看板 NBA作者 EZ78 (EZ78)標題 [外絮] Bobby Portis說他家被入室盜竊時間 Mon Nov 4 07:49:28 2024
Milwaukee Bucks forward Bobby Portis said his home was burglarized and his posse
ssions were stolen during Saturday night's game against the Cleveland Cavaliers.
密爾瓦基公鹿前鋒Bobby Portis說他家在星期六對陣騎士的比賽時被入室盜竊。
Portis shared the news on his social media accounts Sunday afternoon, posting a
surveillance video of his front door and asking fans to send any him tips or inf
"This is a place I've considered home," Portis said. "While I was at my game yes
terday, I had a home invasion and they took most of my prized possessions."
Portis believes this was a targeted robbery, sources told ESPN, because it happe
ned right at the start of Saturday's game, and he has filed a police report.
Portis, 27, is playing in his fifth season in Milwaukee.
現年27歲的Bobby Portis正在密爾瓦基效力他的第5個賽季。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2024-11-04 07:49:28
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dA0mA85 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1730677770.A.205.html
ESPN這樣寫 窩不知道
→ kuchibu: 認錯成字母要搶回籃球6F 11/04 07:53
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/04/2024 07:55:16
推 tomoti: 球迷不是都很愛他嗎,最近也沒打特差,也才領不到中產12F 11/04 08:10
推 lsgsl: holiday被搶走了真的是搶劫吧QQ...13F 11/04 08:14
推 b54102: 0元購 XD16F 11/04 08:23
推 i376ers: 密爾瓦基有零元夠嗎18F 11/04 08:37
推 dick929: 這種侵入住宅竊盜被屋主轟兩槍也是剛好而已,不要再說零元購了20F 11/04 08:53
推 KirkSynder: 這個是闖空門偷東西吧Burglarized 或是steal合理 但是robbery是搶劫耶 這個用詞差有點多 加上連年紀也搞錯22F 11/04 08:55
okok 年紀的部分就...ESPN就那樣寫 窩不知道 我查到他也是29
噓 MookieBetts: 講的好像是Holiday自己想走一樣,把我賣掉招呼都不打25F 11/04 08:56
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/04/2024 09:00:26
→ IBIZA: 知道莫少聰也是上了年紀了28F 11/04 09:19
推 jorden: 眼睛的部分蠻像莫少聰的
難怪看到波堤獅覺得眼熟 但想不起誰30F 11/04 09:55
推 KirkSynder: 我先前的留言是講ESPN 如果造成誤會我先說抱歉 翻譯很辛苦謝謝您分享 從前後文很明顯Portis是被闖空門但是ESPN一會robbery 一會又stolen的,你是ESPN耶不是什麼野雞媒體 不可能分不清吧?32F 11/04 09:56
→ ghostxx: 什麼偷,借住順手帶貨而已36F 11/04 10:01
→ nnkj: 難怪上一場狀態不好37F 11/04 10:20
推 yeustream: espn不該分不清,但Portis可能分不清,espn只是敘述Portis的看法.41F 11/04 11:35
→ alex0973: 莫少聰帥很多欸...電影台梁寬常看到44F 11/04 12:18
推 Miyanishi25: 幹莫少聰害我噴飯XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD48F 11/04 18:34