看板 NBA作者 XXXaBg (對的事情做一千次)標題 [外絮] Lacob談普洱交易案:是時候改變了時間 Sun Jul 16 18:00:38 2023
Joe Lacob drops blunt take on Warriors’ Jordan Poole trade after Draymond Gre
en punching incident
Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob doubled down on Steve Kerr's previous ex
planation on why the team traded Jordan Poole, admitting that they felt it was
time for a change.
金州勇士隊老闆Joe Lacob再度重申Steve Kerr之前對於為何球隊交易Jordan Poole的解
To recall, after the Warriors sent Jordan Poole to the Washington Wizards in a
trade for Chris Paul, Kerr opened up about their rationale behind the deal an
d pointed out that they “sensed” they “needed a shift.”
回顧一下,勇士隊將Poole交易至華盛頓巫師,換取Chris Paul後,Kerr透露了他們做此
“Didn't mean we needed an overhaul, but we needed a shift of some sort. I thi
nk everybody in the organization sensed that. And it feels like we’ve made a
pretty significant shift without giving up our identity and our sense of who w
e are as a team. I think, all in all, it’s a very positive shift,” Kerr furt
Now, Lacob shared similar sentiments while speaking with Madeline Kenney of Me
rcury News, emphasizing that it was a decision they needed to do. The Draymond
Green punching incident with Poole clearly had a negative impact on the team,
and Lacob's admission only adds fuel to the belief that it's a big reason why
the Dubs pulled the trigger on the Poole-Paul deal.
現在,Lacob在接受Mercury News的訪談時,表達了類似的觀點,強調這是他們需要做的
決定。Draymond Green與Poole的打人事件對球隊產生了明顯的負面影響,Lacob的承認只
Lacob, however, expressed optimism that having Paul will help elevate Golden S
tate back to title contention.
“We had to change something. While it's a short-term move, Chris Paul is a fa
bulous Hall of Famer who will I think certainly help our second unit, help our
first unit if he plays there, wherever he plays, he’s a tremendous guy,” La
cob said before clarifying that the coaches have yet to decide whether to star
t CP3 or have him come off the bench.
情。雖然這是一個短期的行動,Chris Paul是一位出色的名人堂球員,我認為無論他在哪
After the Warriors won the title in 2022, many thought that Jordan Poole will
be Stephen Curry's heir apparent in Golden State and take over when he calls i
t a career. Naturally, it came as a surprise when the team dealt Poole away.
在勇士隊於2022年奪冠之後,許多人認為Jordan Poole將是Stephen Curry在金州的接班
However, as Joe Lacob and Steve Kerr hinted, they really needed to make a choi
ce between him and Green seeing that things wouldn't work after that punching
incident. And considering the Dubs' desire to compete for a championship in th
e remaining prime years of Curry, keeping Green was the choice they thought ma
de the most sense.
然而,正如Joe Lacob和Steve Kerr所暗示的,他們確實需要在他和Green之間做出選擇,
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: XXXaBg 2023-07-16 18:00:38
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aix_8TH (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1689501640.A.751.html
推 alex8725: 翻譯:我們要改變明年的薪資空間1F 07/16 18:03
→ BadGame: 智將講過一次 普爾再一次 下次換誰2F 07/16 18:03
→ pp3435: 轉變有兩種,變好還是變壞7F 07/16 18:04
推 Gilbertsky: 是誰根本不重要 只要現在能打的都行 未來開坦就好8F 07/16 18:05
推 ken720331: 智殺 普殺 下一個是不是 苦殺我們就看下去 對了不要說勇士沒雙線了就是雙線失敗要 改變方向9F 07/16 18:05
推 mhkt: 改變很需要勇氣 但還是做了12F 07/16 18:07
推 yjc310746: 啊就Poole天份不高啊 以後也沒辦法複製現在的成功倒不如認賠賣出13F 07/16 18:07
推 kinve1014: Cp3只要健康 比普爾更穩吧 可惜….17F 07/16 18:11
推 hijodedios36: 簡單來說 普洱跟嘴綠只能留一個 那毫無疑問是把比較爛的那個踢掉18F 07/16 18:11
→ s3531573: 受害者被賣 打人的拿合約 根本變相獎勵 可憐啊22F 07/16 18:13
→ darkz: 趕緊把苦命送走吧23F 07/16 18:15
推 LABOYS: 一年前酸其他隊伍只會高價簽老將,我勇續年輕潛力一年後高喊要改變。25F 07/16 18:21
噓 st890284: 改啥 嘴綠續完繼續看弧頂斥力硬傳再開台嘴硬27F 07/16 18:21
推 alex8725: 就被新CBA掃到 不然現在這個時間點賣普爾就註定只能賤賣30F 07/16 18:25
推 ryanlbr: 改變X不想再付豪華稅O32F 07/16 18:26
→ f77928: 老普粉集合34F 07/16 18:27
推 ken720331: Kerr會不會養人大概等咖哩退休就知道了35F 07/16 18:27
推 alex8725: 要不是CBA 這個時間點賣普爾簡直是前幾X的交易36F 07/16 18:28
推 inuyaksa: 整天想著酸回來,然而又是雲仔41F 07/16 18:37
→ karmel: popo沒料的話那NBA哪個教練有料44F 07/16 18:41
推 jardon: klay也打很爛阿 不敢踢 還準備續約 大家都知道怎麼回事46F 07/16 18:48
→ darkz: 只想留老人 還改變勒 年輕人趕緊送走拉48F 07/16 18:48
→ ciafbi007: 留老人 送年輕人走 變的只有薪資吧51F 07/16 18:54
→ karmel: Klay快到期 JP還有四年 在新版CBA下還是要先丟JP52F 07/16 18:55
推 jyekid: 改變= 省錢53F 07/16 18:57
噓 IKnowWhy: 美國富邦 解決提出問題的人54F 07/16 19:02
推 kauw: 受害者拿了肥約,唉這一拳那邊不值得?56F 07/16 19:04
推 jardon: 加害者也拿到 雙贏 嘻嘻57F 07/16 19:05
推 Childishan: 哈哈哈哈哈去年不是從上到下眾志成城捧上位嗎60F 07/16 19:16
推 cloki: 就大家都知道準備省錢了吧62F 07/16 19:47
噓 clotha52181: 基本上這群咖哩為首的佔茅坑老人已經葬送掉勇士的未來了 年輕人看到有這群低效老屁股卡著 誰會想來
不可能每次都有fmvp程度的球員來幫咖哩擦屁股的63F 07/16 19:49
→ asn789451: 不是吧 咖哩最強副手欸 怎沒人來拿免費Fmvp67F 07/16 20:42
→ AAAdolph: 又要留老將,又想養新秀,又想奪冠,結果就是多頭空68F 07/16 20:52
→ iam34: 勇士小圈圈70F 07/16 20:57
推 Tommy92C: 沒人想來結果上上季有OPJ,上季有迪文琴佐,一堆好用綠葉來勇士笑死
你說的沒人想來是指KD等級的話的確沒有,但好用綠葉絕對有73F 07/16 23:02
推 lexus3310: 普爾季後賽就一副想把勇士弄死的樣子咩77F 07/16 23:20
推 sunnyyoung: 普洱完全不是去年的普洱
一直在喊老人的那群蛋 普洱打得比老人還爛啊
蛋們要比讓老人還爛的普洱來接班78F 07/16 23:49
推 ThreeNG: 嘴綠的角色太特殊罕見了,超難取代81F 07/16 23:56
→ micbrimac: 就是不想爭冠 只想省錢了
智將完全換對了 智將在活塞也是爛到不行82F 07/17 01:37
推 ken720331: 智將也是勇士老闆自己的鍋..選RAW結果沒辦法配合kerr體系84F 07/17 07:03
→ LMgogo: 就是他不能接班阿 連k湯程度都沒有86F 07/17 07:35
推 zaza1128: 沒關係啦!普爾也不是白挨一拳,至少有拿到錢87F 07/17 20:05