看板 WomenTalk作者 Tony0114 (Tony)標題 [閒聊] 言簡意賅的英文句子?時間 Fri Dec 4 22:33:45 2015
如果違反版規請告知 ,
我只是有天看著書想到 ,有什麼與感情有關的英文句子短短的 ?
我最有印象的是“you complete me! ”,你完整了我 。
然後搜尋一下發現那些比較感性的句子都落落長 ,故來討論一下有什麼是女孩聽過有印
象的簡單英文句子 ?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MOQHCQ- (WomenTalk)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1449239628.A.6BE.html
推 unif8180: over my dead body??2F 12/04 22:36
推 pretzel: This is a book.4F 12/04 22:37
推 tina5229: I have a dream
ta-daaaaaa5F 12/04 22:37
推 stars76490: I met my soulmate,she didn't.9F 12/04 22:39
推 Chieen: Tom is Mary.10F 12/04 22:39
→ ecila: marry me12F 12/04 22:40
推 sid0305: Hello,it's me13F 12/04 22:41
推 sisafin: Bazinga!!15F 12/04 22:41
→ ninakuan: I told you so16F 12/04 22:41
→ moidasu: Send tree pay17F 12/04 22:43
推 finch0520: YOU EAT TOO MUCH!18F 12/04 22:43
推 edina: I want to play a game20F 12/04 22:44
推 shrimpball: Time goes by, so do dreams.21F 12/04 22:44
推 dcvtgh: You had me at hello23F 12/04 22:45
推 bridgetteme: Sealed With A Kiss 中文翻“以吻封緘”超有畫面24F 12/04 22:45
推 Jin63916: Imfao, may show gun more?25F 12/04 22:46
推 eNing: Winter is coming.27F 12/04 22:46
推 nina430tw: May show gun more28F 12/04 22:46
推 qwe729000: You jump, I jump.30F 12/04 22:47
推 bsb0331: This is a pen.32F 12/04 22:48
推 dcvtgh: you can do it33F 12/04 22:49
推 abc12812: Hasta la vista, baby34F 12/04 22:49
推 ibook0102: To me, you'll be unique in all the world.35F 12/04 22:50
推 amscg1020: Just look at the flowers38F 12/04 22:53
推 anika: mi casa es su casa39F 12/04 22:54
推 vivishe: 推樓上XDDDDDDD
是Amscg1020大啦!看花XDD41F 12/04 22:54
推 angelio: May the force be with you43F 12/04 22:55
推 amyismo: 快被推文笑死 大家都好認真44F 12/04 22:55
→ vivishe: My blade is yours45F 12/04 22:56
推 vup4p5: Costco46F 12/04 22:56
推 johnwu: just do it nike47F 12/04 22:56
→ ioiovivi: Coffee,tea,or me?49F 12/04 22:57
推 dodocute: 看到bazinga一秒噴笑wwww50F 12/04 22:57
推 dcvtgh: 我還 CCTV 咧51F 12/04 22:58
推 angelio: is it good to drink?52F 12/04 22:58
推 sulprise: I m rich <= 真愛無誤!53F 12/04 22:58
推 bobshan: How do you do54F 12/04 22:58
推 mask0910: You had me at hello.55F 12/04 23:02
推 Hsupan: John Cena57F 12/04 23:02
推 LULU5566: UES THE FORCE60F 12/04 23:05
→ LULU5566: 阿 是USE THE FORCE62F 12/04 23:05
→ meowyih: Blue Who Say And Whose 不入虎穴焉得虎子66F 12/04 23:07
※ 編輯: Tony0114 (, 12/04/2015 23:07:47
推 cov: Lmao67F 12/04 23:07
推 karen919: Taiwan number one68F 12/04 23:07
→ Noreendong: Pain is not a noun, it's a verb.74F 12/04 23:12
推 yora: Stay hungry,stay foolish75F 12/04 23:12
推 JOJOttt: You used to call me on my cell phone76F 12/04 23:12
→ Noreendong: 還有You are more than I deserved.77F 12/04 23:13
推 clarelynn: Taiwan number one 我笑了78F 12/04 23:14
→ drsaheng: how do you turn this on79F 12/04 23:16
推 shengsbleach: love me, that's all I ask of you!80F 12/04 23:16
→ theNBHD: less is more.81F 12/04 23:16
推 Caninee: Sit good Sit full83F 12/04 23:21
推 chaolin: hello, stranger.84F 12/04 23:21
推 kors: I see you85F 12/04 23:21
推 slfo: Gorge and Marry86F 12/04 23:23
→ anne0716: 不入虎穴 焉得虎子笑死我了哈哈哈哈哈87F 12/04 23:29
推 kenco: work like a dog. 其實很多中文都是從英文去引用90F 12/04 23:32
推 fkmt: Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.92F 12/04 23:32
→ starfile: Samsung inside94F 12/04 23:32
→ fkmt: Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.95F 12/04 23:33
推 kitvxq: I wish i knew how to quit you .97F 12/04 23:33
推 porter7: She is the one99F 12/04 23:35
推 CCLMML: Are you crying now?101F 12/04 23:38
→ CCLMML: 你是在哭嗎?哩系勒靠逆?103F 12/04 23:39
推 dcshoecousa: Never say never
what do you mean? 賈斯丁嗶波104F 12/04 23:39
噓 b5023556: This is an apple106F 12/04 23:41
推 nina430tw: 幹sit good sit full超白痴哈哈哈哈哈108F 12/04 23:44
推 chokore: This is my design. You are being watched.109F 12/04 23:44
推 fatfat79nov1: Strangers, Friend, Best Friend, Lovers, Strangers.111F 12/04 23:49
噓 mxr: Here is WomenTalk not SowTalk113F 12/04 23:49
噓 CCPenis: GGininder114F 12/04 23:50
推 itieQ: Mix egg115F 12/04 23:54
推 wendyhsu: Bye one get one free
Buy 啦XD116F 12/04 23:55
推 che1005: 前幾樓太逗了,笑到停不下來122F 12/04 23:59
推 draving: You can not pass.124F 12/05 00:00
推 scLu: Hi125F 12/05 00:00
推 graceetan: Goodness Gracious127F 12/05 00:01
推 sakaiyu: 我最喜歡的一句是「He is my story」128F 12/05 00:02
推 Norip: You are the apple of my eye.130F 12/05 00:07
推 joancarol: When I find you, I'll find me.131F 12/05 00:07
推 haoxiaoMary: Even game win even so hold. 一分耕耘一分收穫132F 12/05 00:08
推 w31ming: people mountain people see133F 12/05 00:08
推 ww1215: no big deal138F 12/05 00:12
推 goolie: Fuck off139F 12/05 00:12
→ unan: Coffe,tea,or me?140F 12/05 00:13
居然爆了 ! 太神奇了傑克
※ 編輯: Tony0114 (, 12/05/2015 00:15:10
推 bluearrow: 跟感情有關的就Let it go 吧141F 12/05 00:18
推 LP33: Fuck142F 12/05 00:21
推 ahchoochoo: You are what you eat.143F 12/05 00:22
推 feiran0717: people mountain people sea145F 12/05 00:24
推 Ichbinyy: I wish i knew how to quit you. 斷背山裡的XD147F 12/05 00:26
推 rika07: you got me149F 12/05 00:26
→ Xceberus …
→ Xceberus: Foux du fafa150F 12/05 00:27
→ Ichbinyy: I love you with all my heart.152F 12/05 00:31
→ hsuyu: 笑死啦153F 12/05 00:31
推 maxdarker: May song might may155F 12/05 00:32
推 cuteoreo: XDD sent tree pray 跟sit good sit full整個大笑156F 12/05 00:35
推 mona106: bazinga我狂笑XDXD158F 12/05 00:36
→ Noreendong: Get busy living, or get busy dying.刺激1995男主角說的159F 12/05 00:36
推 hymmmmm: time will tell162F 12/05 00:37
推 drd586: where you go,i go163F 12/05 00:39
推 pansytsai: 推Blue Who Say And Whose 不入虎穴焉得虎子笑翻啦哈哈166F 12/05 00:42
推 bellacheng: Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours168F 12/05 00:43
推 peixuan0307: Taiwan number one 笑翻笑爛XD169F 12/05 00:44
推 nininew: That's my spot.173F 12/05 00:48
推 driftwood: eager young minds174F 12/05 00:48
推 CghJuc: mind the gap177F 12/05 00:49
推 dafeiiiii: I go to school by bus.178F 12/05 00:51
推 noaxtaki: you made my day181F 12/05 00:59
推 jim11828: Words are wind183F 12/05 01:03
推 YuChenn: bazinga是美劇(The big bang)男主角Sheldon的經典台詞184F 12/05 01:05
→ YuChenn: 當Sheldon捉弄完別人就會講這句:bazinga!!
更正:美劇名稱是Big Bang Theory186F 12/05 01:07
推 tinacha: That's all~ (prada惡魔中米蘭達的機車樣)188F 12/05 01:08
推 dewi0929: Just kidding189F 12/05 01:10
推 miq: winter is coming!!192F 12/05 01:13
推 bbbruce: This is a book.196F 12/05 01:25
推 breadbrad: people mountain people sea197F 12/05 01:29
推 vic4ever: Selama ashal'anore199F 12/05 01:34
推 bikigaya: jizz in your pants200F 12/05 01:35
推 jiaww: Joey dosen't share food!206F 12/05 01:55
推 kana0228: blue la blue la208F 12/05 02:09
推 BIGHLU: Gotta Gay Gay! Bon Bon Bon!210F 12/05 02:24
推 hans8366: what are those~~~~~213F 12/05 03:39
推 Louina: HAKUNA MATATA!!!!!214F 12/05 03:40
噓 farqall2: this is a shit post215F 12/05 03:54
推 zs17: Love me harder 推文太精彩啦XDDDD216F 12/05 04:24
推 holalola: sit down please217F 12/05 04:33
推 gardenless20: sit down please
Come On Baby218F 12/05 04:37
推 inshyc: Winter is coming221F 12/05 05:05
推 zizii: Taiwan number one超哭223F 12/05 05:32
→ daflcorn: How can i quit you227F 12/05 07:03