看板 NBA
作者 alice1012v18 (飼料伯)
標題 [外絮] Kobe靠著研究獵豹改善後仰跳投
時間 Sun Sep 28 09:04:02 2014

來源:bleacher report http://ppt.cc/ROxx
Kobe Bryant Studied a Hunting Cheetah to Improve His Fadeaway Jumper | Bleacher Report
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Kobe Bryant Studied a Hunting Cheetah to Improve His Fadeaway Jumper


Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant has one of the greatest fadeaway
jumpers ever. Had it not been for the Discovery Channel, it may not be what
it is today.

You read that right. The Discovery Channel gets credit for Bryant's fadeaway
jumper being so devastating.


The Black Mamba revealed in an interview with The New York Times' Philip
Galanes that he was watching television when he figured out a way to improvehis form:

"When you watch me shoot my fadeaway jumper, you’ll notice my leg is always
extended. I had problems making that shot in the past. It’s tough. So one
day I’m watching the Discovery Channel and see a cheetah hunting. When the
cheetah runs, its tail always gives it balance, even if it’s cutting a sharp
angle. And that’s when I was like: My leg could be the tail, right?"

在與《紐約時報》記者Philip Galanes的訪談中,Kobe表示自己當初在看電視時,想出了


It's no secret that Bryant has taken some pages out of Michael Jordan's book
in the past. But a cheetah? The Black Mamba will apparently look anywhere and
everywhere for help on his game.

It's no secret that Bryant has taken some pages out of Michael Jordan's book
in the past. But a cheetah? The Black Mamba will apparently look anywhere and
everywhere for help on his game.


Given how much success Bryant has had with the jumper, other players may want
to flip on the Discovery Channel and start taking notes. Who knows where the
Black Mamba would be had he not studied cheetahs.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1411866246.A.5B4.html
iloveinhua: 未看先猜 底下推文跟尾巴有關1F 09/28 09:04
gn00945822: 要歪掉了2F 09/28 09:05
lai162: 老大:難道我有三條腿也要跟你說?3F 09/28 09:05
JyouItsu: KD靠著觀察圓仔改善上罰球線次數4F 09/28 09:05
freemail: 獵豹 >_<   好猛喔!~~~~~~5F 09/28 09:06
Gilbertsky: 靠GG保持平衡別人是學不來的 放棄吧6F 09/28 09:06
Farid: 老大一定也有學習曼巴  處處皆學問7F 09/28 09:06
phykevin: 老大:豹的尾巴在後面,我的尾巴在前面8F 09/28 09:08
tnpaul: 老大的尾巴叫做__巴9F 09/28 09:12
hy654: 牆豹了10F 09/28 09:15
gadgets: 這招第一sgg石學不來啊!! 難怪只能買飯...11F 09/28 09:18
el4e8d: 黑曼巴:尾巴只是用來輔助讓我進洞的工具12F 09/28 09:18
taiwanmonkey: 本來我都綁在腰上 是時候let it go了13F 09/28 09:19
kiddlau: 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14F 09/28 09:19
StarTouching: 這是少年漫畫劇情嗎?15F 09/28 09:20
alwaysstrong: 原來是中心腳!16F 09/28 09:20
c7683fh6: 晚上獵豹會出來狩獵嗎?17F 09/28 09:21
peterhuo: 連續做愛能力,最強的動物,當屬花豹,由於母豹在發情性需求量非常大,因此公豹就演化成,金槍不倒的快槍俠由於是快槍俠,所以三秒鐘就射了,然後母豹,稍微喬一下姿勢,尾巴又繞在公豹的脖子上,公豹又上了18F 09/28 09:21
WeGoYuSheng: 真的是強豹!!!22F 09/28 09:25
KobeSuckDick: 公豹的性能力很強 常常不受控制去強姦其他母豹 我記得國家地理頻道是這麼說的23F 09/28 09:27
d86012005: 強豹XDDDDDDDDD25F 09/28 09:27
AgentZero: 強豹有梗XD26F 09/28 09:28
Pappus: XDDDDDDDDD27F 09/28 09:29
laker7634: 讓我想到之前尼克楊模仿老大受訪結果被老大吐嘈說他一定沒在看動物星球或國家地理頻道28F 09/28 09:30
billseven: 強豹惹30F 09/28 09:32
irosehead: 前面曼巴,後面獵豹,老大!!!31F 09/28 09:34
ahinetn123: 老大不是第三條腿 原來是多了一條尾巴32F 09/28 09:34
s66449: 塊陶啊33F 09/28 09:35
kaede0711: 他在身體調整平衡感的天賦真的很強,才有辦法進那些很誇張的跳投34F 09/28 09:35
andyboy315: 老大晚上要去金錢豹鍛鍊他的黑曼巴了36F 09/28 09:36
mj22332004: MJ、獵豹表示欣慰     陳進興:那我呢?37F 09/28 09:41
richardh: 前尾38F 09/28 09:48
LD2k: 你怎能不愛老大??Laoda!!39F 09/28 09:52
sdfsonic: 老大!!40F 09/28 09:55
banmaxwill: 我也該練尾巴了?!41F 09/28 10:00
night123: 當年夜夜研究SOD到上法院!咦?42F 09/28 10:07
TKW5566: 老大強豹!!!!!!!43F 09/28 10:12
KAKU29: 強44F 09/28 10:17
lcall: 老大!強豹!45F 09/28 10:18
kingrichman: 強豹模範kobe46F 09/28 10:21
ppo7741: 尾巴卡:47F 09/28 10:30
NewTypeNeo: 獵豹移動101大樓84F48F 09/28 10:31
bwnzer: 媽 今天終於有新梗了!!!49F 09/28 10:31
ftyu: 強豹惹~~50F 09/28 10:36
KillQB: 強豹了!!!!!!51F 09/28 10:37
xshone: 還以為是研究蝦子52F 09/28 10:38
q10250826: 看到母豹都忍不住上去強_53F 09/28 10:39
blacksky0115: 強豹了吧哇嗚54F 09/28 10:43
StupidDog: 強到獵豹!!!55F 09/28 10:48
amonsat: 一堆沒水準的推文56F 09/28 10:50
cloudrack: 不虧是老大,強豹惹!57F 09/28 10:51
kinki999: 新的推文啊啊啊~~~強豹了58F 09/28 11:01
thirdlittle: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD59F 09/28 11:01
Xhocer: 這有點唬洨...60F 09/28 11:06
kixer2005: 強豹模範  強豹範61F 09/28 11:07
JH7: XD62F 09/28 11:08
RicFlair: XDDDDDDDD63F 09/28 11:13
pppli: 人也是動物 支持柯比強豹64F 09/28 11:16
garytony1: 恐怖的老大要來了 讓大家看看老大的豹行65F 09/28 11:16
B0988698088: 強豹典範!66F 09/28 11:17
Xenogamer: ================強豹Laoda===============67F 09/28 11:30
Amai0122: 那靠著金錢豹改善什麼呢?68F 09/28 11:30
yunchukawai: 小曼巴也蠢蠢欲動!!!!!!69F 09/28 11:31
abysszzz: cocktail!70F 09/28 11:33
abseeyou: 沒錯,這就是我們的老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!71F 09/28 11:35
ooxxman: 老大最強豹!!!!!!!!!72F 09/28 11:36
srxrrr: 強豹模範!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!73F 09/28 11:38
dada333: sgg:這樣我一輩子都練不了FADEWAY 因為我的尾巴太小74F 09/28 11:50
ZkNight: 保持平衡的秘訣就是在中心腳阿75F 09/28 12:03
ARODisGod: 老大連母豹都不放過~~~76F 09/28 12:04
sd2567: ==========以上 詹迷水準==========77F 09/28 12:12
hazel0093: 開豹房78F 09/28 12:17
Proakis: 老大自身形象不好 推文歪掉怪誰?79F 09/28 12:21
wesiy: 推什麼陳進興的果然是有nba板標準的水準80F 09/28 12:21
Proakis: 老大退休後歷史定位大概就強豹而已81F 09/28 12:22
sd2567: 沒被起訴 說人XX犯 恩 果然很有水準82F 09/28 12:24
stevetroy: 老大的那條尾巴~~83F 09/28 12:35
andrewyllee: 老大狩獵中84F 09/28 12:46
adidaszw: 105狩獵者85F 09/28 12:48
iloveben75: 老大可以用曼巴當尾巴呀~86F 09/28 13:00
ottokang: 可怕的豹尾87F 09/28 13:00
dick929: 下一雙鞋出豹紋!?88F 09/28 13:03
bahamutuh: 老大果然強豹了89F 09/28 13:03
sul3vu86: 這篇太好笑了XDDDDDDDDD90F 09/28 13:07
KobeSuckDick: 老大學習 強豹的豹行 難怪尾巴這麼堅強91F 09/28 13:17
dwyanelin: 強豹啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!強豹啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!92F 09/28 13:17
KobeSuckDick: 這篇迷迷又會悲憤惱羞跳腳噓文惹 哈哈哈94F 09/28 13:19
Z9: 老大~ 真的是強豹 XD
老大以豹型為範本 太強豹了95F 09/28 13:20
gospursgo21: Laoda!!!!!!97F 09/28 13:38
Between1986: 看到標題就笑了98F 09/28 13:39
KobeisMVP: 強豹了!幹,我笑了XD99F 09/28 13:45
s870098123: 這版沒有老大該怎麼辦?100F 09/28 13:45
duckspeak: 乾我越來越期待開季LIVE文林迷林酸科迷科酸湖迷湖酸101F 09/28 13:54
MK12: 強豹啦   老大又有新詞了!!!!!!!!!!!102F 09/28 13:54
duckspeak: 的各種大亂鬥啊  怎麼還不快開賽
一定會有林迷兼科酸 林酸兼科酸各種混亂組合 太酷啦103F 09/28 13:54
douglasyeh: 有笑有推XDDDD105F 09/28 14:00
Ifanwei: 強豹有梗Y106F 09/28 14:02
polarg: 推強豹107F 09/28 14:02
FSGuitar: ..強豹我不得不承認 頗有梗的108F 09/28 14:09
andrewyllee: 老大文總是特別好笑XD109F 09/28 14:24
bikes0616: 曼巴110F 09/28 14:28
www2967: 曼巴 讚111F 09/28 14:29
yukimura0420: 老大果然強豹!!113F 09/28 14:39
offish: 老大強豹114F 09/28 14:47
ltameion: 老大強豹!115F 09/28 14:54
ken6136: 老大強豹XDDDD 我的腿就是那條曼巴!!116F 09/28 14:58
laypub: 強豹曼巴  看了我都怕117F 09/28 14:59
zipi: 老大強豹118F 09/28 15:05
Putrid: 鄉民真的很有梗 XD119F 09/28 15:06
ken6136: 噓成81120F 09/28 15:07
Lawrence: 81121F 09/28 15:08
polarg: 強豹fan123F 09/28 15:14
shifa: 不是研究蝦子喔…124F 09/28 15:22
asadfish: 強豹惹QAQ125F 09/28 15:36
sampsonlu919: 老大新外號:Black Panther126F 09/28 15:37
ZanyRed: 看強豹影片果然有樣學樣127F 09/28 15:42
LaLaYeh: 強豹128F 09/28 16:02
kattte: 怎麼沒有人推老大的那個銅像創作?129F 09/28 17:59
