看板 NBA作者 joey1149 (Joey)標題 [情報] 溜馬想用 Hibbert <==> Goran Dragic時間 Thu Jul 17 11:27:02 2014
Indiana Pacers Trade Rumors: Roy Hibbert Traded For Goran Dragic Option
After Tyler Ennis Draft Pick?
The Indiana Pacers have been eyeing a trade for Goran Dragic this offseason
and with the team shopping a trade for Roy Hibbert,a deal with the Phoenix Suns
could be an option this summer, as the team signed Isaiah Thomas in free agency
to join draft pick Tyler Ennis and if the Suns want to sign Eric Bledsoe as
well, it means the roster has too many point guards and that is why Indy is
looking to make a deal for Dragic.
印第安納溜馬隊在這個暑假視 Goran Dragic 為重要補強目標,且他們願意兜售Hibbert
而太陽隊已簽下Isaiah Thomas,又選進Tyler Ennis; 對於一個球隊來說,太陽累積了太多
According to ESPN.com and Marc Stein, the Pacers are looking hard at a Dragic
trade this summer to help upgrade at the point guard position and they feel a
deal can get done since Phoenix drafted Tyler Ennis and signed Isaiah Thomas.
ESPN.com is reporting that the Suns have signed Thomas to a sign and trade
deal from the Kings and now the team has a number of solid point guards on
the roster and that could make Dragic expendable. Pro Basketball Talk
reported that the Suns were not looking to trade Dragic, but that was before
the team inked Thomas to a deal.
溜馬隊覺得這筆交易可行,因為Tyler Ennis和Isaiah Thomas的加入讓太陽後場很壅擠
但Pro Basketball Talk表示:"太陽從未打算交易Dragic"。
Thomas signed with a four-year, $28 million contract on a sign and trade
since he was a restricted free agent and now the Suns can turn their
attention to Bledsoe, who is also an RFA. The team has plans on signing back
Bledsoe and so far he has not received an offer sheet. Thomas was very
impressive last season for a bad Kings team, putting up some very efficient
numbers and averaging 20 points and over six assists.
Thomas得到的是一張28M/4y的合約,而另外一名PG Bledsoe也是RFA,太陽正打算簽回他
The Suns were one of the most surprising teams in the west last season and
they challenged for a playoff spot for most of the season and nearly made it
in. The team now brings back a young and talented roster that already
includes Alex Len and Archie Goodwin and now has Dragic, Tyler Ennis and
Thomas in the fold. According to ESPN.com, the team also signed back PJ
Tucker on a three year deal. The contract is worth over $16 million and still
gives the Suns some flexibility, as they came into the offseason with a ton
of cap space.
Alex Len, Archie Goodwin等人,也有Dragic,Tyler Ennis,Thomas等優秀球員,而他們也用
16M/3y簽回PJ Tucker,而他們依然還有很多薪資空間可以操作。
溜馬:"我的萬用包也出爐了>> Hibbert"。
太陽內線真的有點薄弱,不過我倒覺得 利用Bledsoe作S&T 可以換到很棒的內線
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1405567625.A.35F.html
→ Aggro:抓雞送走是不怕太陽球迷暴動嗎...
※ 編輯: joey1149 (, 07/17/2014 11:30:14
推 farain:想太多!! Dragic 對太陽的重要性還遠高於 Bledsoe
好嗎? @@9F 07/17 11:29
→ Aggro:抓雞名義上好歹也是接Nash的棒子...去年又打出生涯年15F 07/17 11:30
→ jonakemp:同意這真的很難講,交易真的做了,要真的打了才知道誰搶誰16F 07/17 11:30
→ spy9527:抓雞的球風跟溜馬不合 換了未必是好事18F 07/17 11:30
推 Landius:這...,通零王換人家當家少主是哪招?19F 07/17 11:30
→ Aggro:歐歐 那就跟莫雷說要挖德老差不多意思了20F 07/17 11:31
→ farain:更何況 Hibbert 價值正在低點..歐不! 可能接近駕崩了21F 07/17 11:31
→ chardavi11:Hill不要用就還馬刺 待在那被糟蹋....25F 07/17 11:31
→ Aggro:我記得溜馬放話要抓雞好像不少次了(?)26F 07/17 11:31
推 FOXHUNTER:魯一球都要求頂薪了,捉基更該拿頂薪了29F 07/17 11:32
推 thanos:Impossibe! 籃零王現在是低點31F 07/17 11:33
推 king310184:白癡才跟你換,一個頂級控衛,一個廢物中鋒...32F 07/17 11:33
推 animist:不過太陽後衛群有辦法全留嗎…身手都不錯 會甘願留替33F 07/17 11:34
→ king310184:更何況太陽的球風稀薄根本不適合..白癡才跟你換35F 07/17 11:34
推 vinPHOENIX:我溜不要肖想了 抓雞非賣品 速度遲緩的我們也不收37F 07/17 11:34
推 ssaw5166:歐肥之前在太陽好像也跟不上速度38F 07/17 11:34
推 a126053:溜馬乖乖吃完通零王的爛約吧39F 07/17 11:35
→ Aggro:歐肥後來調整個變還好 他主要是防守問題40F 07/17 11:35
→ vinPHOENIX:老何鐵了心要打閃電戰了 連PF都補大後鋒 就要跑跑跑41F 07/17 11:35
→ kurtc:歐肥去給醫龍套過疏壓後~有短暫回春XD42F 07/17 11:36
→ Aggro:啥回春 連罰球都上升 根本魔改XD43F 07/17 11:37
推 blur13:抓雞現在是太陽少主 應該不會動到他 當初他可是放棄44F 07/17 11:37
→ kurtc:對對對 那陣子連罰球都能破六成 嚇死我了XDD45F 07/17 11:37
→ blur13:火箭較高的薪水去太陽的46F 07/17 11:37
→ Aggro:其實主要是抓雞現在績效高 取代性低 換個拍戲的淦麻48F 07/17 11:38
推 kurtc:要看醫龍團隊有沒有專門負責通靈這一塊的吧50F 07/17 11:39
推 vinPHOENIX:抓雞被太陽放在交易選項只有在上季的初期有點烙賽時明星賽後高層就完全打消這念頭了53F 07/17 11:40
推 peja1016:你自己在那邊可行 會不會太自嗨...55F 07/17 11:42
→ vinPHOENIX:更何況Bledsoe傷後 越打越勇 都打出生涯年了56F 07/17 11:42
推 cjepj:抓雞是太陽神主牌捏 是要換什麼...57F 07/17 11:42
→ Aggro:抓機如果明年維持這身手 太陽會超頭大...60F 07/17 11:43
推 pttyeon:看起來抓雞跟Bledsoe應該會走一個拿去換明星內線61F 07/17 11:44
→ vinPHOENIX:反正就頂阿 頂到肺也無所謂 年紀與球技近生涯巔峰了62F 07/17 11:45
→ pttyeon:替補有山寨湯 Ennis順位來說養成10多分即戰力不小63F 07/17 11:46
→ kk9517:太陽應該不會動抓雞吧 挺穩的球員64F 07/17 11:47
→ pttyeon:可是太陽球風跟大便王格格不入簽金塊的替補中鋒叫好65F 07/17 11:47
→ lyk191947:太陽換麥當勞當gm後目前都中規中舉,不太擔心70F 07/17 11:54
推 YU0158:大鳥當太陽gm沒智商就對了73F 07/17 11:59
推 cdpicker:希伯特:我可以完爆魔獸.....................爭霸三75F 07/17 12:01
→ ChenWay:太陽少主好像還滿貼切的XD76F 07/17 12:03
→ GANZ:黑色greg ostertag79F 07/17 12:04
推 FRANCO11:微笑殺手又復出加入太陽嗎 不錯不錯80F 07/17 12:05
推 ooxxman:要走也是布雷獸走 抓雞整季這麼傑出還被交易會心寒81F 07/17 12:05
→ z1987090:Hibbert根本不適合太陽體系 除非又是握有裸照82F 07/17 12:06
推 YU0158:Hibbert現在價值能換到Green就不錯了84F 07/17 12:09
→ ghostxx:籃零王在東區都被打成那樣 到西區還能活嗎...85F 07/17 12:10
噓 yy810516:阿之前不是說四個後衛剛剛好膩90F 07/17 12:25
推 YU0199:可行個鬼啦 你需要幫忙嗎92F 07/17 12:26
推 zzyzx:抓機去年打出身價 在最高點 不太可能93F 07/17 12:27
→ kazake:通靈王換抓GG 我馬小虧94F 07/17 12:27
推 wrb:6馬又在自high了 也不去打聽一下現在太陽GM是誰 呵95F 07/17 12:28
推 GoalBased:第一中鋒 換 第三隊後衛(還至第二?)97F 07/17 12:28
→ wrb:一個被看破手腳的C想換正值高點的PG 有事嗎?wwwwwwww太陽覺得後衛剛好啊 是6馬腦補太陽後衛太多XDDDDDDDD98F 07/17 12:29
推 GoalBased:某些太陽迷聯高層打消念頭都知道 有夠猛的100F 07/17 12:31
→ miksim:抓雞這麼強會跟一個七呎二結果籃板抓不到的換?101F 07/17 12:31
→ GoalBased:稀薄特 之前被捧超高的欸 超強DER102F 07/17 12:31
→ utcn92:抓雞球技,智商,健康,心理素質都勝過稀薄吧103F 07/17 12:51
推 KEDEN:太陽又不是傻了 呵呵104F 07/17 12:57
→ eno03:如果在fantasy 鐵V105F 07/17 13:21
→ iamaq18c:一年前還有可能 現在太陽不可能換....106F 07/17 13:22
推 HAKIM:如果我是太陽我會換! NBA後衛人才岌岌108F 07/17 13:31
噓 uini:不是噓原PO,但溜馬如果這樣,真的是想太多
用PG來換比較有可能,用希伯特?是多看不起抓雞啊110F 07/17 14:03
推 Realwell:缺禁區?一袋籃球換大衛西,我陽小虧112F 07/17 14:05
推 michele678:X3這種明擺著的賠本生意 換了球隊乾脆擺爛算了113F 07/17 14:07
推 vgil:當太陽GM棒槌114F 07/17 14:16
推 wylscott:抓雞現在是太陽的看板吧 溜馬會不會太白目?115F 07/17 14:27