看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H  is  enough)
標題 [外絮] CP3決定不參加2016美國夢幻隊
時間 Wed Mar 30 11:15:38 2016

Chris Paul Withdraws from Consideration for Team USA Roster at 2016 Olympics


After winning Olympic gold in both 2008 and 2012, Los Angeles Clippers point
guard Chris Paul revealed Monday he has removed himself from consideration
for Team USA at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.


According to Lee Jenkins of SI.com, the 30-year-old veteran cited the grind
of the NBA season as a primary reason for his decision: "I feel my body
telling me that I could use the time."


Per Jenkins, CP3 also took spending additional time with his family under
consideration before settling on his international future: "Just a few days
ago, Little Chris asked me, 'Daddy, will you play in the Olympics again?'
Part of me wanted to say yes, because he's never been part of it. But I told
him, 'I want to spend more time with you.'"


Paul has been a key contributor on each of the past two Olympic teams, and
his presence will undoubtedly be missed in Brazil.


The nine-time All-Star is enjoying another spectacular season for the Clips
with per-game averages of 19.8 points and 9.9 assists.


Paul is perhaps the best distributor in all of basketball, but Team USA has
the benefit of depth more so than any other nation in the world.


That means the likes of Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry and
Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook are likely to take on even
greater roles. Paul's absence also opens the door for Kyrie Irving, John
Wall, Damian Lillard and others to potentially make the team.


Carmelo Anthony indicated he is "still gung-ho about [the Olympics]," but
will need to speak with Paul to be sure his withdrawal is "nothing serious,"
per Marc Berman of the New York Post.


Losing a player of Paul's ilk would be devastating to any other national
team, and while head coach Mike Krzyzewski will certainly have to make some
adjustments without CP3 at his disposal, he has enough weapons to help the
Americans three-peat as gold-medal winners.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1M-qJUJx (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1459307742.A.4FB.html
※ 編輯: kairiyu (, 03/30/2016 11:16:06
scatology: 有科鋁就夠了啊1F 03/30 11:16
zxc787848: 這樣後衛不會被打點了2F 03/30 11:16
frank755190: 根本沒差吧3F 03/30 11:16
girtas: 不跟好朋友LBJ出去玩嗎4F 03/30 11:17
sylviehsiang: Curry:國際賽有三分線嗎?5F 03/30 11:18
Meloes: 西河 curry 夠用了6F 03/30 11:19
jeffery20223: 有我咖在放心陪家人吧~7F 03/30 11:19
handsomecat3: 還好,都30了,讓年輕人去操吧8F 03/30 11:20
BorisDiaw3: 不願意擔任Curry的配角吧....9F 03/30 11:21
qazxc312: 聰明,不然打替補臉掛不住吧10F 03/30 11:22
YummyMcGee: 沒差 只要有咖哩有球+一條線就屌打國際賽了11F 03/30 11:24
alex55555: 後未人才濟濟12F 03/30 11:25
j8866yanzi: 美國隊最不缺的就是控衛了13F 03/30 11:26
kkcash: 其實也該換人接棒了!14F 03/30 11:26
xxxx5566: 其他位置其實打個兩、三屆差不多都可以慢慢交棒了15F 03/30 11:27
tupacshkur: 沒差,有咖喱 西河就夠了16F 03/30 11:29
OLafk: 這次就看咖哩一直射就飽了17F 03/30 11:31
Andriy6016: 就算先發五人臨時宣佈不打也沒差啊18F 03/30 11:31
bilibo: 派勇士隊就贏拉19F 03/30 11:35
KYOROD: Nobody cares20F 03/30 11:37
stocktonty: 反正也拿過金牌了休息沒差21F 03/30 11:37
samtony: 國際賽等著看Curry無雙了吧22F 03/30 11:37
ImLoki: curry 三分當兩分投23F 03/30 11:43
tsai18: 他打國際賽常常被歐洲高控衛打點24F 03/30 11:46
oops66: 有咖哩就夠了25F 03/30 11:46
pippen2002: 才19.8分??看看咖哩!!30.1 up !!
希望到時候美國還是冠軍!!不然咖裡就搞笑了!26F 03/30 11:46
roger29: 老了 可以休息了28F 03/30 11:52
AngelNo13: 這下蔣窩也許有機會29F 03/30 12:04
koo200418: 不送 反正也不會先發30F 03/30 12:05
UncleGarlic: 控衛是最擠的位置 完全沒差 怕掉隊的位置是中前鋒31F 03/30 12:07
elve7878: 西河+CURRY 這後場有沒有CP3也沒差了32F 03/30 12:13
velover: 牆哥 你有機會了~~~33F 03/30 12:16
spadenet: 西河喔...讓我想到他倫敦奧運打的鳥樣34F 03/30 12:21
grimnir158: CP3不想太操吧35F 03/30 12:22
sylviehsiang: 左肩膀是刺什麼 忠.......?
推錯36F 03/30 12:23
ooxxman: 去了也是被咖哩和西河搶鏡頭打替補 就多休息不旅遊38F 03/30 12:26
coox: 虐菜場又沒差39F 03/30 12:29
wz02022:  沒有CP3沒差啦 PG不是都LBJ控?
 刷數據也只刷20-10喔 GG40F 03/30 12:30
samue: 倒是不希望職業球員打季外比賽呢..請好好休息啊42F 03/30 12:32
boybread: 怕選不上,先說自己不參加43F 03/30 12:32
ujjgeok: 老實說他只能靠經驗入選而已44F 03/30 12:36
ACEFUCK: 豪豪要上了!45F 03/30 12:36
laypub: 蔣窩你這樣還沒被選上的話就怨不得別人了46F 03/30 12:38
peeson04: Best distributor是這樣翻嗎...47F 03/30 12:51
caesst85149: 決定不當Curry的替補48F 03/30 12:53
cheng910083: 真的沒差啦 有柯鋁足矣49F 03/30 12:58
s18885: 會不會是聯盟想給年輕人一個機會,做球給CP350F 03/30 13:15
james80351: CP3假如進了應該還是先發 京奧也是資歷最深的Kidd來扛 雖然跟替補時間差不多51F 03/30 13:31
jojo90320: 你想打還不一定可以打53F 03/30 13:35
paulwade: 酸酸又在秀下限了54F 03/30 13:35
cp3forlife: 酸酸出匣啦!!!!!55F 03/30 13:58
et00211: 完全沒差吧56F 03/30 14:21
ws643908: 咖喱半場過了一步就可以出手了(大概是正常三分57F 03/30 14:37
taboho: How do you turn this on ?58F 03/30 14:45
shitsucker: 不要姜沃都好59F 03/30 14:54
a851315: 酸酸好多~~~60F 03/30 17:05
haoshan: 一堆白痴 他想打隨便都進
他一年賺的樓上所有垃圾酸民一輩子加起來還不夠61F 03/30 20:56
