看板 SNSD作者 eyebrow0928 (眉毛 = 順圭魂)標題 [新聞] SNSD's to Host Very Own Talk Show時間 Tue Nov 15 14:37:23 2011
So according to some news articles..
The first recording will be on 11/20 and
first episode will air on 12/4
推 mikilin23:JTBC相關人員與osen的通話中說到:不是外界所傳的那種脫口秀談話節目,而是以少女時代為主軸的real綜藝,雖然少女時代是主人公,但也有可能請一些嘉賓.並且提到計畫在20日錄製第一回.少女時代方面也滿懷熱情,等待首錄.11/15 16:25
real綜藝更是大發啊!!! ~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified.com
Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified.com
JTBC attracted much attention after announcing that they will be creating a “
Girls’ Generation” talk show with all the members of Girls’ Generation as
the fixed guests. However, contrary to what was reported earlier, it won’t
be a talk show, but a real variety format.
Through a phone call with OSEN, JTBC stated, “Unlike what was reported
before, it is not a talk show. It will be a real variety show with Girls’
Generation as the key people. Girls’ Generation will be the center of the
show, but there is a possibility of others guests starring as well. The first
recording is scheduled to take place on November 20th. Girls’ Generation are
anticipating the first filming as well.”
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified.com
Edited by: SeraphKY@soshified.com
On November 15th, the general service channel
jTBC revealed that the show “
Girls' Generation” will be in production at the open broadcasting
organization briefing that was held at the Korean Daily building.
This will
be the first talk show based around the Girls' Generation members.
11/15 jTBC釋出“Girls' Generation”的製作訊息
In Japan, the TV show “SMAP× SMAP”, which features the popular group SMAP,
has been gaining much popularity over in the aforementioned country.
(TL note:
“Girls' Generation” is a temporary working title until the name
of the show is decided.)
“Girls' Generation”這個節目名稱只是暫定
“Girls' Generation” will have all 9 members as the hosts and it will be
directed by KBS PD Yoon Hyun Jun who also directed “Win Win”.
“Girls' Generation”會由九個成員共同主持!!
“Girls' Generation” will air every Sunday, and will run for seventy minutes
from 7:30 pm to 9:10 pm. The channel and broadcast date have not been decided
on. ‘Girls' Generation' will be airing at the same time as KBS weekend
dramas, as well as MBC and SBS news.
將於12月1日正式開始播出的綜合編成頻道JTBC 11月15日下午在首爾巡和洞中央日報大樓
金亨錫、玉珠賢出演的選秀節目“Made in You”(星期六晚10時10分)等。
★ ☆ ◢◣ ★
對我稍微親切點怎麼樣 ★ ◢◤◥◣ ▆▆▆
☆ 生硬冷漠的語氣讓我非常受傷 ▃▃▃▃ ▌
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推 e761031:硬碟哭泣推!!!!!!!!3F 11/15 14:53
→ spko:有史以來MC最多、最吵的電台 XDDD5F 11/15 14:59
推 liketen:挖哈哈哈~~~讚啦!!!9F 11/15 15:02
推 bwebwe:!!!! 超讚啊!!! 硬碟爆掉也甘願阿!!!! 必收集阿!! 美英阿~~11F 11/15 15:04
推 kay1127:開會回來就看到好消息,硬碟爆了也甘願阿XDD12F 11/15 15:06
可預期將來會有九站聯合製作中字 速度有多快 拭目以待 v( ̄︶ ̄)y
推 ohbravo:ya!!!!!!!!!!!13F 11/15 15:09
推 kuoiann:先敬字幕組 []=( ̄▽ ̄)> 15F 11/15 15:09
推 mike1990:DRJC說不定會一站做完XD16F 11/15 15:10
推 akamen:我又買了兩顆硬碟來擋 大發啊!! 希望少女們有更多休息時間17F 11/15 15:11
推 ekin325:幸運 前陣子凹到一顆新硬碟還沒拆封 就等這節目了 XD19F 11/15 15:18
→ kerry228:我發現我好天真 以為800g很大了 ....20F 11/15 15:22
推 spko:唉,回想12年前我想灌個500MB的天地劫電腦空間還不夠....22F 11/15 15:23
推 akamen:硬碟商應該找少女代言的XD24F 11/15 15:26
推 kay1127:要收少女節目硬碟要T起跳阿(遠目)25F 11/15 15:27
推 ekin325:這兩 三個月少時忙 字幕組忙 SONE忙 XDD27F 11/15 15:33
推 r871113:前陣子才敗了一顆2T 現在想想好像還不太夠...(暈)29F 11/15 15:50
推 s80623:會由九個成員共同主持!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!30F 11/15 15:52
推 jamessytba:什麼? 談話性節目? 我有沒有看錯? 又多一個調劑物! 棒!31F 11/15 16:01
推 hohohho:太期待了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!吵死SONE了阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!33F 11/15 16:09
→ r871113:可以期待有大量互相爆料的搞笑畫面了XDD34F 11/15 16:12
推 bboobb:如果我是製作人....我會一次讓兩個人或三個人主持,輪流
當然訪問的來賓都要是大咖..像以前周杰倫主持都是請超大咖35F 11/15 16:25
推 bwebwe:史上最吵綜藝秀!!?? (會比HB更吵嗎? XDDDD)39F 11/15 16:52
→ hohohho:有少時聚集的地方...........很難不吵XDDDDDD40F 11/15 17:01
推 ekin325:孝淵在HB 有很好的註解 不吵的話要我們消失才可以 XDD41F 11/15 17:03
※ 編輯: eyebrow0928 來自: (11/15 17:10)
→ moomtom:後續活動真的都以韓國的活動為主了 拍戲固定節目出演之類45F 11/15 17:27
推 kay1127:11年大半都在國外跑了,現在要回頭固守韓國基本盤,懷挺!!46F 11/15 17:32
推 kid3652:希望會是有趣的節目 不過少女又要更忙了47F 11/15 17:33
推 cxy623:真實綜藝^^應該可以看到壞掉的九隻48F 11/15 17:35
推 kkk0j:期待啊!來換台新電腦等著~49F 11/15 17:40
推 Elkardian:太爽啦!!!!!!!!!! 突然很感動XDDDDDD51F 11/15 18:23
推 ekin325:忽然覺得11月好漫長 XDD52F 11/15 18:25
→ mewcity:九個MC 誰是主key呢~~~~~~~~~~~還是集集換XDDD 太期待了53F 11/15 19:07
推 bboobb:主key太妍吧,主持、電台經驗最豐富又隊長54F 11/15 19:09
推 angerlasu:感覺主key應該還是Tiffany Yuri孝淵 秀英四個55F 11/15 19:17
推 ekin325:主KEY什麼的不重要 只需要更瘋狂、更崩壞的少時 XDDD56F 11/15 19:17
→ angerlasu:然後太妍跟西卡還有Yoona大概是話很少在旁邊笑的吧!57F 11/15 19:17
推 nash3833:硬碟要吃飽飽了!!!!!!!58F 11/15 19:18
推 ekin325:西卡就擺張床給她 XDD59F 11/15 19:23
推 hihi29:沒有最吵 只有更吵61F 11/15 19:31
推 hohohho:想看順圭帶帕尼去捕魚 孝淵逼西卡作家事 秀英教太妍增高64F 11/15 19:54
推 ekin325:想看來賓 林肯 VS 景山 XDD65F 11/15 19:56
推 kenkie:開心死了啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!66F 11/15 19:57
推 fgd5555:推推!!!!!!!!!! 好期待啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!68F 11/15 20:18
推 eepq:真是太令人期待了!!!!!!!!!69F 11/15 21:19
推 leoz69927:西卡表演睡覺 秀英小鹿表演吃飯 忙內表演看書 太妍表演大媽笑 孝淵表演初丁 帕尼表演嫉妒 SUNNY表演抓雞
YURI表演運動跟瑜伽70F 11/15 21:25
→ aaa955051:少女時代真是全方位的藝人呀!!! 超乎想像太多了74F 11/15 21:30
推 MP100:好期待呀76F 11/15 21:30
推 river0927:完全期待阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!77F 11/15 21:44
推 thisispika:好多少女們的節目啊~~~ 挑戰中翻的極限~~~79F 11/15 22:33
推 stk11:超期待 以後應該是少女輪班主持吧~81F 11/15 22:56
推 Penny319:阿~~真的好期待!!!!!!!!82F 11/15 22:59
推 DStarry:被這消息挖上來推文XDDD 期待期待~!!83F 11/15 23:00
推 airwun:XDDDDDDDDD 超期待的拉86F 11/16 00:25
推 rockalife:好期待喔^^也希望她們不要太累...矛盾XD88F 11/16 21:55