看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 waijr (時差13HR)
標題 [外絮] 林書豪在練習時扭傷腳?
時間 Wed Dec 12 08:56:41 2012

The news comes from the Houston Chronicle's Jonathan Feigen:

Just when the Rockets got one guard back, another went down on Tuesday with
the same injury.

With five minutes left in Tuesday’s workout, guard Jeremy Lin stepped wrong
on a hard cut during a transition defense drill and turned an ankle. He got
up and walked off on his own, but was immediately sent for treatment. The
Rockets don’t expect to know the severity of the injury today.


Jeremy Lin Injury: Updates on Rockets PG's Ankle | Bleacher Report
The Houston Rockets got James Harden back on Tuesday, but it came at a price: One Jeremy Lin . On the same day that Harden returned from an ankle injury that kept him out of Monday ... ...


不過隨後,火箭隊記者陳豪(Howard Chen)tweeted 表示林書豪沒事,仍會在明天的比賽
上場。 另外的報導是James Harden也會回來。

都不是我翻的 新浪網和Bleacherreport上的報導而已

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
s97730021:希望真的沒事@@1F 12/12 09:04
PTT0000:還能走應該沒事,但希望他多保養多休息2F 12/12 09:07
allen12126:我只跟上帝祁求Lin能健康打滿整季3F 12/12 09:09
wengna:他不是扭到還趴趴造? 應該沒事XD4F 12/12 09:13
NewTypeNeo:要好好休息啊QQ5F 12/12 09:18
jt:推持上說是左腳扭到 希望他沒事6F 12/12 09:20
Gilbertsky:扭傷真的可大可小 輕微的話恢復很快的7F 12/12 09:23
bluesunflowe:Lin表示:我需要食補...(大吃ing..)  XDDDDD8F 12/12 09:26
jt:樓上 他的確去了9F 12/12 09:27
jaykinki:希望是真的沒事 不要變成習慣性扭傷orz10F 12/12 09:28
phix:先下伏筆11F 12/12 09:28
motor5808:身體要顧..亞洲生化人(誤)..12F 12/12 09:28
EeLong:昨天的比賽豪哥好像是穿低筒的球鞋,也沒有綁護踝13F 12/12 09:30
Gilbertsky:所以昨天發威是因為解放了他的腳嗎?14F 12/12 09:35
gll:他那雙鞋看起來還真容易扭腳XDD15F 12/12 09:57
