看板 NBA
作者 jimmy5680 (不太會飛的企鵝)
標題 [花邊] Lillard:若拓荒者不要我,願去爵士或湖人
時間 Thu Jun 15 10:09:00 2017

Damian Lillard: I Would Play for the Jazz or Lakers If Blazers Didn't Want Me | Bleacher Report
Damian Lillard has always been pretty candid on Twitter, but the Portland Trail Blazers point guard turned some heads when he tweeted about playing fo ...


Frenchie  ❄️
@Dame_Lillard if you had the opportunity to sign with any team in the league today other than trailblazers what team would it be?
Damian Lillard
If blazers said they didn't want me... Utah Jazz or Lakershttps://twitter.com/mohamed_2_0_6/status/875039009730420738 …
@Dame_Lillard if you had the opportunity to sign with any team in the league today other than trailblazers what team would it be?

有人在推特上面問 Damian Lillard 說,
@Dame_Lillard if you had the opportunity to sign with any team in the league
today other than trailblazers what team would it be?


Lillard 回答,
If blazers said they didn't want me... Utah Jazz or Lakers


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eericchutw: 你哭著對我說1F 06/15 10:09
nevercloser: 童話裡都是2F 06/15 10:10
karta1992560: 湖人3F 06/15 10:10
f22313467: 為什麼不去騎士 明明這樣才有爭冠機會4F 06/15 10:10
nuturewind: 哪天若有機會來阿爵..黑蛙+狗貝+小李這陣容好像不錯5F 06/15 10:10
lotus1626: 我不可能 是你的6F 06/15 10:11
brotherjhao: 我不可能 是阿拓王子7F 06/15 10:11
nuturewind: 小李選猶他主要是大學Weber state 在猶他州的關係吧8F 06/15 10:11
kimi0121: 怎麼不去勇士躺著拿冠軍9F 06/15 10:12
nuturewind: 在這邊待了4年.習慣猶他的生活很合理10F 06/15 10:12
allen12126: 去湖人可以理解~~ 去猶他這荒涼小城市還蠻奇怪的?11F 06/15 10:12
DUSTWAVE: Lillard+LBJ+PG?12F 06/15 10:13
OnePiecePR: 繼續唱歌13F 06/15 10:13
kenyun: 另一個是拿來掩護抱團標的  他講富邦勇士也行14F 06/15 10:15
Anastalife: 來湖人是為了他的歌手本業吧XDD15F 06/15 10:15
sam369: 我願變成童話裡你愛的那個爵士張開雙手變成翅膀守護16F 06/15 10:15
a58976584: 也許你不會懂~,你不要我的時候~17F 06/15 10:16
oklagg: 爵士很冷門18F 06/15 10:21
sdg235: DL+PG+母獅,開組啦~~19F 06/15 10:21
Liszt1025: Lillard+LBJ+PG+Dlo+IG+Ball 這你敢信?20F 06/15 10:22
k960674: 我看成童話裡都是湖人的  靠杯XDDDD21F 06/15 10:23
RuleAllWorld: 打到由人家要不要你22F 06/15 10:23
bredka: 姆斯去湖人組團已經先Lillard+PG保底了23F 06/15 10:27
Yui5: LBJ:喂我姆斯啦,聽說你要去LA?一起去好不好?24F 06/15 10:28
Muarean: 詹船長 開啟了大抱腿時代!!!!25F 06/15 10:28
ppccfvy: 小李可以當KI、Wade用,姆斯聽完心動動26F 06/15 10:29
Yui5: 如果是按LBJ的操作,會拿Ball去雜魚隊換個一哥回來這樣子就可以組4巨頭了
LBJ+PG+小李+某隊一哥+Dlo+IG+紅茶...好恐怖的陣容27F 06/15 10:29
Damian Lillard Highlights ***2011-12 SEASON MIX*** - YouTube
The NCAA leading scorer for most of the 2011-12 season is Damian Lillard of Weber State University. Enjoy A FEW of his highlights from the 2011-12 season, hi...

ponkd: 來我刺吧31F 06/15 10:30
cheng399: 突然發現woj是神! 湖人!32F 06/15 10:30
sixpoint: 會講這種話就是指天堂(湖人)或地獄(爵士)都可以33F 06/15 10:30
lianhua: 難道已經商量好了?34F 06/15 10:31
Yui5: 另外教練是勇士系的沃藤,帶隊也不差,整個起飛35F 06/15 10:31
nuturewind: Weber State 4年.就蠻有看板球星的感覺36F 06/15 10:31
rogergon: PG, LD, LBJ, 榜眼籤交易,確實有四巨頭的空間。37F 06/15 10:32
Yui5: 關鍵時刻有大心臟的小李幫忙飆分,LBJ也放心38F 06/15 10:32
karta1992560: LBJ+PG+小李 湖人再起39F 06/15 10:33
bredka: 湖人王朝再起 我好興奮啊40F 06/15 10:35
Yui5: 雖然很期待湖人再起,不過柯迷應該會很複雜…41F 06/15 10:35
yellowboy: 居然有人要去爵士QQ42F 06/15 10:35
timlu: 降薪有可能 不降薪就一二輪遊43F 06/15 10:36
Yui5: 都是自由球員啊,姆斯當年不就跟其他兩人談好一起降44F 06/15 10:37
fish780722: 去騎士吧,姆斯缺控球45F 06/15 10:37
lcall: 姆斯不會去西區啦,太累46F 06/15 10:38
yellowboy: 小李 PG LBJ 去湖人47F 06/15 10:38
lianhua: 不過季後賽小李這麼猛 最好阿拓會不要他48F 06/15 10:39
lewisk: 去爵士~~~~49F 06/15 10:40
yf86047: 會不會球員已經知道各球員動向了50F 06/15 10:40
