 02/03 14:18
推 NanaoNaru: McMenamin is a 御用記者26F 02/03 14:18
推 r781207: 吸血鬼現在還寄生在湖人啊36F 02/03 14:29
推 belili: 龜龜的各種型態37F 02/03 14:30
推 rlhl7799: 29隊的好朋友 1隊的敵人48F 02/03 14:48
推 abbei: 龜龜是不是有分身呀49F 02/03 14:50
→ axi: 吸血龜進化成聖光龜(x50F 02/03 14:50
推 ideam: 能照顧新人,人品好54F 02/03 14:54
→ inuyaksa: 原來是牧師人設衝突了 難怪被追殺60F 02/03 15:04
推 malain: 又咬了一個,看看脖子上有沒有洞63F 02/03 15:14
→ Royalweger: 這個被咬了,建議日後到洛杉磯紫金寺,接受紫金聖徒64F 02/03 15:18
推 ayuro: 又被認證好人好事+165F 02/03 15:18
→ Royalweger: 從紫金時出逃的吸血鬼其受害者理應由紫金寺照顧
請奧蘭多日後速速將人送往紫金寺69F 02/03 15:20
推 Ikaruwill: 除了某人之外其他人都在稱讚龜龜,問題在哪很明顯71F 02/03 15:22
推 mmchen: 反觀御用記者72F 02/03 15:24
推 wcsks333: 先預測底下留言噓領那麼多打這麼爛 還不是吸血鬼喔74F 02/03 15:29
推 catdog: 暖龜 真的好讚76F 02/03 15:37
推 super009: 坊間一直流傳龜龜是吸血鬼 難道是曼德拉效應79F 02/03 15:49
推 k1k2k367: 反觀 某迷一直說阿龜是吸血鬼84F 02/03 16:19
→ druu: 該不會退休後母獅跟龜龜的評價反轉吧...85F 02/03 16:20
推 Lakers24: 湖人現在這戰績領最高薪都不會被檢討,反而還能自稱山羊86F 02/03 16:33
→ m791017: 今天好多新聞 因為25000分嗎89F 02/03 16:37
推 NCKUlei: 真的要哭了 之前被某個X種黑真的太委屈了90F 02/03 16:41
推 RicFlair: 去了某人在的球隊硬是被黑成吸血鬼 唉91F 02/03 16:48
推 merkx051: NBA球員有球迷懂球嗎 球員跟球迷講的要聽誰的93F 02/03 17:06
推 gp03dan: 哇,不知道他們是什麼因緣解釋
結識94F 02/03 17:16
推 rbking21: Paolo蠻有前輩緣 嘴綠很欣賞他、KD找他練球
矮笑湯,退休的J尻也都給他超高評價98F 02/03 17:46
推 allyourshit: Never go to the Lakers <-- 血淚教訓 不要不信102F 02/03 18:24
推 whatahw1: 聯名請湖迷退休龜的球衣了103F 02/03 18:27
推 Wall62: 暖男龜龜104F 02/03 18:34
推 to1322: 又吸了一個年輕人107F 02/03 19:15
→ yjo70353: 姆咪:吸血龜別再想要洗白了108F 02/03 19:38
推 Gentile: 被山羊稱吸血龜的 怎麼會109F 02/03 19:40
推 alex0973: 要罵就罵場上腦衝 場外人和很讚 退休轉教練?111F 02/03 22:03
推 whhw: 暖113F 02/03 23:11
推 Myosotis: 既然是御用記者說吸血鬼的 知道背後是誰的主意了吧116F 02/04 00:46
推 zoo2: 真暖117F 02/04 01:26
推 r05066: 說不定記者是指桑罵槐,畢竟不好明說118F 02/04 02:32
推 iopjklbnm: 當年在湖人連穿搭都能被上綱到是龜龜的政治手段120F 02/04 06:57
推 gnl1n: 愛龜愛kyrie122F 02/04 09:19