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作者 nangle (機翻如下)
標題 [新聞] Moderna Warns New Waves of Covid-19 Ar
時間 Mon May 31 21:05:28 2021


Moderna Warns New Waves of Covid-19 Are Coming
Moderna 警告新一波 Covid-19 即將到來


Moderna Warns New Waves of Covid-19 Are Coming | Barron's
Scientists and executives laid out their plans to combat new strains of the virus, saying new waves of the pandemic are on their way. ...



Updated May 28, 2021 9:03 am ET / Original May 28, 2021 8:17 am ET


Moderna scientists and executives laid out their plans to combat new strains
of the virus that causes Covid-19 at a virtual investor event on Thursday,
saying that new waves of the epidemic are on their way.

“As the virus spreads, it is rapidly mutating,” the company’s chief
scientific officer, Melissa Moore, said on the call. “Some of these new
viral strains appear to be even more transmissible than the original strain…
 We already know that some of these new strains are less susceptible to
neutralization by our current vaccine.”

The company said that it tests new variants in the lab against its vaccines,
and is “constantly” making and testing new versions of its vaccine. But it
warned that the process is not instantaneous, and that the company’s agility
is limited by the complexity of the work.

“The shortest time from the detection of a variant of concern to preclinical
immunogenicity readout against a panel of pseudoviruses is approximately 2 to
3 months,” said Guillaume Stewat-Jones, a Moderna (ticker: MRNA) scientist
who works as associate director of antigen design and selection on their
infectious disease team. “And new viral variants are coming — emerging
constantly in real time.”

The company offered an overview of a range of its scientific programs in the
presentation, including discussions on the engineering of its messenger RNA
and the performance of the lipid nanoparticles that enclose the messenger RNA

Analyst questions at the end of the call, however, focused almost entirely on
its Covid-19 vaccines. That is another sign of the importance the vaccine to
the current valuation of Moderna (ticker: MRNA) shares, as SVB Leerink
analyst Mani Foroohar wrote in a note out Thursday.

In a separate note, Jefferies analyst Michael Yee wrote that the presentation
demonstrated Moderna’s leadership in messenger RNA-based therapeutics.

“[Management] is investing in engineering to ensure they have ‘
differentiated’ mRNA constructs…  and this will be a key ‘moat’ to just
anyone being able to ‘do mRNA,’” Yee wrote.

Moderna shares climbed 2.3% on Thursday, and were down 0.4% on Friday.

Barron’s argued in a feature in late April that Moderna shares had room to
climb, and that Wall Street’s worries over its market value, which at that
time was $67 billion and is now $70.5 billion, were overblown.

Foroohar and Yee are more cautious. Foroohar has an Underperform rating on
Moderna, at a target price of $83, while Yee has a Hold rating and a target
price of $170. Moderna closed at $179.54 on Thursday, and is up 71.9% so far
this year, and more than 220% over the past 12 months.



"該公司的首席科學官Melissa Moore在電話會議上說:"隨著病毒的傳播,它正在迅速變

該公司說,它在實驗室中針對其疫苗測試新的變種,並 "不斷" 製造和測試其疫苗的新版

Moderna(股票代碼:MRNA)的科學家Guillaume Stewat-Jones說:"從檢測到一個令人關


Leerink的分析師Mani Foroohar在週四發佈的一份說明中寫道,這也是疫苗對Moderna(

傑富瑞分析師Michael Yee在另一份報告中寫道,該報告顯示了Moderna在基於信使RNA的




Foroohar 和 Yee 更加謹慎。 Foroohar 對 Moderna 的評級為跑輸大盤,目標價為 83
美元,而 Yee 的評級為持有,目標價為 170 美元。 Moderna 週四收於 179.54 美元,
今年迄今上漲了 71.9%,過去 12 個月上漲了 220% 以上。










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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1622466330.A.71A.html
slrmbenz: 新一波疫情不是早在亞洲大爆發了嗎= =1F 05/31 21:06
ying0502: 跟流感一樣每年打一次…
希望印度變種別進來台灣,東南亞廣州都淪陷了,怕2F 05/31 21:06
pippen2002: yes~ I know!4F 05/31 21:07
beavertail97: 傳染無國界5F 05/31 21:10
jakewu1217: 早來了不是...6F 05/31 21:11
SRadiant: 一開始大家都要打兩劑,之後每年補一劑,營收會成長還是衰退?7F 05/31 21:13
ying0502: 本土這波不都英國變種,有印度了的嗎?9F 05/31 21:14
nangle: 每年兩到三組變異,政府又不可能年年補助
市場到最後一定被MRNA全吃啦10F 05/31 21:16
homeaki: 得過疫情痊癒 遇到變異病毒會如何 有人研究過嗎13F 05/31 21:19
nangle: 有沒有破防沒人知道,但是沒辦法不當一回事
疫苗效力會衰減是確定的了14F 05/31 21:20
Severine: 我只後悔眼光太短 150沒買..16F 05/31 21:24
Toge: 基本上BNTX和MRNA可以長期投資17F 05/31 21:25
linkmusic: 日本是說這病毒有登革熱的特性,二次感染重症化機率18F 05/31 21:25
Francix: 明知有下波,猛打國產疫苗對台灣有何好處?20F 05/31 21:36
aynmeow5566: 敢今天美股沒開 手在抖了21F 05/31 21:36
ck326: MRNA 股價也是上上下下的,要買都有機會拉22F 05/31 21:42
huk40199: 前幾天的新聞了
但會被嗆八卦仔23F 05/31 21:42
fenix220: 支那到底做出甚麼樣的怪物病毒....25F 05/31 21:53
firelin: 台灣有國慘啊,怕什麼...
國慘可以打包了,落後太多又快速變異26F 05/31 21:56
kamichu: 微脂體包裹?28F 05/31 21:58
adagiox: 爽賺
明年30億產能拉出來 爽賺29F 05/31 22:24
budda: 剛剛看醫生分析,不同疫苗對變種病毒的防禦力差別很大,所以不要以為打了就完全沒事,更別說不打了,因為台灣目前流行的英國變種還不是最強的,而且未來還不知道是否面臨更強大的變種侵台,因此,要進口更有效率的品牌疫苗也是重要的。(新聞中比較,AZ防護力相對其他牌為低)31F 05/31 22:48
sdamel: 業配啦37F 05/31 22:49
w9103: 組疫苗ETF拉 ~38F 05/31 22:50
nakayamayyt: 變來變去還混種 真強39F 05/31 23:04
fuzzer: mRNA這半年波浪很大,有2次都修正30%以上沒在客氣的40F 05/31 23:34
gibbs1286: 想賣第三針齁41F 05/31 23:43
joygo: 什麼時候有可能有類似克流感這種,還是因為它病毒在下呼吸道所以都來不及吃呢42F 05/31 23:51
dearevan: 病毒的變種是必然的44F 05/31 23:53
Hirano: 來了~他們來了~我們是他們的奴隸~45F 06/01 00:39
zebirlin: 但高端聯亞是做蛋白質疫苗喔46F 06/01 00:40
