推 mowchi:跟電台是練聽力的時候...但是順圭妳講話好快啊-.-; Sunny DJ: The weather changes recently, many people caught flu... *sneezes*, like this.. *laughter* Sunny DJ: "Before exam, we should only study a littlemore, why is this so? As everyone knows, studies is39F 11/01 19:29
→ mowchi:something we should be doing in normal days.. AlthoughI don't have a lot of life experiences, everyone pleasebe like our maknae Seohyun, do a lot of self-enrichment45F 11/01 19:33
→ mowchi:有人知道現在放的這首是什麼歌嗎0.0? Audience: Sunny noona I'm studying now please wake meup.. Sunny: Wake you up..? ... WAH! ... *laughter* sorry, wish you do well in studies. 最好是這樣還能專心讀書啦>/////////////////////////////<*Everyone in the world can send message to DJ Sunny now55F 11/01 19:39