看板 Jeremy_Lin作者 noral (nora)標題 [外絮] NY Post關於林簽約與先發位置的報導時間 Fri Jul 13 12:18:37 2012
Woodson: Knicks will match Lin’s offer, and he’ll open training camp as
Last Updated: 7:30 AM, July 12, 2012
Posted: 1:16 AM, July 12, 2012
(因為新聞內文修改過 所以後半有些文不對題?)
LAS VEGAS — Not only are the Knicks matching Jeremy Lin’s offer sheet, but
they are starting him next season, too.
Coach Mike Woodson boldly stated Wednesday night Lin begins training camp as
first string point guard over newcomer Jason Kidd.
總教練武僧週三晚間大膽表示季前訓練營的先發是林書豪,而不是新加入的Jason Kidd。
“I won’t do that,’’ Woodson said of benching Lin. “You can’t lose your
starting job based on injuries. Jeremy was our starter before he got hurt.
Unfortunately he went down with an injury. He’s not going to be punished for
that. He’s got work to do this summer. But when he comes back to veterans
camp, he’ll have the first nod. He’ll be our starter and Jason will back
him up in terms of helping developing this young man into a great point guard.
“Jeremy Lin has always been a big part of what we are trying to do moving
Woodson spoke before the team’s first summer-league practice and the first
day of the signing period, wanting to put to bed any point-guard controversy.
The Knicks did not officially match Lin’s offer sheet from Houston Wednesday
because they had yet to receive it from the busy Rockets. Houston views it as
a low priority because the team knows the Knicks will match.
“Never once," Woodson said when asked if the Knicks blinked at the Rockets’
backloaded $28.8 million offer. “But until that deal is done, I’m not
really allowed to talk about it."
The Knicks will hold a press conference today in Westchester introducing
their new signees — Kidd and center Marcus Camby. Wednesday, the Knicks
officially signed James White, the supremely athletic Italian League
swingman, and plucked into the Spanish League to ink 35-year-old veteran
point guard Pablo Prigioni.
尼克在今日舉行記者會,歡迎新成員:Kidd和中鋒Marcus Camby。
週三會正式與James White簽約,另外還有來自西班牙聯盟的35歲控衛PP (Pablo
Carmelo Anthony thought it could actually be good for Lin to come off the
bench and learn from Kidd this season.
“This will be one of the best opportunities that Jeremy will ever have, from
a standpoint of playing under Kidd," Anthony said before the U.S. Olympic team
’s practice as it gears up for Thursday night’s exhibition game versus the
Dominican Republic. “If [Lin] comes off the bench, playing behind a guy like
Jason Kidd, playing under a guy and learning from Jason Kidd, he should take
advantage of this opportunity — just having JKidd on our team."
The 39-year-old Kidd, who will sign a 3-year, $9.3 million deal, talked about
playing 25 minutes a night. He said last week he’s more concerned with
playing the final six minutes than starting. Woodson said there are scenarios
in which Kidd and Lin could be on the floor together.
Anthony said he hopes whoever starts is not an issue.
“We want to make it work,’’ he said. “Everybody has a role. Everybody has
a position. We all have to do that. If we worry about who’s starting, who’s
not starting, minutes played, it’s going to interfere with our plans.’’
The Knicks made it tough on Lin during the negotiations and it forced him to
withdraw from the U.S. Select Team, which is practicing against the
Olympians. The Post reported Lin would have played with an insurance policy
until the Rockets recruiting visit came up.
Lin reportedly was upset at the Knicks’ negotiating strategy, which The Post
first reported on June 30. Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald would not
make Lin an offer and had him set his own market, essentially forcing him
into an offer sheet from another club.
尼克GM GG不願意開合約給林,要他自己找出市場價值,
迫使林必須先與其他球隊簽下offer sheet。
On Twitter, Lin disputed any ill feelings still exist over the Knicks’
strategy, writing “Lol why do u guys believe everything? No quotes from me
= probably not true.”
Whether Lin made out better by seeking an offer sheet is not yet clear
because only $19.6 million of the 4-year, $28.8 million deal with the Rockets
is guaranteed. The final year at $9.3 million is a team option. Grunwald
could have made him a four-year, $23 million guarantee using the Bird
The shame of the negotiation is Lin missed out on Vegas. “I thought he was
going to be here," Anthony said. “That was the plan. For sure he would’ve
[benefitted]. Why wouldn’t it help him, going against a team that will help
him every day?"
6/30 尼克打算讓市場決定林書豪的價格
Knicks GM Grunwald plans to let market set Lin's price tag
7/3 尼克毫無動靜 林書豪退出奧運陪練隊
With Knicks status in limbo, Lin to skip Select Team
這兩篇是Marc Berman內文提到的報導。
7/11 尼克打算今日跟進林的合約
Knicks are planning to finalize deal with Lin today
1. 武僧和甜瓜不同調......?
2. 23M/4Y始終是空中畫大餅 看得到 吃不到 = =
3. 尼克先發控衛的位置 就像捷運車廂的博愛座......
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◆ From:
推 PTT0000:感謝翻譯!XD 哈哈~Berman對尼克沒主動對Lin開約這件事1F 07/13 12:20
→ PTT0000:一直頗有微詞(我也是XD)若不是Lin還得自己去市場找約,說不定就能快快樂樂去參加靶子隊了XD 而且Berman說得對,3F 07/13 12:21
→ PTT0000:他現在跟火箭簽的offer,在有保障的部份,並沒有比直接跟尼克簽好(意思是如果他們直接開給他早鳥的最高薪)6F 07/13 12:22
→ PTT0000:至於甜瓜那番話嘛,只能說Lin留在尼克,前方還有很多荊棘10F 07/13 12:23
推 puppetsgame:我自己是覺得先替補沒什麼不好,畢竟 Kidd 的牌子夠大11F 07/13 12:24
→ PTT0000:看能不能先跟Kidd搞好關係吧!有老前輩幫忙,也許比較容易12F 07/13 12:24
→ puppetsgame:三年級要 Kidd 當你替補說不太過去;而且壓力也比較大13F 07/13 12:24
→ PTT0000:分配球權,不然的話~ ><14F 07/13 12:24
推 dadadeng:看到這些整個人又煩了起來...15F 07/13 12:24
推 jaykinki:我覺得甜瓜的意思我懂 他也不是不挺Lin吧16F 07/13 12:24
→ puppetsgame:即使是一個正常的 1st round pick,除非身手超明星
(=騎士KI),從替補慢慢累積經驗值,對未來發展比較好17F 07/13 12:25
→ PTT0000:意思是今年先當Kidd替補,明年再當CP3替補?還是不要吧QQ19F 07/13 12:26
推 dalepp:相信林能靠自己站穩首發,而且他算很有同隊人緣的吧XDD20F 07/13 12:26
※ 編輯: noral 來自: (07/13 12:28)
→ dalepp:不過3個人(瓜 KIDD 武僧)說的都不一樣好有趣21F 07/13 12:28
推 spittz:總板有乳摸說火箭想同時追cp3+忠誠獸耶22F 07/13 12:28
→ kerotamama:不覺得瓜太多嘴嗎?XDDDDD 這樣講教練要聽誰的呢?23F 07/13 12:29
→ JemyLin:其實我覺得瓜和Lin兩人錯開比較能發揮各自的最大效率 不過24F 07/13 12:29
→ spittz:其實我也覺得如果只有一、兩年的話,當Kidd或cp3替補也可以25F 07/13 12:29
→ kerotamama:不過武僧也只說訓練營先發而已 那就當替補吧(挖鼻孔26F 07/13 12:30
→ JemyLin:瓜和Lin一定要選一人當替補的話 那只會是Lin了0.027F 07/13 12:30
→ kerotamama:真的覺得林還很年輕嗎? 可以這樣一直過替補人生 哈哈28F 07/13 12:31
推 dalepp:不覺得,這一兩年太黃金了,除非身體不適否則首發不宜讓29F 07/13 12:31
推 PTT0000:如果有能力坐上先發,為什麼要自甘降為替補呢?= = 不過30F 07/13 12:31
推 eileen86:先當接生小孩的替補壓力不會這麼大 我也相信他能靠自己站31F 07/13 12:32
→ kerotamama:最好一年後CP3會當替補啦 就一直替補下去好了32F 07/13 12:32
推 spittz:當替補一、二年,到25、26歲的時候出來挑大樑也還ok啦33F 07/13 12:32
→ dalepp:左岸有一個比喻很有趣,有人元配不當做小三等轉正嗎:)35F 07/13 12:32
→ PTT0000:推da大!XDDD 甘願做小三,那就只能眼睜睜等著元配有沒有要離婚讓出位子了XDDD36F 07/13 12:33
→ kerotamama:他現在就有先發能力了呀 不過武僧的先發定義有待商榷38F 07/13 12:33
→ PTT0000:通常這時候老公都會甜言蜜語哄小三,我一定會跟原配離婚結果就是慢慢等吧!XD39F 07/13 12:34
→ PTT0000:最慘的是,他離了婚又娶別人(CP3?)你還是等不到XDDD42F 07/13 12:35
推 spittz:嗯~~~反正尼克來的是Kidd,已經算是很好的情況了,總之希望啾咪好好地成長囉~~~44F 07/13 12:35
推 young23:甜瓜不除 尼克冠軍之路多舛...46F 07/13 12:35
→ silviasun:之前Nash要來大家都要Lin塊陶了 現在認同他去當Kidd替補47F 07/13 12:35
→ dadadeng:Lin:真心愛我待我好的人到底在哪裡?48F 07/13 12:36
→ spittz:至於明年尼克要追誰要交易誰,也不是球員或球迷能掌控的事49F 07/13 12:36
→ silviasun:怪怪的吧...沒有對Kidd不敬的意思 只是Kidd都說不介意了Lin是幹麻要客氣?!50F 07/13 12:36
→ spittz:Nash狀態好像比Kidd好?52F 07/13 12:37
→ yun0215:是阿反正Kidd也不想打那麼久...所以沒差囉...53F 07/13 12:37
→ silviasun:training camp當先發 開季當先發 打不好的話就變替補54F 07/13 12:38
→ wurenben:可以打先發為何要當替補..又不是rookie55F 07/13 12:39
推 spittz:啾咪實際上場的時間跟rookie也差不多啦,好可憐 QQ56F 07/13 12:40
→ kerotamama:反正在NYK就是要大牌公仔PG才可當先發 哈哈57F 07/13 12:41
推 crastal:光看薪資也是LIN先發吧,不然跟那麼大的約豈不冤枉?58F 07/13 12:42
→ wurenben:那NYK就不要浪費彼此時間了,不要跟進火箭約就好60F 07/13 12:43
推 spittz:要發揮啾咪的商業價值的話的確是應該打先發~~~61F 07/13 12:43
→ silviasun:瓜的回答要看記者丟什麼問題給他 如果記者問他對Lin當替補的看法 那他當然也不可能說Kidd才是替補...
不過誰知道真實情況咧~等正式簽約後應該會協調出共識吧62F 07/13 12:44
推 yun0215:的確...如果記者直接挖這種坑給他跳的確沒辦法...XD65F 07/13 12:49
推 silviasun:不過Marc Berman一直要Lin塊陶是無庸置疑的啦~XDDD66F 07/13 12:51
→ kerotamama:文章中又提到說這季當替補呀 反正NYK是怎樣大家都清楚67F 07/13 12:54
推 PTT0000:他有要Lin快逃嗎?我只聽說之 前JZ似乎有點 這意思XDD68F 07/13 12:55
→ angellll:不如甜瓜從板凳坐起吧 如何? 這話聽起來好聽嗎?69F 07/13 13:05
→ JemyLin:以某人愛用老將的個性 就怕轉為Kidd的替補後又把阿根廷老將轉為第二PG :p70F 07/13 13:05
→ angellll:JR爛投woodson 一樣讓他留在場上阿72F 07/13 13:06
→ JemyLin:就因為對woodson來說Lin是資歷不夠的菜鳥啊:p73F 07/13 13:10
→ JemyLin:球團和教練不這麼認為啊XD75F 07/13 13:13