看板 NBA作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)標題 [外絮] Lue:Jame不上場打球身體只會覺得更糟時間 Thu Apr 27 13:12:36 2017
Coach Tyronn Lue doesn't even bother worrying about James' minutes anymore.
James averaged 32.8 points with 9.8 rebounds and 9.0 assists. He shot .543
from the field, 9-of-20 (.450) from 3-point range, and had the ball in his
hands for 32.6 percent of the Cavs' possessions (compared with 35.3 percent
for Irving).
Oh, and James averaged 43.7 minutes in the four games.
"I don't understand why people make a big deal out of his minutes," coach
Tyronn Lue said. "He had a week off before the series started. We won four
straight games and then he had a week off again. So next he might play 48
minutes. ... 'Bron today just said he feels worse when he doesn't play."
James is the playoff leader in minutes per game right now. There are only
three players (Indiana's Paul George, who guarded James, and Chicago's Jimmy
Butler) averaging at least 40 minutes in the postseason.
在季後賽中姆斯上場最久。只有Paul George和Jimmy Bulter季後賽上場超過40分鐘
Out of the top 10 leaders in playoff minutes so far, only one is even close
to James in field-goal percentage (Milwaukee's Giannis Antetokounmpo, .528)
and only Russell Westbrook averaged more shots (30.4) or points (37.4) than
With the emergence of analytics in pro basketball, teams are trying to limit
their star players' minutes -- particularly as they age. James is 32-years
old and led the NBA during the regular season in minutes (37.8 to the
Raptors' Kyle Lowry's 37.4). Also, the Cavs stated all along they intended to
pare down James' minutes in March, and then shifted away from that plan as
injuries and losses began to mount.
Now the Cavs say James' in-game workload because neither he nor the team
practiced much during the season.
"With him playing the minutes he played during course of the regular season,
it has helped him in the playoffs," Lue said. "Now he is able to play those
42, 43 minutes. Because he's used to it. His body can take it, so, I'm not
worried about what outside people say."
James was inarguably busier and better in the first round this year than he
was in either of the last two opening series. In 2014-15, James averaged 41.2
minutes and scored 22.8 points on .487 shooting against the Celtics. Last
year against the Pistons, it was 30.1 points on .417 shooting in 42.2
minutes. His usage rates (30.6 percent against Boston and 31.8 percent
against Detroit) were the highest on the team.
"He knows his body better than anyone," Lue said. "He said he feels great and
he feels worse when he doesn't play, so we'll see how that works out."
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推 BignoZe: 都忘記以前打到第四節沒力逆轉的時刻了嘛6F 04/27 13:15
→ zxc787848: 平常酸歸酸 但是姆斯拿錢是有在做事情的12F 04/27 13:16
推 on32: 真生化人。季賽上場練體力。15F 04/27 13:17
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 04/27/2017 13:18:10
推 sam40026: 盧:他自己要上場還說我西瓜18F 04/27 13:18
推 g29050: 拜託別受傷就好 我想看你健康打到退休20F 04/27 13:18
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 04/27/2017 13:19:31
推 vinex518: 30年的機器 熱機久一點正常啦22F 04/27 13:19
推 hua0122: 還是有退化 以前都不會累的 只是第一輪對手擋不住23F 04/27 13:19
推 peace1way: 32歲體能維持好的球星下滑不明顯,35歲後才會很明顯24F 04/27 13:19
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 04/27/2017 13:20:14
推 qoop3: 猛阿!!25F 04/27 13:20
推 yist: 這薪水付得值得 反觀26F 04/27 13:20
推 loverxa: 身體已經是球場的形狀了 沙場老將魂!!28F 04/27 13:20
推 sam40026: 但是一堆32歲前就把身體潛能用完的
喇叭最強的天賦就是不會受大傷,有健康身體,數據和戰績都好談29F 04/27 13:20
→ shortimex: 以後肯定轉型老人球 不能像現在坦克輾過去34F 04/27 13:24
噓 jardon: ?????那季賽輪休???35F 04/27 13:24
推 ray48: 他真的不會累嗎37F 04/27 13:26
推 Leaflock: 32歲 43分鐘 不愧是全力詹38F 04/27 13:26
→ alicelee1218: Are you talking about practice? XDDD39F 04/27 13:27
推 ITUB: 姆斯真的強40F 04/27 13:29
推 yun0215: 看來下一輪要打44分 東冠46分 總冠打滿48分43F 04/27 13:34
推 Currahee52: 還不是靠年輕體能好 只會打體能球 什麼?32歲了?44F 04/27 13:37
推 yinianlai: 看比賽還是可以看出退化的痕跡啦,攻防兩端都會找時間在場上調節,只是關鍵時還有足夠的能量支撐,鐵人啊!45F 04/27 13:37
→ t780330: 在平常已經習慣超級賽亞人的狀態,提升戰鬥力對身體的負擔也是極小的50F 04/27 13:40
推 lonelysin: 我詹酸但姆斯球商+體能現今NBA無人能敵..52F 04/27 13:45
推 zxc7: 我再說一次 要或鼻要53F 04/27 13:47
推 kkb512sk: 請問累到要求被換下場有文章嗎~想看>_<54F 04/27 13:48
噓 AndyWT: 覺得這根本就反科學 操久了就習慣了 郭泰源2.055F 04/27 13:49
推 rickya: 其實LBJ已經退化了只是比較緩慢 希望可以維持久一點56F 04/27 13:49
推 jonny60604: 某樓,一堆人之前說LBJ這兩年就會明顯退化,你現在又說35歲以後,到底要等多久57F 04/27 13:53
推 space1095: 使用率是啥 是場上的持球時間佔比吧59F 04/27 13:55
推 ckshchen: 特南克斯:怎麼說,他的超級賽亞人自然的感覺60F 04/27 13:56
推 vltw5v: 一種平常就維持超級賽亞人狀態的概念61F 04/27 13:58
推 DarkHolbach: 這種體能問題都難講,老大受傷前也是鐵人啊
受傷之後就回不去了63F 04/27 14:01
推 tenminutes: 真的是藏招XDD 還有44 45 46 47 48還沒用65F 04/27 14:02
推 l8lcm: 其實他只要定期換機油跟齒輪油就很耐操啦67F 04/27 14:12
推 barsax8: 沒上場排毒覺得不舒服~68F 04/27 14:12
推 newtypeL9: 能到35還沒明顯下滑的目前也只看過MJ跟郵差,姆斯不知道能撐到幾歲70F 04/27 14:12
→ MasCat: 太神拉!!75F 04/27 14:22
推 Ensidia: 姆斯大概到35歲還能保有現在90%數據
強壯耐戰程度說不定能挑戰史上第一76F 04/27 14:22
推 qwerty789: 詹皇真的是鐵人 幾歲的人了 場均上場還這麼恐怖78F 04/27 14:27
推 Joey818: 新零件的科技日新月異79F 04/27 14:28
推 d8731400: 30歲後還不一定 35歲後體能真的會明顯下滑80F 04/27 14:30
推 etop: 生化人 加個油就上了81F 04/27 14:31
推 sd358: 沒特別喜歡詹 但真心覺得超級猛@@83F 04/27 14:35
→ bahamutuh …
推 bahamutuh: 32.8分、9.8籃板、9助攻、54.3% + 45%三分 ...鬼神84F 04/27 14:36
推 AI9790: 看那個數據跟鬼一樣……86F 04/27 14:37
→ bahamutuh …
推 bahamutuh: 老大受傷前 就變成監視器了 當大家沒看球喔87F 04/27 14:38
推 grimnir158: 難怪例行賽就上場超久 原來在提早作準備
難道是LBJ授意Lue可讓他上場久一點?89F 04/27 14:52
推 peace1way: 拜託,以為我在酸的可以去查查我推文好嗎?頂尖運動員32歲,像LBJ這種維持很好的原本就還不是明顯下滑點,35歲才是分界。我不喜歡KOBE也常酸他,但是他也91F 04/27 14:54
→ peace1way: 算是身體狀況很好的,你可以查查他32歲及35歲後差異尤其35歲後,身體的大小傷會開始浮現要你還債了95F 04/27 14:56
推 on32: 跟mj 老馬 賈霸一樣 維持很好98F 04/27 15:18
推 MK12: 姆斯真的越來越強,身為詹酸沒話說102F 04/27 15:51
推 lucas0329: Kobe那個是快35歲的時候,阿基里斯腱爆了,不然後來投籃命中率不會這麼慘,他當時還有46%的賽季命中率109F 04/27 16:24
推 KingJeff17: 雖然例行賽操,其實是把練習時間砍掉分到比賽112F 04/27 16:49