看板 Stock作者 RolfP (TPE)標題 [新聞]AMD 剛剛與 Meta 達成了重大協議!!!時間 Tue Nov 9 00:35:28 2021
原文標題:Chipmaker AMD just scored a big deal with Meta
Tue, November 9, 2021, 12:00 AM
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is about to enter the metaverse.
The chip giant said its EPYC chips were selected by Meta (formerly known as
Facebook) to help power its data centers at its virtual Accelerated Data
Center Premiere event Monday. AMD explained the two companies worked together
to develop a high-performance, power-efficient processor based on the
company's 3rd Generation EPYC processor.
The high-profile win accompanied several announcements from AMD, including
some specifics around upcoming EPYC processors codenamed “Genoa” and “
Bergamo.” AMD dubbed the Genoa processor as the "world’s highest
performance processor for general purpose computing."
“We are in a high-performance computing megacycle that is driving the demand
for more computer to power the services and devices that impact every aspect
of our daily lives," AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su said in a statement.
AMD continues to be one of the hottest tech stocks in the market as it
wrestles market share away from rival Intel.
Shares of AMD are up 49% year to date, out-performing the Nasdaq Composite's
24% gain. Intel's stock is up 2% on the year, while Nvidia has skyrocketed
The company's third quarter performance helps to explain the stock's meteoric
Sales rose 54% from a year ago to $4.3 billion. Earnings per share surged
134% year-over-year.
"We believe AMD will continue to gain material server/PC share in
2021/2022driven by performance leadership while Intel continues to struggle
on10/7nm," wrote Barclays analyst Blayne Curtis in a recent note to clients.
Curtis rates AMD's stock at an Overweight (equivalent to a Buy rating) with a
$135 price target.
Brian Sozzi is an editor-at-large and anchor at Yahoo Finance. Follow Sozzi
on Twitter @BrianSozzi and on LinkedIn.
心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿20字
原來有重大新聞! meta+amd合體做晶片啦!!
不管啦反正我信了! 飛向宇宙!obov!
巴克莱(Barclays)分析師布莱恩‧柯蒂斯(Blayne Curtis)最近在一份客户報告中寫道
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XYL7IcE (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1636389330.A.98E.html
推 ANava: 總是有人比你早知道消息1F 11/09 00:36
推 iam5k: 屌欸5F 11/09 00:37
※ 編輯: RolfP ( 臺灣), 11/09/2021 00:39:17
推 hayato01: 上個月120我怕怕的覺得貴,現在被打臉打到歪6F 11/09 00:38
推 yomo2: 哀.....買太少了...9F 11/09 00:38
推 GniKcol: 財報隔天我把11/12 $150的call平倉了..........10F 11/09 00:38
※ 編輯: RolfP ( 臺灣), 11/09/2021 00:41:39
推 avecmoi: 幹..100的時候買太少…17F 11/09 00:40
→ kairiyu: 元宇宙又要繼續噴 紅茶阿姨19F 11/09 00:41
※ 編輯: RolfP ( 臺灣), 11/09/2021 00:42:28
推 Severine: 現在買AMD不如買XLNX 便宜許多24F 11/09 00:43
xlnx 我看是200美刀耶?
推 aria0520: FB的數據中心以後會使用AMD晶片26F 11/09 00:44
→ aegis43210: 教主預計2023AMD200元,現在150了,太扯27F 11/09 00:44
推 crazy1009: 之前買在120 還以為準備要被套到明年了28F 11/09 00:44
→ aria0520: 開始吃intel的server市場了29F 11/09 00:44
→ eric0210: 以後FB蒐集用戶資料更快速了30F 11/09 00:44
※ 編輯: RolfP ( 臺灣), 11/09/2021 00:45:18
推 moike22: in皇新製程看就消費端大概就知道用在server一定爆炸33F 11/09 00:45
推 ogkw: AMD yes37F 11/09 00:47
→ nawussica: AMD去年買到現在 150%了 只恨買太少38F 11/09 00:47
→ ogkw: 教主又要滿滿的富能量了39F 11/09 00:47
→ jior: 完了,真的要看不到教主了40F 11/09 00:48
推 NEX4036: 有買AMD的都賺爛了43F 11/09 00:48
→ mared: 教主出現了 快拜46F 11/09 00:49
→ SSglamr: 教主滿身富能量沒負能量惹51F 11/09 00:49
推 jimmyid4: 教主已經在元宇宙預定火星豪宅了52F 11/09 00:49
推 moike22: 教主的話藏不住喜悅啊 越來越簡短==53F 11/09 00:49
※ 編輯: RolfP ( 臺灣), 11/09/2021 00:51:16
→ newsnew: 他應該開始買大樓了54F 11/09 00:50
推 ty67: 教主至少10億台幣了吧55F 11/09 00:50
推 BiggieChien: 我前三大持倉 TSLA NVDA AMD 好不真實啊56F 11/09 00:50
推 carfu: 教主好神57F 11/09 00:50
推 moboo: 羨慕教主!沒有幾個月+50%至少多100萬美金58F 11/09 00:51
推 obeyxxxx: 沒錢了啦 已歐印tsla跟nvda60F 11/09 00:51
→ saladim: 翻譯一下啦 看無辣~~64F 11/09 00:52
→ gladopo: 教主,該吃牛排了啦,賺這麼多請我們吃教父牛排啦65F 11/09 00:53
推 moboo: 反正就是Meta伺服器用他們家的CPU
再看不懂難怪賺不到67F 11/09 00:54
推 leotompp: 幹明天技嘉一字鎖...台股好爛沒盤前69F 11/09 00:54
推 Madao0149: 買太少啦 我幹嘛買科技ETF,全押AMD就好啦75F 11/09 00:56
→ NingK: 我這輩子最正確的決定,就是跟著教主買了AMD77F 11/09 00:56
→ gladopo: 教主泥這麼噴怎麼辦,老了還受得鳥嗎79F 11/09 00:57
推 jimmyid4: 教主你還沒有稱霸元宇宙阿!80F 11/09 00:57
推 eknbz: 賺爛了81F 11/09 00:57
推 pa2857: 雖然沒有賺很多 但謝謝教主 gg+amd 組合技85F 11/09 00:58
推 moyasi: 台積也要一起起飛了嗎87F 11/09 00:59
推 moike22: 這篇會是教主的引退文嗎==88F 11/09 00:59
推 Ivanhood: 隔壁推了,這裡也推一下好了...89F 11/09 00:59
推 ImCPM: 感恩90F 11/09 00:59
推 john0909: 教主又賺爛了 難怪不講集資乳==91F 11/09 01:00
推 phylen: 教主只剩富能量了92F 11/09 01:00
推 ty67: 感謝教主讓魯蛇翻身93F 11/09 01:01
→ phylen: 教主今天達成噴一排房子的里程碑99F 11/09 01:04
推 CNCl: 要走股票轉給我 ㄎㄎ100F 11/09 01:05
→ cyshowen: 教主 不是要等到兩個奶 200才離開嗎?101F 11/09 01:06
推 guoma: 教主別走QQ104F 11/09 01:09
推 moike22: 沒目標價的話就分段停利吧106F 11/09 01:12
推 moboo: TSMC拉那麼一點點不如買客戶108F 11/09 01:16
推 T3T: 真的! 大家看到了齁 為啥要買美股114F 11/09 01:21
→ T3T: 與其買啥概念股 直接買概念的源頭更快116F 11/09 01:21
推 phylen: 原來Rome就有喔 以為Milan才導入的117F 11/09 01:23
推 mirac1e: 教主應該破10億了 他AMD3塊以下買了幾千萬
剩下自己慢慢算120F 11/09 01:27
推 Messibugoo: 騰迅真的滿挺AMD的 第一代自研的server就用AMD123F 11/09 01:28
→ NEX4036: 教主文成武德 一統漿糊127F 11/09 01:32
推 atbhao05: 今天是什麼發表會嗎?還是甚麼活動129F 11/09 01:36
→ NEX4036: 教主AMD還可以進場嗎130F 11/09 01:39
推 ming5566: 晚上剛買直接賺一根 謝謝教主131F 11/09 01:44
推 phylen: 今天是mi200的發佈會
還有一些 epyc4代 Geona的消息132F 11/09 01:46
推 bypetty: 賺爛了 沒意義了134F 11/09 01:46
推 hutten: AMD YES135F 11/09 01:48
推 kenndy: 教主見者有份啊~137F 11/09 01:51
推 hakugetsu: 騰訊雲連第一代EPYC都有在用..很挺AMD138F 11/09 01:56
推 Siika: 負能量都沒了 QQ141F 11/09 01:59
推 atptt: 教主在哪篇預告的?
想回頭朝聖但沒看到.....144F 11/09 02:09
推 phylen: 教主從去年 疫情開始
AMD 50塊的時候就說allin進場了147F 11/09 02:12
推 atptt: 這樣....我以為教主在說原宇宙....
元149F 11/09 02:13