看板 NBA
作者 bn50add (bn50add)
標題 [花邊] Odom創立大麻公司,稱該公司產品能夠克服疾病
時間 Sun Apr 22 18:26:51 2018


Lamar Odom Wants to Get People 'Healthy High' with Brand of Cannabis Products | TMZ.com
Lamar Odom's new lease on life has made him want to improve other people's lives too ... enter his cannabis company. ...


前NBA球星Lamar Odom在接受采訪時表示,自己創立了一家大麻公司,並且該公司新推出










Lamar Odom's new lease on life since coming out of a coma has made him want
to improve other people's lives too ... enter his cannabis company.
We got the former NBA Champion at Five Star Juice in Torrance, CA Friday and
talked to him about the release of his brand of marijuana products, called
Rich Soil, which he believes can help people with their ailments ... like
it's helped him.
Odom says his goal to get people "healthy high," saying ... "I want to get
people better, bro. If I can get 'em high, I can get 'em better."
He tells us he's been working on the cannabis idea for a year, and doesn't
give a damn about haters who think he shouldn't be in this business ...
because he believes he's living proof the stuff works.
Lamar also touches on making a basketball comeback, which he told us about a
couple days ago too.
Unclear how snacking on Starburst fits into his plan.



https://i.imgur.com/6Sz9Prw.png  https://i.imgur.com/IbfJGx0.png
https://i.imgur.com/yQSoiVs.png  https://i.imgur.com/Yy9R9qc.png
https://i.imgur.com/Pc1kRJY.png  https://i.imgur.com/AYAwDek.png
https://i.imgur.com/ob5pR4p.png  https://i.imgur.com/eNC6HIa.png
https://i.imgur.com/dHvuTku.png  https://i.imgur.com/mRp0PT2.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/7pueowQ.png  https://i.imgur.com/MtNSDjl.png
https://i.imgur.com/BjFRXJf.png  https://i.imgur.com/LHtTwpA.png
https://i.imgur.com/kavLkhI.png  https://i.imgur.com/4J7JR0G.png

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BoYuYou: 睡你麻痺 起來嗨1F 04/22 18:27
sclbtlove: 自己做比較便宜2F 04/22 18:27
※ 編輯: bn50add (, 04/22/2018 18:28:54
dustinhuang: 老闆吸毒昏迷送醫的大麻公司3F 04/22 18:28
Edison1174: .........4F 04/22 18:28
s960501: 怎麼感覺重點在簽名檔XD5F 04/22 18:28
Playorange: 好恐怖的佩佩豬Playoff6F 04/22 18:29
efbnm753: ㄏㄏㄏ 我也覺得大麻對人體沒啥害處 但你說這話就真的沒啥說服力7F 04/22 18:29
free120: 專業的9F 04/22 18:29
kikijuice: 這公司公關也太無能了吧10F 04/22 18:29
laitao: 拓荒者的www11F 04/22 18:30
tottoko0908: 你那個簽名檔...你是顧客吧12F 04/22 18:30
rubyyl0701: 原來那是阿拓的...13F 04/22 18:31
paulpaul40: 佩佩豬熱火無違和14F 04/22 18:32
RamonJames: 找一個不知道玩什麼玩到昏迷的出來推薦商品安全..15F 04/22 18:33
King5566: 我吸了以後考試都考100分呢16F 04/22 18:33
weiwei0915: 阿拓下面那是..?17F 04/22 18:33
slimak: 厲害了18F 04/22 18:34
jerrykuo0518: 簽名檔是去光顧過之後做的嗎19F 04/22 18:34
watwmark: 該說 學以致用嗎 ?20F 04/22 18:35
kingcharlie: 簽名檔太好笑21F 04/22 18:35
jerrykuo0518: 看了推文之後想看阿拓的結果找好久XD22F 04/22 18:36
charlie01: 可以 這批很純23F 04/22 18:39
materu: kiwi姐姐超正24F 04/22 18:40
jcto04: 簽名檔XDDDDDD25F 04/22 18:43
OrzJ: 69是哪隊26F 04/22 18:43
QoGIVoQ: 阿拓阿27F 04/22 18:45
newtypeL9: 原來佩佩豬正面不是四個眼睛28F 04/22 18:45
OPPAISuki: 現代神農氏啊!嘗百"草"29F 04/22 18:45
STRO: 簽名檔是三小...30F 04/22 18:45
peter89000: 久病成良醫31F 04/22 18:47
codyDL: 笑死 火箭的超合32F 04/22 18:47
ac197: 為什麼巫師沒有佩佩豬33F 04/22 18:48
carotyao: 配配豬XDDDDDD34F 04/22 18:48
pote85712: 簽名檔有沒有更精緻的圖檔♡♡♡35F 04/22 18:48
lovecmgirls: 六數人完全無違和36F 04/22 18:49
Pixis: 自己都差點亡命偏方了...37F 04/22 18:52
killuaz: 公鹿的正面XDD38F 04/22 18:53
KMTicon: 阿拓好好笑39F 04/22 18:54
squall410339: 76豬可愛40F 04/22 18:54
pttkobe5566: 簽名檔好可愛啊啊啊啊啊
為什麼巫師沒有豬41F 04/22 18:54
aian0203: 簽名檔才是重點XD43F 04/22 18:54
Avotor: 簽名檔花很久時間齁XDDDD44F 04/22 18:55
sokalula: 超愛你的簽名檔 請問是自製嗎??
噢 看到來源XD45F 04/22 18:57
jyunwei: 簽名檔與內文相符47F 04/22 18:58
nocebo: 簽名檔呼了多少草畫出來的啊!!48F 04/22 18:58
julian0203: 是呼了這家的大麻會把隊徽看成珮珮豬嗎?49F 04/22 19:00
lovecmgirls: 為什麼簽名檔我用電腦背景是白的 手機背景是黑的?50F 04/22 19:01
RyoNM11: 推可愛的佩佩豬51F 04/22 19:02
carotyao: LOVE 那個是PNG 是透明圖檔案的52F 04/22 19:02
anoymouse: 灰狼珮珮豬是在吹喔53F 04/22 19:04
wayne0215: 當興趣變成了職業 =U=54F 04/22 19:06
java76803: 嗑藥嗑起來55F 04/22 19:06
HaHaPoint: 巫師為什麼沒豬!!56F 04/22 19:08
formap: 幹 樓主屑友不揪喔57F 04/22 19:09
PTTymarch: 純推簽名檔58F 04/22 19:10
lovecmgirls: 難怪想說BLAZERS這麼大字怎麼會沒看到59F 04/22 19:12
ok771105: 台灣藝人表示支持60F 04/22 19:13
nash3000: 嗨起來61F 04/22 19:23
shamus0309: 佩佩豬好可怕62F 04/22 19:30
mystage: 很說服力的樣子啊,感覺就是自己也是愛用者63F 04/22 19:36
ralphhoh2000: 變成鑑賞家了 很棒啊64F 04/22 19:37
yeslin: 簽名檔XDDD65F 04/22 19:37
Vipasyin: 巫師有啊,窗戶有一塊粉紅色的66F 04/22 19:37
david7112123: 簽名檔好笑67F 04/22 19:40
px37521: 簽名檔XDD68F 04/22 19:41
SCLPAL: lol69F 04/22 19:41
vltw5v: 簽名檔才是本體70F 04/22 19:42
jerry761031: Snoop dog表示:71F 04/22 19:42
Rothur: 簽名檔好可愛72F 04/22 19:44
SlamKai: 自己的公司 自己吸73F 04/22 19:48
jerrys0580: 簽名檔超好笑74F 04/22 19:49
lakers110: 沒有湖人QQ75F 04/22 19:51
chichung: 暴龍跟豬豬那個十八禁了吧!76F 04/22 19:55
yashiky2010: 從哪裡跌倒就從哪裡站起來77F 04/22 19:59
kvhiucn: 可愛XDDD78F 04/22 20:09
huanshon0615: 你是不是顧客79F 04/22 20:09
Linlosehow: 歐登根本超級人類80F 04/22 20:13
mailman: 拓荒者直接消失了..81F 04/22 20:27
david8840505: 好可愛XDDDDDDDD82F 04/22 20:28
lkshfish: XDDDDDDDDDD83F 04/22 20:44
Kyrieisme: 樓下支援smoke weed everyday84F 04/22 20:45
happypg: 火箭跟熱火XDDDDDDD85F 04/22 20:55
cress0128: 要選議員了嗎?86F 04/22 21:00
sconia: 推簽名檔XD87F 04/22 21:02
s1995102400: 這批很純88F 04/22 21:06
Terra791205: 正面明明是https://i.imgur.com/dYG2BW9.jpg89F 04/22 21:10
iwinlottery: 不純砍頭90F 04/22 21:10
peterw: 想改變歷史?大麻甲胖91F 04/22 21:14
b9112320: 暴龍的很可愛92F 04/22 21:18
js52666: Big baby:不揪93F 04/22 21:22
versace: 你是想秀佩佩豬簽名檔吧!94F 04/22 21:33
MrZipper: 自己的活生生的例子95F 04/22 21:35
levi8123: 簽名檔真的很屌96F 04/22 22:12
