看板 NBA
作者 wilsonkoo (捲毛)
標題 [外絮] Ujiri對Pierce噴垃圾話遭罰$35,000
時間 Mon Apr 20 09:09:56 2015

來源: Sports Illustrated  http://ppt.cc/fGAs
Toronto Raptors GM Masai Ujiri fined for Paul Pierce comments - NBA - SI.com
Toronto Raptors general manager Masai Ujiri has been fined $35,000 for his comments about Washington Wizards forward Paul Pierce, the NBA announced Sunday.  ...


作者: SI WIRE 2015/4/19


Toronto Raptors general manager Masai Ujiri has been fined $35,000 for his
comments about Washington Wizards forward Paul Pierce, the NBA announced
Sunday. The Raptors organization was fined an additional $25,000.

While addressing fans at a rally outside the Air Canada Centre before Game 1
of the Raptors-Wizards series on Saturday, Uriji spoke briefly about Pierce's
comments earlier in the week saying the Wizards are not worried about facing
the Raptors.

NBA本日宣布對暴龍總管Masai Ujiri裁罰35,000 USD, 因為他對巫師的Pierce噴垃圾話,

而暴龍球團也被另外罰了25,000 USD.

Ujiri在暴龍與巫師的第一場比賽前在主場外與球迷喊話. Pierce先前表示對上暴龍他完全

不感到擔心. 而Ujiri對於這樣的言詞也做出了回應.

"I know everybody wants me to say something about Paul Pierce," Ujiri said.
"This is what I'm going to say: We don't give a s--- about it."


"好, 我現在就在這裡告訴Pierce, 我們他X的才不屑你勒."

#MasaiUjiri was back on stage at #JurassicPark ...listen to what he said this time

“In Masai We Trust #WeTheNorth #Toronto #Raptors” ...


Ujiri was also fined $25,000 last postseason for yelling "F--- Brooklyn" at a
fan rally before Toronto's series against the Nets.

而他上次季後賽被罰款25,000 USD的時候也說了類似的話, 他對主場外加油的觀眾說:

"F--- Brooklyn."  


附錄: Ujiri是奈及利亞人, 曾在2013金塊時期奪得最佳總管

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LD57d0J (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1429492199.A.013.html
Leo4891: 輸球又賠錢  慘1F 04/20 09:11
ctx705f: 重罰2F 04/20 09:12
kimo6414: 輸球又被罰錢…哭哭3F 04/20 09:12
※ 編輯: wilsonkoo (, 04/20/2015 09:13:38
ericf129: 好貴QQ4F 04/20 09:13
yuanchelee: ㄎㄎ笑死5F 04/20 09:13
Benbenyale: PP:計畫通6F 04/20 09:16
jason00650: 罵一次噴台幣75萬 好貴7F 04/20 09:16
kl015013: 爽  有錢就是要這麼任性  欣賞8F 04/20 09:17
jack19931993: 相比覺得庫班好多了 至少都不是因為髒話被罰9F 04/20 09:17
jason00650: 看錯是一百萬阿10F 04/20 09:17
yian0531: 一句話180萬台幣11F 04/20 09:18
darksaunM: 有錢就是任性 羨慕12F 04/20 09:18
keypad: 多倫多公敵: P.Pierce13F 04/20 09:18
lai162: 噴錢是噴錢 但是暴龍迷爽阿14F 04/20 09:18
greenarena: 老皮真是贏了面子和裡子15F 04/20 09:19
wutaiching: 髒話跟垃圾話不一樣16F 04/20 09:22
badbad5566: UCCU17F 04/20 09:23
shangyen: 暴龍造口業到 首輪第一場還沒贏過....蠢爆了  去年也有嗆18F 04/20 09:23
tn00710191: 老皮帥呀!!20F 04/20 09:24
aaagang: 哇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21F 04/20 09:29
jack19931993: shit跟fuck已經算粗口了吧 不然原文幹麻上碼22F 04/20 09:32
waiting0801: 大約110萬台幣!!!好貴XD23F 04/20 09:33
kl015013: 哇  造口業耶  業力引爆!!!!!!!24F 04/20 09:33
chris80634: 釣魚王25F 04/20 09:35
derric: 幹....這罰金 比台灣強姦犯和解金還高 太扯26F 04/20 09:42
creampie123: We don't give a shit about it 太霸氣了27F 04/20 09:42
Aggro: 老皮大勝利28F 04/20 09:44
cress0128: 這總管太菜了吧29F 04/20 09:49
alexgod21: 這是公道價30F 04/20 09:49
neckerchief: 他一開始不是怕被罰款所以沒回應嗎31F 04/20 09:51
uini: 去年他也和老皮對噴被罰,祭品啊32F 04/20 09:55
Valanciunas: 有錢就敢大聲啊XD33F 04/20 09:55
o0991758566: 結果被打爆  你還是去管管你家後場吧  根本來亂的34F 04/20 09:57
bilbaom:  Paul Pierce=包皮斯35F 04/20 10:00
andy78714: 囧36F 04/20 10:03
jcto04: 煞氣a總管37F 04/20 10:06
roger29: 釣魚功力堪比太公38F 04/20 10:18
SEXYFUCK: 我覺得這樣nba才精彩39F 04/20 10:25
changrabbit: PP是垃圾話鼻祖之一耶40F 04/20 10:49
dryadg27724: 這總管滿屌的說41F 04/20 11:04
no321: 三小 這樣就100萬...42F 04/20 11:11
B0988698088: 球員不能說只好總管說XD43F 04/20 11:11
carey1119: 我都唸Ujiri44F 04/20 11:56
creampie123: Ujiri : Fuck Brooklyn45F 04/20 11:58
allenlittle: 好貴......46F 04/20 11:59
Ayowaya: 其實pp也沒針對哪隊 怎麼大家反應都這麼大47F 04/20 12:22
handsomecat: UCCU~48F 04/20 12:30
stygianX: 誰先罵髒話誰就輸了這樣49F 04/20 12:46
WHATABURGER: 三樓偷我圖喔50F 04/20 14:39
auronx1132: 今天要是暴龍贏了大家就不會這麼說了 快贏球吧51F 04/20 16:32
