看板 WOW作者 yukinoba (打爆那隻波利!)標題 [情報] MoP Raids and Dungeons Panel - 3時間 Sat Oct 22 22:43:51 2011
地城與團隊 - (3) Q&A
: How is gear going to scale in the challenge mode?
Q: 挑戰模式中的裝備標準化是如何調整的?
: We are currently planning for it to scale down.
: An alternative to scaling the gear would be to scale the monsters up,
: to make sure that players do not feel less powerful.
A: 我們目前的計畫是將你的裝備弱化;另外一種選項是根據你的裝備強化怪物
: Regarding the dungeon finder and raid finder, are we going to be able to
: enter a random queue for possibly TBC raids, or WOTLK?
Q: 說到地雷搜尋器(地城與團隊),我們將有可能利用隨機組隊來打以前舊時代的副本嗎?
: Currently weve talked about it a little bit, one of the things
: we are concerned about is that if there are actually people
: to fill that queue. We are not sure if raid finder is a fit for those cases.
: In the future we could do it.
A: 目前我們不考慮這件事情,其中一個原因是這些副本不會有這麼多人來排隊
我們不確定團隊副本搜尋器會適合這兩個資料片(TBC, WotLK),未來我們再考慮看看
: Dungeons are now visible in outside world, but in BC there were also
: lots of these. Why did you not do this in Cata?
Q: 我們現在從副本外面也能看到副本區域本身(應該是指zg這類),
: Over time we have dungeons that existed in outside world,
: and theres a secondary thing to it. for example the stormbrew brewery
: where quests actually go inside/around the dungeon.
: Historically we have had to scale them to be smaller,
: here they are 1:1 scale so they have awesome impact to the zones.
A: 接下來我們就會有實體存在戶外世界的副本了,不過這件事並不怎麼重要
: Can we do quests in a raid group?
Q: 我可以在團隊組隊的狀態中作任務嗎?
: Maybe, it has been talked about.
A: 再說吧,我們內部已經有討論過這件事了
: Why are kick wait timers so long?
Q: 為什麼表決踢人的冷卻時間要這麼長?
: It depends on how often that person has been kicked,
: as well as how often you kick people. It is modified dynamically.
A: 這點是取決於那個人被踢的次數、以及你踢人的次數,然後再動態調整的
: Why did you start Cataclysm with so many bosses and raids,
: and then add so few in the later patches?
Q: 為什麼這次浩劫與重生要在一開始就擺出那麼多首領跟副本
: Plans aren't finalized for the first tier yet.
: It might be two or three different raids, loot distribution also needs
: to be worked out.
A: (應該是指MoP)我們第一組套裝的計畫還沒確定下來
: In Cataclysm, there is a very steep difficulty jump
: between normals and heroics, how are you going to handle that in MoP?
: Will there be more Level 90 normals?
Q: 在目前的資料片中,想要從普通難度跳階到英雄難度難如登天
MoP裡面有打算要改善這個問題嗎? 會有更多90級普通難度的副本嗎?
: We are currently not planning to have 90 normal dungeons in MoP.
A: 我們目前沒有在MoP中規劃90級的普通難度地城副本
: Previous hard modes required internet research to figure out
: how to toggle them, now it is just a switch.
: Can we go back to the old way with multiple difficulites?
Q: 以前困難模式我們需要到網路上找攻略來研究如何觸發(例如,米米倫按鈕)
: It was hard to come up with this kind of mechanic for all the bosses,
: it worked with bosses that had order or additional minibosses,
: but not most others. We are all for fun toggles, but most bosses
: don't need multiple difficulty modes.
A: 很難在所有的首領中都加上這類機制
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※ 編輯: yukinoba 來自: (10/22 23:06)
推 myran:90級沒有普通副本的話收裝流程會簡單些,90級->英雄->團隊1F 10/22 23:12