看板 NBA
作者 thanos (thanos)
標題 [外絮] 騎士與爵士完成交易 吃下三張非保障約
時間 Wed Jul 23 09:27:40 2014

Sources: Cavs acquire three players from Jazz to increase assets to pursue
Kevin Love

By Adrian Wojnarowski

The Cleveland Cavaliers made a deal to increase their trade asset flexibility
in pursuit of Minnesota Timberwolves All-Star forward Kevin Love, absorbing
three non-guaranteed contracts in a trade with the Utah Jazz on Tuesday,
league sources told Yahoo Sports.


The Cavaliers unloaded the guaranteed deal of Carrick Felix – along with a
future second-round pick and $1 million – for John Lucas, Malcolm Thomas and
Erik Murphy, sources said.

騎士送出Carrick Felix的保障約、一枚次輪籤和100萬的現金與爵士交易John Lucas、
Malcolm Thomas和Erik Murphy。

Cleveland has been determined to acquire Love since it signed LeBron James to
a free-agent deal.


Those three players can be included in packages as preludes to a Love deal,
or in a Love deal itself to give Minnesota salary-cap relief. The Cavaliers
hold an interest in keeping Thomas, who could be an inexpensive role player
to strengthen their frontcourt depth, sources said.

釋出薪資空間,但聽說騎士有興趣留住Malcolm Thomas,因為這位便宜的角色球員可以

Cleveland has to be creative in solidifying a deal for Love, who the
Timberwolves want to package with Kevin Martin and J.J. Barea, several
front-office officials told Yahoo Sports.

,灰狼想要把Kevin Martin和J.J. Barea和Love一起打包送走。

Cleveland's discussions with Minnesota have escalated with the Cavaliers'
willingness to include No. 1 overall pick Andrew Wiggins in the deal, sources
said. Without Wiggins, there's no other combination of Cleveland players and
picks that would interest Minnesota. Once Wiggins signs his rookie contract,
a trade involving him can't be formally completed for 30 days.

騎士和灰狼的交易案討論已經提高騎士送出Andrew Wiggins的意願,騎士如果不出Wiggins

The Denver Nuggets have remained a strong contender for Love, offering a
package that sources said has been the most appealing to Minnesota outside of
the Cavaliers and a possible Golden State deal including Klay Thompson. So
far, the Warriors have kept Thompson out of their offer to Minnesota.

也有可能會送出包含Klay Thompson在內的包裹,但目前為止,勇士已經把Thompson

Minnesota wants a package for Love to include Barea, who has $4.5 million
left on his expiring deal – and possibly Martin, who has three years and $21
million left. As part of a larger deal, the Cavaliers want to include 2013
No. 1 overall pick Anthony Bennett and a future No. 1 pick for Love.

打包送走,Martin還有3年2100萬,而騎士想要送出2013年的選秀狀元Anthony Bennett和

The Cavaliers have been offering future first-round picks for an experienced
center, league sources said.


Love has demanded a trade before the start of next season, threatening to
opt-out of his contract in July 2015 to sign elsewhere as a free agent.


Sources: Cavs acquire three players from Jazz to increase assets to pursue Kevin Love - Yahoo Sports
From Yahoo Sports: The Cavaliers acquired expiring contracts to possibly put together a larger offer for Timberwolves forward Kevin Love. ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1406078865.A.3C3.html
※ 編輯: thanos (, 07/23/2014 09:29:53
yoshro:愛的人生1F 07/23 09:30
SE4NLN415:幹 害我以為怎麼動作那麼快2F 07/23 09:31
hump:做完這動作感覺交易要公怖了...3F 07/23 09:31
ffxx:很明顯要來了 就剩交易內容了!!4F 07/23 09:32
imanikki:騎士:布朗隊都玩成這樣了,輸人不輸陣!5F 07/23 09:33
cavitylapper:所以AW和AB真的不留嗎?6F 07/23 09:33
jiuan1027:事實上就是騎士已經等不急要馬上弄來Love了7F 07/23 09:34
no321:不管怎樣快點吧 等好久8F 07/23 09:35
Verlander35:鄉民坐穩了 重大交易要出現囉~9F 07/23 09:36
nkjbond:看來騎士對於愛神是勢在必得10F 07/23 09:40
YO8BO10:love有這麼好嗎?真懷疑...11F 07/23 09:40
IE9434xx:所以是雙狀元AW+AB+首輪 for Love+JJB  ??12F 07/23 09:41
redplum:Cavs是唯一買家嗎?還是有潛在買家沒冒出頭,公牛只是抬價工具13F 07/23 09:42
az28:如果出AW還要幫吃合約 灰狼去搶比較快15F 07/23 09:42
killer922:Love可以腿詹欽點的  騎士不敢不交易阿
    是16F 07/23 09:42
skatekid:PG:KI SG:AW SF:LBJ PF:LOVE C:V 這陣容太可怕18F 07/23 09:42
turnpoint:搞不懂總板那麼討厭Love的原因,個人成績>>>球隊戰績19F 07/23 09:42
micbrimac:沒辦法看到四狀元的球隊了嗎  難過@@20F 07/23 09:43
turnpoint:的球星那麼多,幹嘛針對他,況且他在西區...21F 07/23 09:43
az28:還是不覺得aw會被換22F 07/23 09:43
no321:LBJ回騎士前 騎士早就有意要LOVE23F 07/23 09:44
adidaszw:LOVE好貴喔24F 07/23 09:44
phoenician:應該會是幫吃合約但不送出AW25F 07/23 09:46
jokem:差不多了..26F 07/23 09:46
superbatman:騎士多個小馬丁 是要射死誰XD27F 07/23 09:47
hunterh01:明年中央組真恐怖,真難得中央組有變成主戰場的機會28F 07/23 09:49
jiuan1027:會再這麼積極追Love,一定跟LBJ有關阿29F 07/23 09:49
w35413541:暴力鴨:小牛總冠軍把喇叭射爆的男人,可惜最近挺慘30F 07/23 09:50
qhaabk:中央組也不過脫離東區主戰場四年而已32F 07/23 09:55
kevin0733:LBJ回騎士前的陣容 跟現在差很多 所以現在不一定需要現在是LBJ開口指定要 所以騎士也只能照辦33F 07/23 09:55
MK12:迷迷 : AW > 26PTS 12REB Love35F 07/23 10:01
heavensun:現在是LJ渴望愛.騎士只好給想辦法他愛36F 07/23 10:02
mrchica:騎士想拿Love並不完全是出自於LBJ的意思37F 07/23 10:07
Aroman:朕下旨了 當然照辦38F 07/23 10:08
paddyalf:怎麼可能不送出AW 想太多39F 07/23 10:13
always0410:40F 07/23 10:19
vvvi:DH:不等我一年?41F 07/23 10:19
jameskoko:還在LBJ指定要 都推給他就對了42F 07/23 10:27
kevin0733:還推咧   #1JoVAb1j 中文都看不懂的話也沒辦法了
#1Jo6vrQA 中文不好的話也可以看英文43F 07/23 10:37
o0991758566:Love要去的機率真的很大了45F 07/23 10:49
nkjbond:騎士要愛要好多年了,這兩年選秀前都用狀元籤去詢價46F 07/23 11:01
看錯 sorry47F 07/23 11:06
EdwardYL:Love快過去吧,等著看好戲,科科49F 07/23 11:14
kbcl:真搞不懂總版為什麼這麼仇視Love 除了防守受限於體能他到底有什麼好挑的50F 07/23 11:17
WSzc:Love完全被低估 在LBJ旁邊 他會比現在更強52F 07/23 11:23
frankmaki:不送AW..等於把灰狼當潘仔~~53F 07/23 11:23
WSzc:他可以無球當3分射手 可以打低位 別忘了他也很會助攻54F 07/23 11:23
frankmaki:灰狼還不如跟金塊交易..金塊的包裏好像也很吸引人55F 07/23 11:24
WSzc:去年場均4.4asts 常常搶到籃板就直塞對角快攻得分
如果騎士放AW 那金塊沒得比阿 Thompson明年RFA56F 07/23 11:24
