看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 PTT0000 (0000)
標題 Lin和Obama總統及其他大咖一起拍公益廣告
時間 Fri Jun 22 01:59:51 2012

還有NFL 超級杯 MVP得主Eli Manning

個個都是超級大咖,Lin的聲音好好聽 >/////<

1 is 2 many PSA | The White House
  President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden join with Eli Manning, Jeremy Lin, Jimmy Rollins, Evan Longoria, David Beckham, Joe Torre and Andy Katz in this PSA to raise awareness about dating violence. Despite the significant progress made in reducing violence against women, young women cont ...


1 is 2 many PSA

June 21, 2012 | 1:00 | Public Domain

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden join with Eli Manning,
Jeremy Lin, Jimmy Rollins, Evan Longoria, David Beckham, Joe Torre and Andy
Katz in this PSA to raise awareness about dating violence. Despite the
significant progress made in reducing violence against women, young women
continue to face the highest rates of dating violence and sexual assault. In
the last year, one in 10 teens has reported being physically hurt on purpose
by a boyfriend or girlfriend. One in five young women has been sexually
assaulted while in college. In response to these alarming statistics, Vice
President Biden launched the 1is2many campaign last year. This campaign
focuses his longstanding commitment to reducing violence against women
specifically on teens and young women ages 16-24. By targeting the importance
of changing attitudes that lead to violence, and educating the public on the
realities of abuse, this Administration is leading the way to stop violence
against women before it begins.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
dear1120:cool!!1F 06/22 02:10
zo6al:讚!!2F 06/22 03:13
huibear0104:新經紀人果然不是蓋的~3F 06/22 04:23
DavidJam:推~4F 06/22 04:51
wuling1001:WOW! 這應該跟新經紀人沒多大關係吧~5F 06/22 04:57
caremelsosad:COOL!!!!!!!!!!6F 06/22 06:59
bluesunflowe:看到托瑞爺爺...7F 06/22 07:36
dalepp:Good!8F 06/22 08:38
zerokonz:@@~貝克漢9F 06/22 08:55
chin0505:白宮欸!!!!10F 06/22 08:58
homesize:推11F 06/22 09:40
ktam:推!!!太酷了!!!12F 06/22 09:41
ab32110:好酷喔 推!13F 06/22 10:29
cwolf:反 dating violence and sexual assault (要保護自己和他人14F 06/22 10:29
dadadeng:好威喔!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15F 06/22 11:18
cow1231ya:酷!!!16F 06/22 12:16
spittz:哇~~~~17F 06/22 12:26
HarryYu:真是的,嚇不倒我的..XDD18F 06/22 13:01
admorert:歪著頭講話:) 還有為什麼不穿合身西裝咧...想念西裝:))19F 06/22 13:49
bluemoon7:難道老貝去美國就是專程去拍這個???20F 06/22 14:36
IridescentX:貝克漢現在在美國踢球  洛衫磯銀河隊21F 06/22 20:47
yeaha0055:他去美國也幾年了 全家都在那 湖人主場很常出現XD22F 06/22 20:59
cynd:LIN聲音真好聽!!貝克漢英國腔也很棒:p23F 06/22 23:11
darlenechen:LIN的形象真得很好耶!!!!!!!  聲音好好聽!!!24F 06/22 23:51
lilactime:讚!聲音真好聽25F 06/23 00:17
bluemoon7:為啥頭歪歪的 XDDDDDDDD26F 06/23 01:16
noral:大學長邀請 小學弟義不容辭XD 形象也要夠好才能拍公益廣告27F 06/23 01:53
跟以往一樣 http://ppt.cc/FNsl28F 06/23 10:40
caremelsosad:LIN的EQ有夠高的30F 06/23 10:41
