看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [外絮] 大衛西傾向留在勇士時間 Fri Jun 30 11:44:04 2017
來源:The Mercury News
Veteran center David West nearing decision to return to Warriors
David West didn’t want to answer questions about his future in the immediate
aftermath of the Warriors’ NBA title earlier this month. However, the
veteran big man broached the subject on Uninterrupted’s Open Run podcast
posted Thursday.
Retire or return?
“I’m thinking about it. I’m kinda leaning toward playing again,” said
West, a free agent as of Friday. “Probably just gonna give it a couple more
days or so just to keep running it through my head. But if I do keep playing,
it’s gonna be out here. It’s just such a great spot. I really enjoyed the
environment, enjoy the guys.”
West, who turns 37 in August, averaged 4.6 points and 3.0 rebounds in 68
regular-season games and added 4.5 points and 2.7 rebounds per game during
the playoffs.
“Health-wise I feel good,” West said. “It’s just a part of the grind. We
ask our bodies and our minds to do a lot, so at this stage, I have to
consider it just about every offseason. Think about it, just make the smart
Which is why he did not want to decide his future right after Golden State
captured the championship. Instead, he soaked in the moment.
“Oh my god. It’s been a long journey and it feels great to get here,” West
said through happy huffs and puffs following the title-clinching win June 12.
“It feels better than I thought it would, in all honesty. It’s not about
being the No. 1 or No. 2, or getting all the shots — that stuff’s
irrelevant. It’s about winning.”
It’s sounding like West wants to continue winning.
“Coming into these high-caliber environments, it was really the only move
that made sense for me in the place that I’m at,” West said on Open Run. “
I really don’t have a lot of space for… the ups and downs that come with
being in the NBA and being on teams that necessarily don’t have championship
aspirations. The NBA, for me at this stage, is only worth it if I can get in
those really elite environments, around the elite talent and around the guys
that are trying to win every single night.”
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PLSa8SN (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1498794248.A.717.html
推 srwcc: 衝組的2F 06/30 11:45
推 rial: 37歲了…出去外面也沒啥行情6F 06/30 11:46
推 FlashMan: 應該忘不了跟TT在場上激吻的感覺7F 06/30 11:46
噓 rv0918: 廢話 膝蓋想也知道他會留勇士11F 06/30 11:48
推 ohnacl: 大家都不想離開舒適圈13F 06/30 11:49
→ ClutchShot: 身體會有所損傷???待16-1的球隊每場沾沾醬油都能受傷 我看去別隊應該會報銷15F 06/30 11:50
推 koflll: 好腿不抱嗎?18F 06/30 11:50
推 fcuz120: 樓上素質...
我說c大20F 06/30 11:51
推 love913109: 一直很期待Speights跟他在場上,真的超像xD26F 06/30 11:54
推 ianasd: 你們的FMVP説這裡不舒適30F 06/30 11:57
→ jtch: 幾冠可以超TD33F 06/30 12:00
推 dai26: 抱好抱滿35F 06/30 12:01
推 Oskar: 1老T 可以換 2中T,值36F 06/30 12:02
推 vanson37: 不錯,他也知道2>>>>>1的道理39F 06/30 12:04
推 kane643: 大衛西:我喜歡這裡的腿47F 06/30 12:08
推 thomaspig: 他打替補打的很好啊 底薪CP值很高53F 06/30 12:10
→ frost1080: 他奪冠後真的有夠爽的...說不定真的會底薪留54F 06/30 12:13
噓 a9527a: 沒有zaza,今年又要回馬刺的咖...55F 06/30 12:13
推 Dragic: 關鍵就是比馬刺好太多56F 06/30 12:14
推 pirlo0930: 上面推文也太看不起他了 明明就便宜又好用58F 06/30 12:14
推 icoann: 難得找到這麼粗的大腿當然要繼續抱62F 06/30 12:17
推 Eijidate: 不在乎錢的話,當然選事情少又能拿冠軍的球隊啊65F 06/30 12:17
噓 chimori: 滾吧 把位置讓給軟豆腐和VC67F 06/30 12:20
推 Ashand: ㄚ西 37y : 組團。 蝶龍 : 溢價沒用。68F 06/30 12:20
推 vltw5v: 這裡這麼舒適,當然留在這囉74F 06/30 12:24
推 saobing: 一個吃不飽 可以吃兩個啊76F 06/30 12:26
推 eric83827: 拿到冠軍趕快退一退啦 給VC機會進來好不77F 06/30 12:27
推 savorwu: 舒適啊!底薪抱腿啊!樓上不敢面對這事實嗎?78F 06/30 12:28
推 MK12: 沒用?外行人也太多81F 06/30 12:29
噓 B12678: 拿了一個 當然多拿幾個 好嗆沒拿過的老人啊82F 06/30 12:29
推 Halu5566: 不是該換人圓夢計畫了嗎XD83F 06/30 12:29
噓 goal56: 勇士不需要他88F 06/30 12:32
→ waijr: 贏球的感覺讓他上癮了90F 06/30 12:33
推 chathin: 放棄千萬年薪不是每個人都做得到吧91F 06/30 12:34
→ hodsala: 姆斯: 你不走我怎麼底薪加加93F 06/30 12:36
推 lunsanity: 千萬年薪跟贏球冠軍不知道鄉民們會怎麼選xd94F 06/30 12:38
推 chuchnoot: 勇士比馬刺強多了 至少還有冠軍拿 科科95F 06/30 12:39
推 hunder31: 37歲...頂多拿中產... 倒不如留下來再拿一冠97F 06/30 12:39
推 twfi75: 誰想離開舒適圈102F 06/30 12:44
推 deed0903: 2>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0104F 06/30 12:50
推 APC: DW 你敢嘴?107F 06/30 12:57
噓 kakakakak: 廢話那麼舒適還不留 垃圾球員講垃圾話109F 06/30 13:02
推 team0801: 讓我想一下,是否再拿一個戒指117F 06/30 13:21
→ tatata: 原來他也這麼老了
他貢獻TT一個香吻121F 06/30 13:25
→ lesnaree2: 大衛西就算換成我阿嬤 勇士奪冠機率可能掉不到萬分之一123F 06/30 13:28
推 opwin: 外面沒人要 舒適拿冠軍 很好選127F 06/30 13:36
推 TDKnight: 多拿幾個 幾年後勇迷幫你吹得比天還高128F 06/30 13:36
推 Axcic: West很強啊132F 06/30 13:53
推 uf1276: 原來已經37了134F 06/30 13:56
推 stja: XD136F 06/30 13:58
→ garx2: 舒適138F 06/30 14:00
推 LiaoCJ: 他離開才算新聞好嗎141F 06/30 14:21
→ qaz0314: 勇士有這球員@@142F 06/30 14:22
→ ksk0516: 衛西之前說要永遠替馬刺打球是真的還假新聞?145F 06/30 14:33
推 herohu: 老天鵝啊146F 06/30 14:44
→ kirbya: 白痴都知道要留在勇士148F 06/30 14:57
推 imyuft: 想都不用想149F 06/30 15:00
推 hikaruton: 老實說37歲抱腿沒什麼好嫌棄的,當年巴爵士也是晚年抱大夢跟滑翔者
也沒人嫌他抱腿155F 06/30 15:32
推 hcrcool: 多學學這邊的鄉民 努力在艱難的環境中領22K 我很尊敬159F 06/30 15:47
推 avtime: 離開勇士應該有8百萬鎂161F 06/30 16:05
推 otter: 講得超好,無懈可擊的幹話高手162F 06/30 16:16
推 Dstr: 當年還可以單扛LBJ165F 06/30 16:57
推 benrin: 懷念他在溜馬的中距離 打到姆斯不要不要的166F 06/30 17:10
→ Witting: 底薪應該也超過世上99%人的年收了167F 06/30 17:14
推 blitz: 舒服文174F 06/30 19:03
推 a10141013: 勇士很需要他 不然根本沒有這種肉柱二三百萬的可簽177F 06/30 20:03
推 twsoriano: 說真的勇士turbo開不起來時大衛西很有貢獻
比麥姬穩多惹179F 06/30 20:56
推 Strikey: 37歲會想離開舒適圈的鄉民我好想看看。182F 06/30 21:21