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作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H  is  enough)
標題 [外絮] 據報導,騎士會議風暴指名Love的是IT
時間 Thu Jan 25 12:17:14 2018

Cavs team meeting drama: Kevin Love was reportedly called out by Isaiah Thomas

Cavs team meeting drama: Kevin Love was reportedly called out by Isaiah Thomas - CBSSports.com
Players reportedly challenged Love for leaving Cleveland's game against OKC early ...


The Cleveland Cavaliers -- and, really, the NBA in general -- have descended
into all-out chaos.


If giving up 148 points in regulation on Saturday to lose their ninth game in
12 attempts wasn't enough, the Cavs reportedly held a fiery team meeting, in
which nearly everyone on the roster took shots. Most notably, however, was
the attack on Kevin Love. According to a report from Adrian Wojnarowski,
multiple players accused Love of faking the illness that forced him to leave
Saturday's loss to Oklahoma City early.


Now, we reportedly know who led the charge in calling out Love. According to
Frank Isola, it was the Cavaliers' new point guard, Isaiah Thomas. Via the
New York Daily News:

據每日紐約新聞報記者Frank Isola進一步爆料,現在我們知道是誰先帶出這風向的了,以

With the Feb. 8 trading deadline looming the next three weeks will be
fascinating, starting with the dead-man-walking Cavs, who were described by
one person close to the team as being in "utter chaos." ESPN reported that
during a team meeting Kevin Love became yet again the convenient scapegoat. A
source told The News that Isaiah Thomas led the charge against Love, who
turned up ill for Saturday's embarrassing loss to Oklahoma City and went home
after playing just three minutes.


On one hand, Love has every right to be upset that he was the main target in
the meeting. He's been one of the few players in Cleveland actually playing
well this season, and sometimes people just get sick.


On the other hand, it makes sense that Thomas would be annoyed by leaving a
game due to illness considering everything he played through last season. Not
the death of his sister, nor a debilitating hip injury prevented Thomas from
giving everything he had to the Celtics in the playoffs.


Either way, this doesn't seem like a healthy situation in the Cleveland
locker room.


NBA is in chaos as trades, coaching changes appear to be nearing - NY Daily News The NBA really outdid itself; team meetings, locker room unrest, whispers about a blockbuster trade and possibly more coaching changes. ...



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kootiger: 醒醒吧 你沒有妹妹1F 01/25 12:18
pjharper: Love:Klay救我~2F 01/25 12:18
smartwe: 真的是IT耶...看一下這季表現,他怎麼說的出口?3F 01/25 12:18
yoiverson: LOVE<>D.Jordan   IT<>地雷獸4F 01/25 12:18
DogBe105: 我真的黑人問號5F 01/25 12:19
SCLPAL: 卡培拉絕對不敢敲騎士休息室的門XD?6F 01/25 12:19
aoka: 沒朋友的人會說:老朋友這樣說很正常7F 01/25 12:19
momowawa1981: love:馬的ki要走也不揪...8F 01/25 12:19
sx4152: 紐約記者frank isola  沒可信度  笑死9F 01/25 12:19
iamaq18c: 雖然懂IT的想法 但沒想到是IT提的...WOW10F 01/25 12:19
chickengoge: 米國洪瓷庸11F 01/25 12:19
etonlouis: IT是不是想當球隊老大啊12F 01/25 12:19
guesswho: 是兄弟就不該從屠宰場中離!13F 01/25 12:19
yoiverson: JR<>楊敬敏14F 01/25 12:19
abyssa1: 被木馬屠城了15F 01/25 12:19
GothicMetal: 怎麼繞來繞去都是同一件事發多篇新聞啊16F 01/25 12:19
storyo11413: JR跟IT同一派對抗Love 真難想像17F 01/25 12:19
kobi0910: IT這樣很機歪18F 01/25 12:20
hsuyungte: 我是覺得愛沒無聊到會去裝病19F 01/25 12:20
aa01081008tw: 本來鬥LOVE大家還把風向帶到是LBJ弄的..結果是IT20F 01/25 12:20
ohya111326: IT  菜雞還想當老大  休息室毒瘤21F 01/25 12:20
more5566: 氣憤 米國氣憤大師22F 01/25 12:20
GothicMetal: 引述的消息來源也都沒揭露過23F 01/25 12:20
CW4: 為了當兄弟領大約 只好犧牲你了24F 01/25 12:20
cmelo1515: 要演多久25F 01/25 12:20
airbase: 新來的搶著當老大26F 01/25 12:21
smartwe: 安吉可真是謀略之王阿27F 01/25 12:21
kootiger: IT最近好愛刷存在感 從復出前在嘴隊友防守 把自己當28F 01/25 12:21
aa01081008tw: IT打球努力拉..但真的是嘴王...騎士還是交易掉吧XD29F 01/25 12:21
m791017: LOVE就邊緣人 被兩派圍攻這件事啊30F 01/25 12:21
kootiger: 老大 當LBJ跟Wade死人一樣31F 01/25 12:21
jerrys0580: 從小就認識結果一點都不麻吉 顆顆32F 01/25 12:21
roy80423: Love:Klay 救救我阿 叫curry明星賽選我好不?33F 01/25 12:21
IngramBrando: 這isola跑紐約的之前在亂講湖人的,現在又來爆騎士34F 01/25 12:21
q789512547: 氣氛破壞者35F 01/25 12:21
IngramBrando: 的料kkk36F 01/25 12:21
kootiger: 更不用說最近嘴隊友防守37F 01/25 12:21
iverson88: 支持Love喊吹密!38F 01/25 12:22
mmmn52332: 很煩~~~~39F 01/25 12:22
AndyWT: 他哪來的臉指謫Love阿馬的40F 01/25 12:22
NicECooKiE: 安吉神算!!41F 01/25 12:22
lianhua: Love就衰阿 被掃到風颱尾42F 01/25 12:22
sx4152: isola這拉基記者在尼克隊就惡名昭彰了43F 01/25 12:22
NewShiisDog: 這什麼歪理妳自己要加班怪別人不加 而且他還有病44F 01/25 12:22
sx4152: 這記者承認過為了點閱率亂寫新聞45F 01/25 12:22
DogBe105: ㄘ飯配這個真下飯46F 01/25 12:22
ya870323: 木馬屠城XDDDDD47F 01/25 12:23
alecgood: wow~IT要造反了!XD 人家可是保皇黨的耶!48F 01/25 12:23
SlamKai: LOVE QQ  我湖收49F 01/25 12:23
OPPAISuki: LOVE:帶我走~50F 01/25 12:23
dragon803: 這位真的只能噓了,上一季才發騎士的假消息被打臉過,早就沒信用了51F 01/25 12:23
pooroo: Love:這裡太不舒適了!!好想去勇士三節打卡下班,週週輪休53F 01/25 12:23
OPPAISuki: LOVE真的衰.明明最雷的是JR卻沒人罵55F 01/25 12:24
ya870323: Love來我火也不錯56F 01/25 12:24
CW4: Love:我就不信童年玩伴沒一個能信的 K湯我能信你吧?57F 01/25 12:24
derrick1220: THE STORM58F 01/25 12:24
phoenician: 一樓是在消遣死者?59F 01/25 12:24
JayFans0610: 先噓Frank Isola,這位的消息完全沒有可信度60F 01/25 12:24
rockyegg: 菜B8 來沒上幾場 意見一大堆 你看那些師傅誰鳥你61F 01/25 12:24
ya870323: 跟白邊一內一外62F 01/25 12:24
kinki999: LOVE是第二代的姐姐嗎63F 01/25 12:24
CW4: K湯:來 你先簽這張 (安踏終身約)64F 01/25 12:24
hill99: 還不快點喊吹密   再不喊就要再忍半年了65F 01/25 12:25
care123: Love當年一代狼王,沒想到現在被當成過街老鼠66F 01/25 12:25
icedeek: 看來今年LBJ在騎士沒有以領袖氣質感化到任何人? 昔日詹牧師,今日詹目濕67F 01/25 12:25
jyekid: 科湯要來送溫暖了嗎69F 01/25 12:25
ShinRuei: 死矮子這賽季全是負面新聞70F 01/25 12:25
gto37513: 乞丐趕廟公71F 01/25 12:26
alecgood: LBJ連領袖魅力都退化了嗎?XD 眼皮底下吵成這樣...72F 01/25 12:26
COTOYO: LBJ應該早想閃人了  高層都不挺了  隊內也懶得鬥了73F 01/25 12:26
cinlix: 安吉神算74F 01/25 12:27
momowawa1981: 說好的牧師光環呢?75F 01/25 12:27
chinhan1216: 不是很意外 意見很多76F 01/25 12:28
nuclear: 不敢鬥小圈圈 只好柿子挑軟的吃77F 01/25 12:28
ginoc5566: 其實這些都是演的啦! 讓勇士鬆懈,季後賽就知道,哼哼78F 01/25 12:28
neos042: 安吉:^_^80F 01/25 12:28
alecgood: 也是啦!這隊已經不是剛從熱火回來的那隊了!又要開趴81F 01/25 12:28
h321123aa: 這記者可信度,科科82F 01/25 12:29
alecgood: 轉對了嗎?XD
83F 01/25 12:29
hank10228246: 矮冬瓜問題最多85F 01/25 12:30
lwamp: IT感覺是Rondo第二 強歸強但缺點明顯 又是團隊破壞86F 01/25 12:30
lwamp: 者 下場應該差不多
zxc787848: 可信度不高吧...... 不過最近騎士新聞怎麼都八成像88F 01/25 12:30
chinhan1216: 跟上一篇比對一下89F 01/25 12:31
Derrick906: IT真的很鬧欸...90F 01/25 12:31
chinhan1216: 好像不是全都不能信91F 01/25 12:31
Tmmontal: 新來的打沒幾場就想嘴92F 01/25 12:32
TimmyJiang: 一樓講那什麼鬼話,別人的妹妹過世還講這種自以為有梗的PTT留言93F 01/25 12:32
lmf770410: 貴圈真亂......95F 01/25 12:33
Jarvis7: 不管怎樣,安吉真的是神96F 01/25 12:33
monkeyyao: 1f.....,97F 01/25 12:33
vn509942: 安吉:呵呵呵呵98F 01/25 12:33
youngpaper: IT想甩鍋???99F 01/25 12:33
chinhan1216: Love沒有功勞也有苦勞 不舒服還要在會議上澄清100F 01/25 12:33
