看板 NBA
作者 bogiw (BOGI)
標題 [外絮] Kobe: 足球是我最愛的運動
時間 Wed Jun 18 17:10:53 2014


Kobe Bryant: Football is my favourite sport

Kobe Bryant: 足球是我最愛的運動

One of the greats of the basketball world, when away from the court and out
of his LA Lakers jersey Kobe Bryant is a familiar face in the stands of
football stadia around the globe watching, what he told FIFA.com, is his
favourite sport.

身為籃球界的偉大球員之一, 在場外褪下湖人隊球衣後, Kobe Bryant 是世界各地足球場
的常客, 他說足球是他最愛的運動.

The five-time NBA Champions and former Most Valuable Player is one of those
cheering on some globes finest at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ , having
already attended the FIFA Confederation Cup Brazil 2013 last year.

這位五次冠軍及前MVP球員, 到了巴西為來自各地的足球員加油, 在此前, 他也出席了
2013 巴西 Confederation Cup

We caught up with him ahead of Germany's impressive win over Portugal to talk
about his love of football, whether he is collecting information for his
beloved USA side and who he thinks could triumph in the Maracana on 13 July.

我們在德國力挫葡萄牙之戰前遇到了Kobe, 談到了他對足球的愛, 以及他是否在幫支持的
美國隊蒐集情報, 還有他覺得誰會在 7月13日的世界盃冠軍賽奪冠.

FIFA.com: Kobe, you visited the Confederations Cup last year and now you are
at the World Cup in Brazil. You must be a huge football fan...
Kobe Bryant: I am actually. I grew up in Italy. From the age from six to 14 I
played soccer every day. It is actually my favourite sport.

FIFA: Kobe, 你參加了去年的 Confederations Cup, 現在你又出現在巴西世界盃, 看來

Kobe: 我真的是阿, 我在義大利長大的. 在我6歲到14歲這段期間, 我每天都玩足球. 足

Why did you choose to watch the game between Germany and Portugal? Are you a
spy for the USA team?
For sure (laughs)! It has a lot to do with my travel and I wanted to see some
great matches. I want to see the best teams and to see one of the best
players. It is a great opportunity to be able to see that here.

FIFA:  為什麼你選擇看這場德葡戰? 你是美國隊派來的間諜嗎?

Kobe: 那當然! (笑) 之所以會看這場, 主要跟我的旅行行程有關, 還有我想看一些好看
的對決. 我想看看好的球隊及球員, 這場比賽給我很好的機會.

How strong would you rate the USA?
The US team has unfortunately a very tough draw. But football in the US has
really been picking up. I think our team is confident and they will respond
the challenge.

FIFA: 你覺得美國隊有多強?

Kobe: 美國很不幸的在很艱難的分組. 但足球在美國已經有快速進展. 我覺得美國隊有信

Are you going to watch any USA matches as well?
Yes! We are trying to get in front of a huge screen and watch the games, and
we are trying to coordinate our schedule so that we can go and watch them in

FIFA: 你會看美國隊的比賽嗎?

Kobe: Yes! 我們正試著找個大螢幕看美國隊的比賽. 我們也在調整行程以便能夠當面看

Who is your favourite for the Trophy?
Wow… It is hard to go against the home team in Brazil. It would be nice to
see a Brazil versus Argentina final. Germany looks very, very strong too and
it is hard to go against them as well.

FIFA: 你最想看到哪隊奪冠?

Kobe: Wow….要打敗在主場的巴西隊很不容易. 如果決賽是巴西對決阿根廷的話還滿不錯
的. 德國隊同樣看起來很強也很難被擊敗.

What’s your opinion on the new NBA champions San Antonio Spurs?
Well deserved. It really is a lesson on how you get guys to play together if
they share one goal. I am very happy for the Spurs. It is a motivation for
us. Hopefully we can do the same next season.

FIFA: 你對馬刺隊贏得NBA總冠軍有什麼看法?

Kobe: 這是他們應得的. 他們展現了如何團結且分享一致的目標. 我為馬刺感到開心. 這
對我們來說也是個動力. 希望我們明年也可以跟他們一樣.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1403082656.A.626.html
serendipity:科神!!  如果科神選擇踢球...1F 06/18 17:11
dollarshih:                          那所有巴西的女人都2F 06/18 17:12
kullan:但科比不傳啊3F 06/18 17:12
falcons0213:科比:可是要一直傳球所以我才打籃球4F 06/18 17:13
YU0158:老大無視越位的射門5F 06/18 17:13
same60710:會變成單刀名將 三夾以內都是射門空檔6F 06/18 17:13
sikadear:十一夾以內皆不傳7F 06/18 17:14
miabcd199:好險你沒去踢足球8F 06/18 17:14
haha99:會打籃球是因為足球比較難打鐵9F 06/18 17:15
CW4:只是看老大想不想而已10F 06/18 17:16
Q12345Q:科比布萊恩(久保嘉晴)11F 06/18 17:16
offish:足球可以一次對21個12F 06/18 17:17
ooox:足球打鐵還有機會算分 籃球只能被酸13F 06/18 17:17
CW4:只打六場還是連FIFA都要靠老大宣傳 這就是傳奇人物14F 06/18 17:18
a78914124:足球一場能出腳10球就算很多了 老大一場至少要出手30球 所以還是打籃球好15F 06/18 17:19
mvpdirk712:你如果待在切爾西 你的頭會綠綠DER17F 06/18 17:19
ask5566:足球比籃球更難自幹18F 06/18 17:22
o0991758566:他是說籃球以外的吧19F 06/18 17:24
bahamutuh:足球沒在算打鐵次數的 無法達成史上第一打鐵王的目標20F 06/18 17:37
peterhuo:尚書大人:說好支持的西班牙呢21F 06/18 17:40
Xenogamer:足球可以身寸比較遠的關係?22F 06/18 17:41
NicoRobin26:一朗最不會打棒球23F 06/18 17:42
VMX:單刀名將XD24F 06/18 17:43
hazel0093:KOBE最不擅長的運動果然是籃球XDDD25F 06/18 17:46
lave70:看成活塞是我最愛的.....26F 06/18 17:47
Agamemnonk:  殘害籃球觀念的帶領人 你為什麼沒去踢球27F 06/18 17:48
phix:一朗最擅長的是足球28F 06/18 17:52
LCD5239:公然說謊!!老大最喜愛的明明是奶球29F 06/18 17:55
paddyalf:suck!!!! 一直做不是最愛的事情真是為難你了30F 06/18 17:56
antony0310:籃球打鐵是有機會進球的,說打鐵就是不進的是錯的31F 06/18 17:59
NowQmmmmmmmm:籃球框這麼小打鐵很正常 可是足球也能打鐵就很強了32F 06/18 18:03
不愧是老大33F 06/18 18:03
BeeEater:老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!35F 06/18 18:05
garnett1118:老大新聞那麽多 到底是誰第一人 lbj在幹麼誰知道36F 06/18 18:07
lovea:老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我們想你!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!37F 06/18 18:12
gold97972000:讓我想到Nash38F 06/18 18:17
idlewolf:和足球選手比百人斬還是千人斬不知贏不贏的了39F 06/18 18:36
peterhuo:C羅的女人術絕對樂勝老大40F 06/18 18:37
Accross:為了打出神兵,老大射門應該會一直中柱41F 06/18 18:37
axd1982:老大如果踢足球單場射入81分也是剛好而已42F 06/18 18:51
會直接把人剷到住院43F 06/18 19:03
kyoiron:腿彌好氣好氣喔45F 06/18 19:14
kingion:以他的打鐵率... 在足球造神機率比較高喔46F 06/18 19:25
w35413541:下個新聞:Kobe踢足球膝蓋受傷,整季報銷47F 06/18 19:26
tp6u045p:LUBJ也敢自稱第一人 光新聞量老大就海放你了48F 06/18 19:27
w35413541:Kobe:你們沒看到上屆FIFA梅西也狂打鐵嗎?49F 06/18 19:28
ldstar:根本NBA的X卡茸50F 06/18 19:36
vAndaLs:這篇果然很多梗51F 06/18 19:37
sprewell27:明明是活塞運動52F 06/18 19:52
ohiyo104:說謊不打草稿53F 06/18 20:24
Hiromitsu:老大的魅力遠勝C羅54F 06/18 20:29
belleb05588:不愧是老大  走到哪都是鎂光燈的焦點55F 06/18 20:45
