看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H  is  enough)
標題 [情報] LBJ給參加選秀的新秀一段激勵人心的話
時間 Fri Jun 23 10:46:57 2017

LeBron James sends motivational message to 2017 NBA Draft class
Earlier this morning, Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James sent out a motivational message to all of the young athletes entering tonight's NBA D ...


LeBron James sends motivational message to 2017 NBA Draft class

James, a former No. 1 overall pick in the 2003 Draft himself, dished out a
few words of confidence to the aspiring young players.


“I just want to say best of luck and congratulations to all of the NBA
Draftees today,” James said. “I understand — being there at one point
(myself) — it’s a dream come true and something that you worked your a**
off for and your life for to be in a position today where you can hear your
name being called.


“I just want to say congratulations to everyone who’s name is called,”

James continued. “I also want to say, to all of the guys who’s names might
not be called, do not give up on your dream. There is still opportunity out
there. There is still teams that want you. There is still a lot of basketball
in your life. Don’t get discouraged if your name is not called tonight,
because you put in the time and effort — this is your dream, and this is
your path. This is your passion. You will make that dream become true.”


In closing, James made sure to remind the NBA prospects that being drafted is
a great moment in their lives.

“This is a beautiful time for not only you, but your family, your friends,
your school that you’re coming from, and everybody that has been along this
path with you. Salute.”


.@KingJames has a special message for the 2017 #NBADraft class.

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PJ84cEL (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1498186022.A.395.html
lee85313xd: 給新人大抱腿時代1F 06/23 10:47
smik: 推好話2F 06/23 10:48
StODf: 皇帝詔曰3F 06/23 10:48
chku5015: 詹酸繼續噓抱大腿4F 06/23 10:48
some61321: 詹激勵5F 06/23 10:48
tallolz: 有天份的 朕都接納6F 06/23 10:48
live147222: 大概想的到推文會長怎樣7F 06/23 10:48
emptie: 這段路上人人都伴隨在你身邊,然後你將會在第一張合8F 06/23 10:48
FAYeeeeeeee: 永遠不要說自己只打哪隊9F 06/23 10:48
emptie: 約走完之後,放棄他們把自己的天賦帶到另一座城市10F 06/23 10:49
bypetty: 想來的 請到報到處簽名11F 06/23 10:49
hodsala: 我給你們的祝福not1 not2 not312F 06/23 10:49
wy9968: 教練 我想打籃球13F 06/23 10:49
ericrobin: 關你屁事...14F 06/23 10:49
bredka: 不幸被小城市球隊挑到請記得轉隊15F 06/23 10:50
ldeathkiller: 翻譯 夠強我就會找你16F 06/23 10:50
anoymouse: 抱 就對了17F 06/23 10:50
HockeyOTL: 詹牧師無誤QQ感人18F 06/23 10:50
hodsala: The干亞軍屁事19F 06/23 10:50
ckain: 轉隊記得開記者會20F 06/23 10:50
Evan811007: 有實力報到處:請簽名報到21F 06/23 10:50
oklagg: 沒人想聽22F 06/23 10:51
fishinthesky: 翻譯:樂透區請自行連絡騎士23F 06/23 10:51
austin7037: 真當自己教父?24F 06/23 10:51
Grammy: 讚 聯盟唯一有資格說這種話的人25F 06/23 10:52
wang83083030: 詹酸還特地點進來酸,真的辛苦了26F 06/23 10:52
Sheng1025: 落選的人,應該豪哥來講會更感人27F 06/23 10:52
may60524: The 招募28F 06/23 10:53
alankaren: 皇帝開示了29F 06/23 10:53
alger4713: 可憐酸酸30F 06/23 10:53
gogobala5566: 現役最多FMVP的男人31F 06/23 10:53
er800100: 不分青紅皂白酸 氣度真令人害怕32F 06/23 10:54
bgtyujmnb: 酸酸辛苦了33F 06/23 10:54
jacklin515: 聯盟第一人不來說這番話 那誰來說?34F 06/23 10:54
ecoginobili: The 激勵35F 06/23 10:54
PeterHenson: 會有人跟你說他已經不是第一人了 哈哈36F 06/23 10:54
spadenet: 詹酸腦袋到底都裝什麼啊37F 06/23 10:55
FlashMan: 「組大團,你將會讓夢想實現。」38F 06/23 10:55
abwaa: 智將姆斯39F 06/23 10:55
live147222: 03狀元講這些會被酸酸當風涼話,IT來講好了40F 06/23 10:55
tactics2100: 這裡有批哨子好便宜 要就打這支電話41F 06/23 10:56
xzpplloo123: 推姆斯~~~42F 06/23 10:56
wyattlin: The 搞威43F 06/23 10:56
IAMGRICE: The 鼓勵44F 06/23 10:56
lee85313xd: 自己抱腿還怕別人講喔 這種人還有人護航ㄏㄏ45F 06/23 10:56
nastycurry: 詹酸很忙46F 06/23 10:57
s00105albert: 詹牧師47F 06/23 10:57
hodsala: 大腿粗的加加
搞威XD48F 06/23 10:57
a20351: 詹酸的人生也就這樣了50F 06/23 10:57
shwkz: 那是在他推特影片講的 也不算對誰喊話 只是他有感吧51F 06/23 10:57
er4488: 奉天承運,皇帝詔約52F 06/23 10:58
smik: LBJ抱腿?都什麼年代了,他自己就是大腿53F 06/23 10:58
chinick1478: The智將54F 06/23 10:58
yoyoman0529: 出來耍存在感55F 06/23 10:59
rexjian0408: 翻譯: 是年輕的大腿耶耶耶耶喔喔喔喔喔喔啊啊啊啊射了>////////<56F 06/23 10:59
justice0926: 惹聖旨58F 06/23 10:59
pttmylove: 姆斯:要學會 The 抱59F 06/23 11:00
l6l6au: IT 嘴綠 馬刺Green講比較實際 LBJ都狀元了講這個有屁用啊
LBJ怎麼可能會懂那些沒被選上的人心裡怎麼想的 白邊那種才適合吧60F 06/23 11:00
sissy27: 想打冠軍賽 過來領底薪64F 06/23 11:02
d8731400: 酸酸才是刷存在感的65F 06/23 11:02
tactics2100: 腿詹抱裁犬大腿還被打爆 慘66F 06/23 11:02
BENCS: 明明就是件美事也要酸 真是辛苦酸酸了67F 06/23 11:03
arains: 叫林來說比較有說服力68F 06/23 11:03
D1: LBJ:新秀們好好打 打出來的再找你們這69F 06/23 11:03
louisgirl: 這篇推文可以看到有些人....顆顆70F 06/23 11:03
imhuanting: 噓71F 06/23 11:04
Rabarc: 今年的LOSER 03狀元卻跑去抱腿 怎看都沒資格致詞阿72F 06/23 11:04
SoulHsu: 富兒子:禿頭閉嘴好嗎73F 06/23 11:04
h10003201: 牧師74F 06/23 11:05
lngygy123: 人生失敗組酸酸又來刷存在感了75F 06/23 11:06
pchome135790: 到哪隊都沒關係,因為最後你們都會抱在同一隊76F 06/23 11:06
hodsala: 不滿焦點都被選秀搶光 記者不拍他新光頭 總要說點話77F 06/23 11:06
ppccfvy: 不要寄   你的腿78F 06/23 11:07
