看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [外絮] Lonzo Ball拿下MVP,所以他會成為明星?時間 Wed Jul 19 13:13:53 2017
來源:The New York Times
Lonzo Ball Is Summer League M.V.P. So He’s Going to Be a Star, Right?
Lonzo Ball拿下夏季聯盟比賽MVP,所以他會成為明星,是吧?
The Las Vegas Summer League wrapped up Monday night after some unusually
noisy buzz. Lonzo Ball was the unquestioned star, leading the Los Angeles
Lakers to the title and dazzling fans with his passing. His stock, already
high, shot through the roof based on his performance.
出。毫無疑問的,Lonzo Ball有明星般的表現,率領湖人獲得冠軍,他場上的傳球也讓球
He led the league with nine assists per game, and despite sitting out the
final, was named the league’s most valuable player. At times his passes were
so good that some of his teammates couldn’t handle them.
But it was only summer league. How much faith can be put in games involving
soon-to-be free agents and minor leaguers that are played far away,
geographically and temporally, from the high-pressure atmosphere of the
Jayson Tatum of the Boston Celtics, the No. 3 overall pick, also played well,
averaging 17 points a game. The 13th pick, Donovan Mitchell of the Utah Jazz,
led all scorers, averaging 28 points in his two games.
青賽第三順位選進的Jayson Tatum也打的不錯,平均每場得17分;爵士第13順位選進的
Donovan Mitchell得分第一,在他打的兩場比賽平均得28分。
But Bryn Forbes, who wasn’t drafted at all in 2016, scored 26 a game. Wayne
Selden Jr., another undrafted player who got in just 14 games with two teams
last season, averaged 22 for the Memphis Grizzlies. Nobody is heralding
either of them as a future superstar, except perhaps if they play in Europe.
但是,2016選秀沒被選到的Bryn Forbes,在一場比賽得了26分;另外一個也是上季沒被選
上的Wayne Selden Jr.,上季在兩個球隊打了14場比賽,在夏季聯盟替灰熊平均每場得了
And not every N.B.A. great burned up the summer league. Coming out of high
school in 2003, LeBron James averaged 15 points a game in the Boston summer
league, but he shot poorly from the line and was 2 for 14 from the field in
his final game. On the other hand, John Wall and Blake Griffin each went from
summer league M.V.P. to stardom.
The roster of recent M.V.P.s of the Vegas summer league is a decidedly mixed
bag. Of the last six, only two could really be called unqualified N.B.A.
successes so far. Two are established bench players, and two would have to be
called busts.
Damian Lillard, the 2012 M.V.P., regularly scores 20 points a game as one of
the Portland Trail Blazers’ stars. Jonas Valanciunas, the 2013 M.V.P., is a
solid player for the Toronto Raptors.
阿拓李拉德,2012的MVP,平均每場可以為阿拓拿下20分;2013MVP Jonas Valanciunas,
Kyle Anderson, the 2015 M.V.P., gets about 10 minutes a game with the San
Antonio Spurs, and Tyus Jones, last year’s M.V.P., is on the bench with the
Minnesota Timberwolves.
2015MVP Kyle Anderson,平均在馬刺可以上場10分鐘;去年MVP Tyus Jones,現在是灰狼
But Josh Selby, Lillard’s co-M.V.P., was out of the N.B.A. after two seasons
with the Grizzlies and played in Israel last season. He had ranked third in
scoring in the summer league with 24 points and shot .557. And Glen Rice Jr.,
the 2014 M.V.P., washed out after two seasons with the Washington Wizards and
went to the N.B.A. Development League.
但是跟阿拓小李一起拿MVP的Josh Selby,則是在兩季在灰熊打完之後就離開NBA,上一個
MVP Glen Rice Jr.,則是在巫師打了兩季之後就下放NBA發展聯盟了。
There is something else that separates these players: their draft position.
The stars, Lillard and Valanciunas, were selected sixth and fifth. The bench
players, Anderson and Jones, went late in the first round. And the washouts,
Selby and Rice, were second-rounders.
That would seem to indicate that a great performance in the summer league
doesn’t really change a player’s fortunes that much. Top picks, like Ball,
a No. 2 over all, can be projected to be stars regardless. Lower picks will
ride the bench. And second-rounders, with rare exceptions, won’t last too
So enjoy the summer league, and dream about your team’s future. But remember
that good players tend to remain good players. And marginal ones don’t
suddenly become great because of some high scoring in July.
跟大家講的一樣,Summer League看看就好。
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→ gn00152097: 說真的他在湖人又有球權 只要不打爛要成為明星不難1F 07/19 13:15
→ gn00152097: 而目前看起來他的傳球大概就能讓他在NBA站穩了3F 07/19 13:16
→ sonofgod: 夏聯就是看他帶雜牌軍阿 還有模有樣4F 07/19 13:16
推 LeicaM: 夏季聯盟能被討論成這樣星度就很高了5F 07/19 13:16
推 wombat121: Tyus Jones去年打得比DUNN好但老席就是不愛用6F 07/19 13:17
→ turnpoint: 其實他已經是明星了(感謝老爸跟湖人招牌),但還不算球星...7F 07/19 13:17
推 oFranko: 一輪末跟二輪經驗多年紀大=即戰力 但是僅限於NCAA等級
一輪初是潛力大但經驗不足9F 07/19 13:20
推 Aggro: 想站穩NBA只靠傳球應該是不太夠就是12F 07/19 13:20
推 zealeliot: 這篇看起來什麼都講了 但其實什麼都沒講13F 07/19 13:20
→ oFranko: 所以SL二輪打的比一些一輪好很正常 但是兩三年以後就不知道了14F 07/19 13:21
噓 loserloser: 你這翻譯真的很有趣耶 KD被罵一下就馬上改
LBJ還是喜歡這樣翻 呵呵16F 07/19 13:21
推 ru81l3: NY眼紅?18F 07/19 13:22
推 aegis43210: 球哥養好就是kidd二代,這對湖人來說就是大進補了19F 07/19 13:22
→ jerrysula: Forbes是平均每場得26分,不是在一場得了26分21F 07/19 13:25
推 iandol: 還真的什麼都沒講XDD25F 07/19 13:30
推 missweet: 這篇很妙 作者分析一堆 最後下個沒結論的結論xd26F 07/19 13:32
推 kclvpc: 很多所謂表現不錯但後來消失的 不都是幹分型?
他這類型的有進nba烙賽的前例嗎27F 07/19 13:33
推 Joey818: 他的出手姿勢在nba會有大麻煩29F 07/19 13:34
→ kixer2005: 純粹的廢文欸 糗爺現在英文怎麼這麼好?30F 07/19 13:35
推 JONAMI14: 地板就rubio吧 不過他傳球感覺更有靈性31F 07/19 13:36
推 jiatodao: 球哥是真貨 還需要多說 不用幹分就可以輕鬆拿mvp32F 07/19 13:36
→ jiatodao: 還有從文章來看 只要是控衛拿mvp就一定是全明星34F 07/19 13:37
推 ilanese: 今年夏天率領湖人拿冠軍,他辦到了。35F 07/19 13:38
推 chinhan1216: 奇怪耶 那你乾脆說今年選秀都不會有明星算了 智障邏輯跟屁話37F 07/19 13:39
推 Gindaco: 是個糗爺式的外電來著39F 07/19 13:42
→ HolyBugTw: Josh Selby就這樣從沒在NBA發光過就退了,很遺憾...42F 07/19 13:46
推 ppccfvy: 有廢到,講一堆然後沒結論43F 07/19 13:46
→ richard1003: 把新人和打工仔夏聯隊Buff成夏聯勇士,還需要懷疑嗎44F 07/19 13:46
推 volcom: 推文小心點,被截圖日後打臉45F 07/19 13:47
推 wai0806: 幹話文耶XDDDD48F 07/19 13:53
推 iamaq18c: 球哥的傳球跟視野真的好 其他就看他願不願意提升了49F 07/19 13:56
推 shortoneal: 要不是旁邊有原文我會以為這篇是糗文 = =51F 07/19 14:00
推 Ensidia: 他看起來就湖人要培育成新老大
要不成為明星除非自己真的很不爭氣53F 07/19 14:09
推 LaoDa5815566: 廢文 沒人說代表未來一定會怎樣 只是有潛力有可能有機會這樣 急著出來跳腳幹嘛57F 07/19 14:13
→ kingrichman: Kerr不是講過前兩年是重要關鍵,前兩年的進步是很大的,看看Mccaw59F 07/19 14:15
推 jc110099: 結論就是高順位選進且又能拿到夏聯MVP的就預約未來會是明星球員
另外 WALL+給力芬+BALL都是T1且拿到MVP
TATUM比較可惜是被青賽給選中 前面有太多位置有疊到的學長檔著 新賽季的上場時間大概只會少不會多 所以數據大概會很不漂亮61F 07/19 14:24
→ dloslaker: 整篇廢話,你翻這篇也只是為了呼應你的簽名檔而已吧68F 07/19 14:36
→ dloslaker: 高順位預測是明星,首輪後段是板凳,二輪撐不久
這不用看夏聯也知道啊 XD70F 07/19 14:37
→ Raskolnikov: Tatum在新賽季的上場時間 大概會是前十順位中最少的72F 07/19 14:39
推 cheng399: 只要不壞掉基本上就是先發明星球員了,不錯啦73F 07/19 14:42
推 aaron123: 看來明星穩了 就看湖人戰績如何了75F 07/19 14:45
推 linearppt: 他在湖人百廢待興是贏在起跑點上了,肯定先發控衛加上全城矚目,想低調都不行,所謂新秀看三年,希望他有好的表現吧。78F 07/19 14:58
推 treeson: ball的特色展現在助攻方面,感覺不會因為進到nba就變垃圾81F 07/19 15:00
推 starxls: 開季再來看DSJ的褲子還在不在83F 07/19 15:07
推 tatata: 你敢叫DSJ脫褲子84F 07/19 15:10
噓 kokskuld: 真的廢 這篇文章都以數據才評斷球員 但真的去看龍珠打球就知道他的價值跟特色不是數據能完全呈現的
保證是未來之星啦 萬中無一的出色控球85F 07/19 15:10
推 l2272: 時間 地點 球隊 都給他了 接下來就看他自己了88F 07/19 15:17
推 Yui5: 他的聲勢比當年Dlo還要誇張很多誒,而且全隊精力全部都放他身上,比當初一開始還被BS冰的Dlo待遇好太多了。如果這樣還打不出來真的就沒救了。89F 07/19 15:32
推 jinpenchi: 感覺會被學長霸凌變成Dante Exum92F 07/19 15:33
→ HolyBugTw: ball實在很難被埋沒,傳球的視野與準度太出色了93F 07/19 15:38