看板 NBA
作者 kikijuice (Last Cigarette)
標題 [外絮] Cousins願意負擔槍擊案死者的喪葬費用
時間 Sat Mar 24 14:10:45 2018

原文取自Hoopshype  https://goo.gl/qmhkCP
DeMarcus Cousins offered to cover funeral expenses of Stephon Clark | HoopsHype
Former Sacramento Kings superstar DeMarcus Cousins has reportedly offered to help the family of Stephon Clark pay for his funeral expenses. ...


作者 Bryan Kalbrosky      March 23, 2018

DeMarcus Cousins offered to cover funeral expenses of Stephon Clark

New Orleans Pelicans superstar DeMarcus Cousins, who previously played for the
Sacramento Kings, has reportedly offered to help the family of Stephon Clark
pay for his funeral expenses.

鵜鶘球星DeMarcus Cousins(前國王隊球員)主動提出要幫助Stephon Clark一家支付他的

Clark, 22, was shot 20 times and killed by the Sacramento Police Department
while he was unarmed and holding a cell phone in his grandparents’ backyard
on Sunday.

22歲的Clark星期日在他祖父母家的後院被沙城警方射殺, 身中20槍, 當時他手無寸鐵,

Jason Jones (沙城蜂報編輯)
I hear former Kings star DeMarcus Cousins has reached out to the family of
Stephon Clark to cover funeral expenses.
3:58 AM - Mar 24, 2018

The family set up a GoFundMe campaign with the hope of raising $50,000
for funeral and burial expenses.

Clark一家發起了名為 GoFundMe (請資助我) 的活動, 希望能籌到五萬美金的喪葬費用

Cousins, who will miss the remainder of the season for the Pelicans due to a
ruptured Achilles, played for the Kings from 2010 until February 2017. He was
very active in the community throughout his time with the Kings and,
considering this amazing gesture, he still has obvious ties to the city.

暖胖於2010年至2017年2月效力於國王隊, 這季由於阿基里斯腱撕裂, 將缺席鵜鶘所有剩餘
賽事. 當他還在沙城時, 在社區活動中很活躍; 從這次善舉看來, 他對沙城還是有著深切

The news that the former No. 5 overall pick in the 2010 NBA Draft reached out
to the Clark family to pay for his funeral comes just a day after hundreds of
protesters blocked all access to the Golden 1 Center on Thursday evening.

星期四晚間, 數以百計的抗議群眾包圍了國王主場Golden 1 Center, 一天以後, 2010年
第五順位的暖胖主動聯絡了Clark一家, 想幫他們付喪葬開支.

Philip Lewis
Frances Wang
Big protest for #StephonClark, the unarmed Black man who was shot and killed by police, happening in Sacramento right now. Protestors blocking the entrance to the Kings game.
Golden 1 Center被抗議群眾包圍的樣子

The game was delayed and thousands of fans were reportedly sent home.
球賽因此被延期, 數以千計的球迷不得其門而入, 只好回家.

Sacramento guard Garrett Temple offered his support for the protesters (via
Sacramento Bee):

“If I didn’t have a job to do, I’d probably be out there with them,
peacefully protesting because what’s going on has to stop. It has to stop.”

國王隊球員Garrett Temple也表示了他對群眾的支持:
"如果我不是要比賽, 我大概也會在外面跟他們一起平靜的抗議, 因為最近這些事情真的
該停了, 這真的不應該發生."

Others around the league, including Los Angeles Lakers rookie Kyle Kuzma,
have tweeted about the horrific events that took Clark’s life.
湖人新秀Kyle Kuzma也在twitter上表達了對這起槍擊案的關切.

Justice for #StephonClark. Tough to hear about this tragedy.
1:45 PM - Mar 23, 2018


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Rothur: Cousins!!!1F 03/24 14:11
ya870323: 表弟!!!2F 03/24 14:11
d8731400: 推3F 03/24 14:11
qwe80434: 推推4F 03/24 14:11
hsuaba: 尼哥悲歌5F 03/24 14:11
Chiya0911: 表弟QAQ6F 03/24 14:11
FAYeeeeeeee: 都在紐奧良了還這麼有義氣 人品高尚7F 03/24 14:12
nastycurry: 表弟推!8F 03/24 14:12
binodal: 推9F 03/24 14:12
gap6060: 推10F 03/24 14:12
jonestem: 表弟場外真的很耐斯11F 03/24 14:13
lonelysin: 表弟!12F 03/24 14:13
mhfo3035: 推13F 03/24 14:13
zsp9081a: 被臉誤會的好人14F 03/24 14:13
noahlin: 表弟!!!15F 03/24 14:13
orlando71: 得體16F 03/24 14:14
ycix: 表弟完全面惡心善17F 03/24 14:14
yurikim: 表弟真的是暖男。18F 03/24 14:14
decfrvgtbhyn: !19F 03/24 14:14
kder: 請問抗議的人為什麼要包圍球場?20F 03/24 14:14
IngramBrando: 推~21F 03/24 14:15
shwkz: 賺人品22F 03/24 14:15
rayisgreat: 大推表弟  要滿血回歸阿!23F 03/24 14:15
Toy17: 表弟超級暖男24F 03/24 14:15
brucestyle: 就是你在家後院講電話莫名就死掉了 會不暴動嗎25F 03/24 14:16
julian0328: 表弟讚讚26F 03/24 14:16
AuSHsu: 表弟一直都是好人 只是球場上EQ差了點而已27F 03/24 14:16
ga502020: 推我大男孩28F 03/24 14:16
TommyWu1991: 推表弟29F 03/24 14:16
emptie: 暖男表弟!!30F 03/24 14:16
porkerman: 包圍因為要提高曝光度 為事件31F 03/24 14:16
a894392000: 表弟人品真的不錯32F 03/24 14:17
nekoten: 推表弟!33F 03/24 14:17
xlargebing: 推表弟34F 03/24 14:17
gogolct: 只能推了35F 03/24 14:17
Kulan: 淚推表弟36F 03/24 14:17
sbflight: 推推37F 03/24 14:17
OneCell: 推38F 03/24 14:17
larryyangsen: 棒棒39F 03/24 14:17
nekoten: 其實在場上也是被裁判針對才會有那麼多T
很多case根本還好40F 03/24 14:17
chi12345678: 暖胖!42F 03/24 14:17
lpmybig: 暖男43F 03/24 14:18
hiphopboy7: 好人推44F 03/24 14:18
Lebrono: 推45F 03/24 14:18
NicECooKiE: 大力推 表弟場下做的慈善很多46F 03/24 14:18
andrewkgs: 推47F 03/24 14:18
merkx051: 正義感很強的人 遇到裁判不公平對待很容易就爆氣了48F 03/24 14:19
slimfat0202: 我以為應該養他小孩到18比較水氣49F 03/24 14:19
goldenlen: 推~ 是說美國喪葬費這麼貴喔??50F 03/24 14:19
ffxx: 推一個51F 03/24 14:20
CaTkinGG: 推52F 03/24 14:22
s8650429: 紅明顯,中20槍是什麼鬼啊,淦美警嗜血成這樣喔53F 03/24 14:22
force03: 推 表弟54F 03/24 14:22
MarXXXX: 表弟暖男55F 03/24 14:23
ji394tb: 表弟 有情有義56F 03/24 14:24
Kaiii0618: 推暖男表弟57F 03/24 14:24
kimikott: 真的,已經不在沙加緬度了,還處處關心沙城58F 03/24 14:24
flashturtle: 暖59F 03/24 14:26
ilovedandan: 超瞎 在自己家的後院講電話被警察打死60F 03/24 14:26
pote85712: 20槍...61F 03/24 14:26
e920528: 大推62F 03/24 14:27
abigailxxx: Boogie is a MAN !63F 03/24 14:27
jalsonice: 為什麼美國殯葬費用要五萬鎂64F 03/24 14:28
lmf770410: 暖男表弟!!!!65F 03/24 14:29
yaming369: 推66F 03/24 14:31
a1230215: 在自己家被警方開20幾槍 也太扯67F 03/24 14:31
jfrma97: 在自己家後院講電話被開20槍? 有夠扯欸68F 03/24 14:32
Tmmontal: 20槍…………打恐怖分子嗎……69F 03/24 14:33
qwer2411: 表弟真性情70F 03/24 14:34
IloveZ: 表弟為人仗義!!71F 03/24 14:34
diegod: 好事需要高調72F 03/24 14:35
Xinz: 表弟真的場下暖男73F 03/24 14:36
crownschou: 人在鵜鶘心在過王QQ
*國王74F 03/24 14:37
How the Stephon Clark shooting unfolded - YouTube
Stephon Clark, a father of two, died after Sacramento Police shot him 20 times in his grandmother's yard on March 18. This is a comprehensive look at the bod...

kevin85421: 推表弟77F 03/24 14:40
chengzan9309: 淚推有情有義大表弟78F 03/24 14:41
ILoveElsa: 滾79F 03/24 14:41
sakowan: 有情有義80F 03/24 14:41
wangderful04: 推81F 03/24 14:42
yurikim: 喊滾的是怎樣。。作善事也不行。。82F 03/24 14:42
StrKO: 好吧 之後1個月不酸你表妹83F 03/24 14:43
Smile916: 暖暖推84F 03/24 14:43
andy82116: 暖男推85F 03/24 14:44
kuaiphoto: 表弟有情有義!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!86F 03/24 14:44
Theo574: 推表弟,希望康復後一樣威猛87F 03/24 14:44
torres0326: 推表弟88F 03/24 14:44
StrKO: 補推89F 03/24 14:45
genuineet: 性情中人,其實滿喜歡他,這季報銷時一整個難過90F 03/24 14:46
x8x895246: 美國喪葬費好貴..大推表弟善事91F 03/24 14:47
gn1384181: 推表弟有情有義 但尼哥在國外被警察打死不意外 國外92F 03/24 14:49
Spinner3: 暖到流淚93F 03/24 14:50
gn1384181: 監獄坐牢族裔的統計和犯罪率一看 尼哥真的有問題94F 03/24 14:50
EkkoCarriesU: 推95F 03/24 14:50
oeegg: 高調96F 03/24 14:51
darren31112: 表弟真的有情有義97F 03/24 14:52
cian0923: 人在紐奧良 心在沙98F 03/24 14:52
yocc2076: 推表弟99F 03/24 14:53
jack10814: 推100F 03/24 14:56
dannyshan: 美國辦個喪禮的花五萬美金喔101F 03/24 14:56
cmelo1515: 我大表弟102F 03/24 14:56
flannery0123: 推表弟 黑人真的QQ103F 03/24 14:58
rondoya: 表弟!!!! 大推104F 03/24 14:58
xasuev: 表弟弟弟弟弟弟105F 03/24 14:59
ok771105: 在自己院子也有事?106F 03/24 15:00
d9016477: 暖胖!!!107F 03/24 15:00
WLR: 推表弟,好人,好球員108F 03/24 15:01
ocean921: 推109F 03/24 15:02
poorsin: 淚推表弟110F 03/24 15:03
jerrys0580: 表弟在場外做善事不落人後111F 03/24 15:05
s29961091: 推112F 03/24 15:06
pigpig861: 表弟大暖男113F 03/24 15:06
damingli90: 推 面惡心善的好人 滿喜歡他的 希望他趕快復出 加油 表弟114F 03/24 15:06
flos288: 推推116F 03/24 15:06
WeGoYuSheng: 開20槍真的超誇張117F 03/24 15:07
bll135: 推118F 03/24 15:07
Leaflock: 推119F 03/24 15:08
polo00123: 推120F 03/24 15:09
narutotha: 推表弟121F 03/24 15:10
EX37: 新聞出來就直覺胖子要買單了,暖胖!暖胖!122F 03/24 15:10
sunnydragon7: 他在場外一直都是暖男123F 03/24 15:10
michaelch: 表弟真的很暖 沒有心機的古意胖子124F 03/24 15:11
ghfe107: 推 真的感人125F 03/24 15:13
sssss787: 這新聞來龍去脈是啥...126F 03/24 15:13
CozyLife: 推127F 03/24 15:14
shortimex: 抖起來!!!!!!!!!!!聊天室抖起來!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!128F 03/24 15:15
lightpisces: 推表弟    但在自家後院講電話被幹掉真的太過份129F 03/24 15:17
l923127: 推表弟130F 03/24 15:18
joanne1452: 等等 五萬鎂喪葬費? 米國喪葬費用這麼高喔...131F 03/24 15:19
zxcz8901111: 推表弟!!!132F 03/24 15:20
lanpuma: 推推133F 03/24 15:20
jimmy0731: 推134F 03/24 15:21
gem0816: 推表弟!!雖然在球場上沒什麼裁判愛= =135F 03/24 15:24
s66449: 推136F 03/24 15:25
kobejohn001: 表弟我愛你137F 03/24 15:27
Magic32533: 了不起的好人!大大推!138F 03/24 15:27
marskam723: 你怎能不愛表弟139F 03/24 15:28
Tawara: 暖胖140F 03/24 15:29
chujoym: 好暖141F 03/24 15:30
ThunderLord: 奈斯的表弟142F 03/24 15:31
kimisky: 大推143F 03/24 15:31
BOSTONstyle: 善心善事推144F 03/24 15:32
Allenichiro: 我弟暖男<3145F 03/24 15:35
gcar: 推一個146F 03/24 15:36
wree45: 推善事 不過為什麼喪葬要五萬鎂啊?147F 03/24 15:36
gcar: 推一個148F 03/24 15:37
yowhatsupsli: 我表弟完美無瑕149F 03/24 15:39
billyh0926: 美國有些警察真的有扯150F 03/24 15:39
tupacshkur: 了不起!151F 03/24 15:43
STEADYYJI3: 表弟好棒好棒152F 03/24 15:46
simonyeh2000: 推153F 03/24 15:48
jlincredible: 善事 推154F 03/24 15:50
TitanEric: 推我大表弟155F 03/24 15:50
spadenet: 推我大胖虎156F 03/24 15:53
jeterjeter: 推!157F 03/24 15:53
SCLPAL: QwQ158F 03/24 15:56
darkreborn: 推159F 03/24 15:57
iloveph: 淚推表弟160F 03/24 15:57
s90523: 表弟真的很暖161F 03/24 15:59
MrJCB: 表弟善事真的做不少162F 03/24 16:01
jacky0122: 表弟真的是面惡心善的最佳代表163F 03/24 16:04
draft117024: 暖弟164F 03/24 16:04
swimbert: 推美國人權165F 03/24 16:05
daggoth: 暖胖是三小? 不要汙辱表弟好嗎?166F 03/24 16:08
mimiasd0722: 讚167F 03/24 16:09
vespawei: 推,,,,168F 03/24 16:13
eiahb3838ya: 推個表弟169F 03/24 16:14
mhtvpz: 我大表弟得體! 讚170F 03/24 16:17
StoneJean: 推!171F 03/24 16:20
everettofu: 推起來推起來172F 03/24 16:22
daniel6114: 暖男表弟一定推173F 03/24 16:24
ck12: 推174F 03/24 16:25
shiyuu: 一定推!175F 03/24 16:28
Alan555: 真的是善良多大好人176F 03/24 16:30
james918: 推177F 03/24 16:34
dusted: 推178F 03/24 16:37
kullan: 表弟是個耿直的好人179F 03/24 16:40
porzingod: 行善推180F 03/24 16:40
lkshfish: 推表弟 場外真的是好榜樣181F 03/24 16:41
Bogeenash: 推表弟182F 03/24 16:41
percyiverson: 推 但真的很討厭台灣人自以為幽默的說尼X這個詞183F 03/24 16:46
SSS0227: 推表弟 希望滿血回歸 進季後184F 03/24 16:47
georgehua: 表弟場內也是好榜樣阿 莫名一直被吹而已185F 03/24 16:50
kkc890048: 推186F 03/24 16:51
fin64: 推187F 03/24 16:55
kill780215: 表弟真心有愛188F 03/24 16:56
willy50307: 幹 好暖189F 03/24 16:57
s8900117: 推190F 03/24 16:57
TKCH: 推191F 03/24 16:59
paulbrian34: 表弟 人就超好192F 03/24 17:01
linearppt: 我為酸過表弟感到慚愧,他的人品遠比我高尚百倍193F 03/24 17:08
KomeijiYuki: 推暖男194F 03/24 17:13
daniel820629: 推表弟195F 03/24 17:14
mader5566: 表弟人真的很好啊196F 03/24 17:14
hank13241: 推197F 03/24 17:18
BoatLord: 美國喪葬費這麼貴喔....198F 03/24 17:26
Anyotw: 回自己家拿手機被爆20槍199F 03/24 17:27
Noxus: 表哥!!!!200F 03/24 17:33
Tim1018: 表弟!!!201F 03/24 17:39
wantorgasm: 這警察來尋仇的202F 03/24 17:44
boy88115: 推表弟暖男203F 03/24 17:45
WTF555666: 推204F 03/24 17:46
vhs97nu: 推 這才叫真男人205F 03/24 17:49
soyjay: 尼X這個字是從八卦版流過來的吧 只要有跟黑人有關的新聞那邊的人都很常提那個詞206F 03/24 17:51
hiarpu: 推208F 03/24 17:56
pconner: 推209F 03/24 18:04
markhou: 推表弟210F 03/24 18:10
P96370459: 表弟!211F 03/24 18:15
ellinlu: 推暖男212F 03/24 18:19
louis61230: 推表弟213F 03/24 18:24
DerLuna: 不懂為啥不是去包圍警察局或市政府? 美國人腦袋?214F 03/24 18:25
ken031584: 推215F 03/24 18:28
w688884: 補推216F 03/24 18:30
tongiwo: 場上表弟場下表哥,推推217F 03/24 18:31
paul3422: 推218F 03/24 18:32
pierce880321: 誰知道槍擊案詳細經過?219F 03/24 18:37
EricGinobili: 表弟真男人220F 03/24 18:46
luchiahui: 5萬鎂有夠扯221F 03/24 18:46
baiweilo: 經過搜新聞很多
再命令死者放下武器沒有回應之後兩個員警各開了十槍死者中槍倒地後警察請求增援 再增援到場的這段期間警察都沒有去確認死者的狀態
之後靠近死者,這時警察做的第一件事不是確認死者生命跡象,而是把遺體銬上手銬。這些畫面都有錄影222F 03/24 18:46
IAMST1011: 推我弟231F 03/24 18:55
flyingfish71: 推232F 03/24 18:57
silence569: 推表弟,暖心233F 03/24 18:59
a1773042: 表弟在場外的新聞都好棒QQ234F 03/24 19:02
mickeygg69: 美國警察真噁心235F 03/24 19:02
home7436435: 推表弟 暖男236F 03/24 19:12
kkb512sk: 推窩大AD好兄弟>w<237F 03/24 19:17
mikazeray: 這不推不行238F 03/24 19:23
denicehan: 為何喪葬費不是沙加緬度政府負責?噓明顯239F 03/24 19:25
biak: 真性情好人給推,比假掰裝乖的好多了240F 03/24 19:25
wwckchen: 推241F 03/24 19:35
martin41078: QQ242F 03/24 19:39
leo755269: 米國真的是自由民主的國度243F 03/24 19:42
amscg1020: 推表弟244F 03/24 19:51
vltw5v: 表弟!!245F 03/24 20:10
jimmylin0709: 推推!246F 03/24 20:12
jzbobby: Cousins for MAYOR247F 03/24 20:14
yellowboy: 挖靠 這警察有病
而且這幾季裁判也是越來越誇張248F 03/24 20:19
pigmai5207: 有懂美國喪葬程序的版友解說一下費用嗎251F 03/24 20:21
chucky: 這事件跟網球明星Blake被警察擒抓一樣烏龍252F 03/24 20:30
edhuang: 表弟只能推了…………253F 03/24 20:30
tigerjohn: 推254F 03/24 20:45
ApAzusa126: 表弟推255F 03/24 20:51
paul5566: 做好事就是推,祝表弟早日康復256F 03/24 20:52
jeremysu27: 推257F 03/24 20:53
iloveben75: 表弟很棒 推258F 03/24 20:55
honey4617912: 美國警察有些真的很智●...偏偏他們又有無限開火權上次有個超雖小被屁孩謊報  出家門就被打死259F 03/24 21:00
Oceanpeter: 推表弟261F 03/24 21:08
spa910542: 善事給推262F 03/24 21:10
golttt: 今天不罵你中二263F 03/24 21:20
cryjolin: 推表弟264F 03/24 21:23
vincent0525: 推表弟265F 03/24 21:43
OPPAISuki: 美國警察真的扯=  =266F 03/24 21:46
dixongossip: 推表弟267F 03/24 21:47
