看板 NBA
作者 johnnykao530 (littlejohnny)
標題 [新聞] Lebron James warning Larva Ball
時間 Wed Mar 22 11:33:09 2017

LeBron James directed a cease-and-desist order of sorts on
Tuesday to LaVar Ball, the outspoken father of three boys -- including star
UCLA freshman Lonzo Ball -- who said earlier this month that his children are
set up better for future success than those of the Cleveland Cavaliers' star.

"Keep my kids' name out of your mouth, keep my family out of your mouth,"
James told ESPN on Tuesday, as the Cavaliers practiced on UCLA's campus, two
days after a road victory against the Lakers.

"This is dad to dad. It's a problem now."

Lebron直接對Larva Ball警告,要他不要提及他的兒子。"不准提到我的兒子,不准提到
LaVar Ball has been outspoken on a number of topics regarding his children in
recent months, and he even brought James' family into the conversation while
appearing on a recent episode of the "In the Zone with Chris Broussard"
podcast. During the appearance, Ball suggested his sons were better set up
for future success in basketball than James' because the four-time NBA MVP's
pedigree will be too much for them to live up to.

Lavar Ball最近幾個月一直提及他的兒子,甚至在"In the Zone with Chris Broussard"
The monsters in the NBA, their dads wasn't that good," Ball said. "They were
OK, they was players, but the fact that the old [Dell] Curry wasn't no
All-Star, he wasn't cold. He could shoot the ball, though. Kobe Bryant, his
dad wasn't all that, that's why he's such a monster.

"You got LeBron, it's going to be hard for his kids because they are going to
look at them like, 'You got to be just like your dad.' And after a while,
that pressure starts sitting on you like, 'Why do I got to be just like him?
What can't I just be me?' And then they are going to be like, 'Aw, you're
soft, you're not that good.' Because the expectation is very, very high."

Lavar Ball 說:"NBA中的怪物,他們的父親並不是那麼厲害,他們只是OK而已,老Curry


LaVar Ball also has said he was good enough to "kill" Michael Jordan
one-on-one in his prime, which would seem to punch a hole in his theory that
his sons are better off because their father was not an all-time great.

Lavar Ball 也說他在顛峰期間可以在一對一時"kill"Michael Jordan,這似乎也戳破了
Curry sidestepped the comparison, telling reporters, "I don't want to talk
about that. I wish his kids the best and I know they'll be great NBA players.
That's their job. That's it."


備註:看影片覺得Lavar Ball只是個諧星,但他的話又讓人覺得實在不單純開玩笑。
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Grammy: 以下開放腿迷歌功頌德1F 03/22 11:34
dahlia7357: 以上開放詹酸上廁所2F 03/22 11:34
※ 編輯: johnnykao530 (, 03/22/2017 11:37:40
bryantchen: LBJ對家人真的很好,別人說他如何如何他可能還不會生氣,只要稍微汙辱到他家人感覺他隨時會爆氣3F 03/22 11:34
Gato: 喇叭詹警告喇叭球5F 03/22 11:34
john91018: 球爸真的各種秀下限6F 03/22 11:35
IBIZA: 跟Jordan單挑那段 是戳破理論不是證實理論喔7F 03/22 11:35
fishlinghu: 想紅的咖= = 超無聊8F 03/22 11:35
s110342: 小丑9F 03/22 11:35
tobyhuang: 詹酸:姆斯沒風度10F 03/22 11:36
poowu: 誰不是說到家人就爆氣??  真當神膜拜啊?11F 03/22 11:36
Aretimis7345: 球爸是不是有問題阿  為什麼一直拉仇恨阿12F 03/22 11:36
booyaka: 這件事挺彈塗魚13F 03/22 11:36
bravo: 再講我就假摔了14F 03/22 11:36
swaggg: 球爸真的是滿無聊的XD15F 03/22 11:37
FenixShou: 輸贏啦16F 03/22 11:37
nameless22: 球爸就是在炒話題提升兒子身價和星度啊 但是手段真17F 03/22 11:37
Raskolnikov: 跟這種人回應就著了他的道了18F 03/22 11:37
lopopo001: 球爸真的夠神經的19F 03/22 11:37
nameless22: 的很難看20F 03/22 11:37
bobyacool: 厲害耶 連這樣都可以酸 詹酸真的不得了唷21F 03/22 11:37
kai08130623: 不太懂LBJ怎麼會跟這個咖認真...22F 03/22 11:37
nba00077: 彈塗魚的兒子怎麼稱呼23F 03/22 11:37
※ 編輯: johnnykao530 (, 03/22/2017 11:39:13
ramirez: 姆斯讚24F 03/22 11:38
Acer3000: 要開這種'玩笑'就要有被幹的覺悟。25F 03/22 11:38
bryantchen: 噓某p,所以家人被稱讚也要爆氣喔?廠廠26F 03/22 11:38
cloud23: ㄏ就看看他兒子有多強27F 03/22 11:38
JayFans0610: 說真的,比起LeBron,當Larva Ball的兒子壓力更大吧28F 03/22 11:38
PeterHenson: 球爸作秀做過頭了29F 03/22 11:39
IBIZA: 因為講到LBJ兒子了 我完全理解老爸會不爽XD30F 03/22 11:39
event1408472: ball是不是有病31F 03/22 11:39
kaede0711: 球爸這樣也是在給自己小孩製造壓力32F 03/22 11:39
ms0545173: 他兒子應可打爆你們了33F 03/22 11:39
event1408472: 幹嘛現在就讓小孩承受壓力34F 03/22 11:39
ms0545173: 這個什麼ball的只能跟巴克利一樣嘴砲搏版面35F 03/22 11:40
Vedan1213: 保護自己兒子還能酸就蠻無聊了36F 03/22 11:40
Raskolnikov: 被老爸這樣到場亂開槍 兒子壓力不會比較小吧37F 03/22 11:40
yuanonly: 一直在幫兒子拉仇恨 Ball如果打不好就慘了38F 03/22 11:40
ms0545173: 實際上什麼成就作為都輸人一等39F 03/22 11:40
PeterHenson: 就最機八的那種阿 講一講結果把你家人祖宗十八代牽扯進來40F 03/22 11:40
balire2351: 這次真的要挺LBJ了...球爸實在很中二42F 03/22 11:40
kizo555: 這位老爸真的是垃圾阿     整天亂嘴砲43F 03/22 11:40
d8456aaa: 我詹酸 這次我挺詹44F 03/22 11:41
peace1way: 正常人被講到家人,尤其兒子女兒很少會不爆衝的吧…45F 03/22 11:41
kizo555: 支持NBA球員電爆他兒子46F 03/22 11:41
tch0908: 這個只能推彈皇了47F 03/22 11:41
iscl6: 所以Ball說自己兒子很棒,是因為父親不好嗎48F 03/22 11:41
balire2351: 沒事扯別人小孩家庭 真的蠻沒水準49F 03/22 11:41
peace1way: 當然球爸例外,別人是保護,他好像四處幫兒子樹敵50F 03/22 11:42
yuechen: 跟Djokovic的父親一樣 敗人品...51F 03/22 11:42
balire2351: 想看看LBJ電爆LONZO 給他爸一點震撼教育52F 03/22 11:42
lunkk: LBJ這次很正確 Ball爸真的很白目53F 03/22 11:43
james80351: LBJ兒子都還沒成年就要被嘴 滿倒楣的54F 03/22 11:43
yuechen: 舊王已死,新王當立...55F 03/22 11:43
ImMACACO: 推 LBJ 保護家庭,球爸刷存在感到什麼都炮才呵呵56F 03/22 11:43
h1212123tw: 古有河流靠爸族 今有球爸靠兒族57F 03/22 11:43
alanlee0502: ball don't 賴58F 03/22 11:44
JayFans0610: 舊王已死新王當立真的超嘴59F 03/22 11:44
claydt: 牙套迷來讚聲?60F 03/22 11:46
a11011788: 球爸到底在衝三小61F 03/22 11:47
ms0545173: Ball要不要直接跟LBJ單挑啊 一直吵62F 03/22 11:47
RicFlair: 這次支持姆斯 那位球爸真的不知道幹什麼的 煩死了63F 03/22 11:47
chrisplash: 我皇很專注於家庭的...,能身在NBA沒出過任何感情醜64F 03/22 11:48
