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作者 poisonB (狗)
標題 [情報] 歐央行升息一碼
時間 Thu Sep 14 21:20:22 2023

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Monetary policy decisions
14 September 2023

Inflation continues to decline but is still expected to remain too high for
too long. The Governing Council is determined to ensure that inflation
returns to its 2% medium-term target in a timely manner. In order to
reinforce progress towards its target, the Governing Council today decided to
raise the three key ECB interest rates by 25 basis points.

The rate increase today reflects the Governing Council’s assessment of the
inflation outlook in light of the incoming economic and financial data, the
dynamics of underlying inflation, and the strength of monetary policy
transmission. The September ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro
area see average inflation at 5.6% in 2023, 3.2% in 2024 and 2.1% in 2025.
This is an upward revision for 2023 and 2024 and a downward revision for
2025. The upward revision for 2023 and 2024 mainly reflects a higher path for
energy prices. Underlying price pressures remain high, even though most
indicators have started to ease. ECB staff have slightly revised down the
projected path for inflation excluding energy and food, to an average of 5.1%
in 2023, 2.9% in 2024 and 2.2% in 2025. The Governing Council’s past
interest rate increases continue to be transmitted forcefully. Financing
conditions have tightened further and are increasingly dampening demand,
which is an important factor in bringing inflation back to target. With the
increasing impact of this tightening on domestic demand and the weakening
international trade environment, ECB staff have lowered their economic growth
projections significantly. They now expect the euro area economy to expand by
0.7% in 2023, 1.0% in 2024 and 1.5% in 2025.

Based on its current assessment, the Governing Council considers that the key
ECB interest rates have reached levels that, maintained for a sufficiently
long duration, will make a substantial contribution to the timely return of
inflation to the target. The Governing Council’s future decisions will
ensure that the key ECB interest rates will be set at sufficiently
restrictive levels for as long as necessary. The Governing Council will
continue to follow a data-dependent approach to determining the appropriate
level and duration of restriction. In particular, the Governing Council’s
interest rate decisions will be based on its assessment of the inflation
outlook in light of the incoming economic and financial data, the dynamics of
underlying inflation, and the strength of monetary policy transmission.

Key ECB interest rates
The Governing Council decided to raise the three key ECB interest rates by 25
basis points. Accordingly, the interest rate on the main refinancing
operations and the interest rates on the marginal lending facility and the
deposit facility will be increased to 4.50%, 4.75% and 4.00% respectively,
with effect from 20 September 2023.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: poisonB 2023-09-14 21:20:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b0mYQBA (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1694697626.A.2CA.html
jamesLD: 噴1F 09/14 21:20
barryliou01: 跟進嗎2F 09/14 21:21
cuteSquirrel: 下午盤 已反映3F 09/14 21:21
KrisNYC: 屌 歐洲快被搞爆了 還是只能升息4F 09/14 21:22
peter6666712: 不管怎樣都噴5F 09/14 21:22
poisonB: 補充一下:這是1999年以來歐元創立以來最高利率6F 09/14 21:22
lpmybig: 噴爆 台灣還不跟上7F 09/14 21:23
uranus99: 美國通膨是剛反彈,歐洲是沒壓下來過,很慘的8F 09/14 21:24
horseorange: 歐洲很怕會滯脹9F 09/14 21:24
qwe22992168: 4%有很多??10F 09/14 21:25
tomdavis: 歐洲4%11F 09/14 21:25
herculus6502: 油價沒在客氣的,冬天快到了12F 09/14 21:25
linkmusic: 英國好像真的快爆了13F 09/14 21:26
deangogi: 歐股噴出慶祝升息14F 09/14 21:26
knives: 他不升息怎麼辦,歐洲通膨那麼嚴重15F 09/14 21:27
neoa01: 反觀16F 09/14 21:27
bring777: 台灣還不升息17F 09/14 21:27
frozenmoon: 神秘數字 4%18F 09/14 21:28
energy100203: 鴨不住只能升 QQ19F 09/14 21:28
AGODC: 現在不升息的國家就是被通膨輸入20F 09/14 21:28
horseorange: 油剛剛還跳到9021F 09/14 21:28
zxcv91039: 現在演到哪了22F 09/14 21:30
j65p4m3: 噴23F 09/14 21:33
stosto: 通膨跟經濟問題,歐洲下去吧24F 09/14 21:33
zombiepigman: 完啦25F 09/14 21:34
CaTkinGG: 通膨還是影響著世界26F 09/14 21:35
turndown4wat: 炸裂27F 09/14 21:35
spiriturl: 選舉沒空  升息還選個屁28F 09/14 21:35
p8331407: 臺灣沒有通膨不升29F 09/14 21:36
Lowpapa: 台灣沒有通膨問題30F 09/14 21:37
stationary: 去歐洲玩又要漲價了31F 09/14 21:39
savemysoul: 台灣再不升的話,很想看台幣貶破35,很想看房貸違約率往上衝32F 09/14 21:39
Madridtop: 外資大買就知道台幣要昇了,30見爽啦34F 09/14 21:41
double102223: 房貸利率那麼低會違約?35F 09/14 21:42
Ceferino: 廢物國家才需要升息吧36F 09/14 21:42
harry8123: 樓上要崩潰可以去home sale崩潰37F 09/14 21:43
k374318: 台灣繼續爛...38F 09/14 21:45
takuma: 金龍 不要逼我升息啦39F 09/14 21:46
allenmusic: 不會學台灣補貼油電 笨啊40F 09/14 21:46
dreamnook2: good41F 09/14 21:49
w08445566: 台灣升息台股萬七 929 噴20官股抬轎 讚42F 09/14 21:51
simo520: 台灣就跟大陸一樣,專炒不動產,持續升息,會有金主出問題43F 09/14 21:51
wekaytw: 喜迎台票回30 賣鎂換台票 鎂蛙全面投降!黃金龍大贏老鮑魚 手拿台票有房貸利率2.5%警戒線要怎麼輸45F 09/14 21:52
roseritter: 應該會死撐到選完吧47F 09/14 21:52
k374318: 韭菜反正就是要抓最後一個,政府還不痛定思痛下手,後面更高更痛
哪有天天在過年的48F 09/14 21:55
DHPdotD: 台灣不會升的,記得多花點錢買iphone51F 09/14 21:59
asdzxc001: 升息個p52F 09/14 22:04
starwillow: 世界怎麼跟得上台灣53F 09/14 22:07
Rock0930: 反觀54F 09/14 22:15
kelon: 台灣不升息 官方通膨數據還很低 學著點好嗎55F 09/14 22:19
starport: 台灣沒有通膨自然不用升息 政府說的肯定沒錯56F 09/14 22:19
achris0626: 反觀57F 09/14 22:20
nowitzki0207: 還好早上出報告有提到應該會升息
差點被彭博中位數唬了58F 09/14 22:22
highken: 台灣為何要升息,升不升息央行會決定60F 09/14 22:25
BruceChen227: 炸61F 09/14 22:25
xkso: 跳水嚕62F 09/14 22:31
baron1860t: 歐元區的核心物價通膨率降不太下來63F 09/14 22:35
cchsiao: 反觀斑馬64F 09/14 22:44
leon1757tw: 台央:台灣沒有通膨 台幣匯率穩定65F 09/14 22:46
zephyr105: 又生66F 09/14 22:49
reese0326: 繼續噴67F 09/14 22:52
tist: 台灣央行老神在在,安樂死68F 09/14 23:04
GymRat: 笑死 台灣通膨真低69F 09/14 23:05
wyytw: 反觀70F 09/14 23:06
alphish: 老包這下子也會升~存美元穩賺5%  賺錢就是降簡單~71F 09/14 23:06
eric112: 台灣的利率假如升到4%,借一千萬的人每年多20萬的利息,想想就覺得恐怖72F 09/14 23:09
searchroy: 漲電價or 升息,選一個。74F 09/14 23:26
imba789: 反觀,一定是台灣資源太豐富,不用進口75F 09/14 23:27
DASHOCK: 歐洲太弱了76F 09/14 23:28
chongwen: 台灣應該是能源大國,不須要升息~~能源都很便宜的歐洲太爛,是不會學台灣斑馬嗎?77F 09/14 23:32
wcs516: 台灣不升息 又阻升台幣
台股遲早20000點79F 09/14 23:45
tmacor1: 台灣有台灣的玩法 世界怎麼跟得上台灣81F 09/14 23:48
lc85301: 反觀82F 09/14 23:57
murrayace: 核心通膨5.3% 利率才升到4.5%就覺得可以停了?83F 09/15 00:11
rock2257780: 現任政黨應該不會升息,除非它明年初選舉不想贏了84F 09/15 00:12
JKjohnwick: 反觀台灣唉
台灣能源都很便宜啊有差嗎85F 09/15 00:46
bndan: 不用4% = = 3%就很多房貸邊緣仔會被弄死了...87F 09/15 00:57
yukai0919: 還在升息,可憐阿88F 09/15 01:08
avecmoi: 真弱 英國5.25%89F 09/15 01:15
aegis43210: 歐央看起來不再升息了,考量大部份成員國的脆弱經濟,應該會維持利率兩年左右,以避免歐元升值90F 09/15 01:59
goodbye: 能借一千萬多20萬算啥?
認真點上班補就好92F 09/15 02:37
jackie0804: 反觀94F 09/15 03:47
HenryLin123: 八卦仔看到關鍵字又開刷了,是什麼KPI嗎?95F 09/15 04:32
jimhall: 崩96F 09/15 05:24
vviiccttoorr: 銀行股又要噴出去了,舒服97F 09/15 06:15
yoshilin: 現在是各國股市要在噴嗎?98F 09/15 07:19
qq866: 反觀台灣?99F 09/15 07:24
k798976869: 斑馬斑馬你怎摸睡著惹100F 09/15 07:30
LTpeacecraft: 台灣沒有通膨問題,世界怎麼能跟台灣比101F 09/15 07:40
tamama000: 反觀102F 09/15 08:21
cloudlight: 反觀臺灣央行
歐洲都4%了,台灣的銀行歐元掛牌怎麼相還1.55%103F 09/15 08:23
tamama000: 某匯率操縱國好了啦 快點升起來把槓桿仔炸飛105F 09/15 08:27
m180: 看炒房的嘴臉超不爽 希望10%利率106F 09/15 09:08
leo1217000: 10%利率除非你能不貸款,不然還是買不起107F 09/15 09:15
MADAOTW: 反觀108F 09/15 09:20
lovelolita: 別怕 台灣通膨溫和 還有有20元蚵仔麵線109F 09/15 09:34
