看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 peter16 (YOYO)
標題 [外絮] 火箭VS籃網  賽後訪談
時間 Sat Feb 23 14:02:25 2013

原文出處: http://ppt.cc/sM9W
Delfino Divine As Rockets Cut Down Nets Once Again | THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE HOUSTON ROCKETS
Carlos Delfino helps Rockets hold off Nets as Rockets roll to 106-96 win ...


(on Delfino)

He did a nice job tonight. He made shots. That’s what he does. Carlos is a big
shot taker and a big shot maker. He’s not afraid. He’s played in a lot of big
games and he was really good tonight.



(on Motiejunas)

He played well. He’s been playing really well in practice and I kept telling
him, ‘Hang in there, young fella.’ It’s tough on these young guys, we have
so many of them. But Donatas has been playing very, very well for a long time
in practice and when he has chances, so I think he’s going to keep on earning
more time.


他打得很好,他在練習的時候就有極佳的表現,所以我不斷告訴他 "嘿! 小子! 繼續保持"

(on the opportunity to coach Thomas Robinson)

It will be fun. Molding (a player) comes a lot in the summer and comes at
different times. Right now we’ve just got to get him comfortable with what we’
re doing and there won’t be much molding; it will mostly rebounding and
running the simple, basic stuff. Then when we have the chance to work with him
in the summer, we’ll work with him. For him right now, any young guy, you’ve
got to find out what you do well. For him I would say offensive rebounding –
 that’s what I’ve seen him do in this league. I’ve seen him run real
aggressively. So if he can add defense to that then he’s going to find a way
on the floor. If you offensive rebound and you run hard and you can defend,
then you can play out there. So that’s what he’s got to do right now. We’ll
worry about the rest of that stuff later.




On the game:

“Our ball movement was key. Guys moved the ball, got easy shots, and
defensively, we played pretty well, but our offense got a lot of big shots, a
lot of threes. We just moved the ball and made the defense move. We started
moving the ball and making the easy pass. We were kind of trying to do too much
in traffic and they were causing turnovers, so we kind of slowed down in that
sense and got a couple of open looks. It was a very good road win for us. Now
we have to go into Washington tomorrow and play well.”


球的流動是關鍵! 我們流動球,找到空檔,防守得不錯,


On what Jeremy Lin has brought to the team:

“Talent, which is what we need. He’s doing a good job of leading, definitely
by example, going out there and just playing. He’s making shots, making plays,
he’s doing everything.”


天分!! 而那就是我們需要的,他在領導方面做得很好,無庸置疑

On pulling out the win:

“Yeah, I think that’s a sign of our growth as a team. We probably wouldn’t
have done that earlier in the season, we probably would have folded and given
away the game. We kind of regrouped, took their hit and counter-punched and we
were able to get the win. I think we’re getting more mature as a team and as
individuals. We’re understanding not to panic and to get back to what we do
best. We made it tough for them.”


沒錯! 這就是我們這支球隊成長的象徵,要是剛開季,面對這樣的情形我們可能無法獲勝

想要勝利? 我們會讓他們覺得"沒那麼簡單"

1. 第一次翻到鬍子直接整段誇獎林 XDD
2. 感覺冰箱對T-ROB有所期待
3. 林不愧是發言人

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hrmymeg:感謝翻譯!:)1F 02/23 14:04
momomiruku18:我和林所見略同XD 火箭真的不一樣了 成熟多了~2F 02/23 14:05
hasumi0819:哭哭!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3F 02/23 14:05
momomiruku18:以前落後就有放棄的感覺 上一場對雷霆卻能力挽狂瀾4F 02/23 14:05
hasumi0819:是要點歌了嗎 有請師太5F 02/23 14:06
momomiruku18:從第三節苦苦掙扎到第四節 最後逆轉10多分奪勝 感動!6F 02/23 14:06
ppppllo:真的 火箭菜鳥養成術7F 02/23 14:06
peter16:獲~勝 沒有那麼容易  火箭隊有他的志氣8F 02/23 14:08
kerotamama:啾咪講話都能直擊重點XD by example是說他能以身作則吧9F 02/23 14:08
rutenac:peter大在唱歌10F 02/23 14:09
elevencute:沒能追比賽很可惜,補班的同時也看線上live文度過,火箭11F 02/23 14:11
momomiruku18:可以拍一部====火箭豆苗育成日記====  XDDD12F 02/23 14:11
elevencute:加油了~ 真的看一個剛艦隊的菜鳥們成長,很開心! 覺得自己也在跟著他們成長,這真是一個很特別的過程,期待火箭越來越好,大家也會感情越來越好的!!13F 02/23 14:12
※ 編輯: peter16         來自:        (02/23 14:14)
olivelee:感謝翻譯!冰箱說飛龍整晚飛龍在天翻的好好笑!16F 02/23 14:18
soulbug:林有哈登挺就夠了17F 02/23 14:19
akthebest:感謝翻譯。火箭小菜菜們加油!18F 02/23 14:20
wengna:push19F 02/23 14:22
ppppllo:林跟鬍子相處得好 這是好事!!算度過磨合期了嗎?XDDDDD20F 02/23 14:22
olivelee:季初好像比較常贏很多但下半場澇賽 然後輸球?21F 02/23 14:25
peter16:開季第三節常常烙賽的情形  我還是心有餘悸 XD22F 02/23 14:26
olivelee:林主控最多~哈登還是超威~算找出分享球權的方式了嗎?對阿~不過以前就算澇賽 還是為火箭菜鳥們的拼勁感動23F 02/23 14:27
mico409:希望繼續保持 以Lin為主控發起攻勢25F 02/23 14:28
olivelee:現在發現澇賽後~又會開始追分~大家成長囉 (拭淚)26F 02/23 14:29
peter16:現在好像慢慢是這個模式了  不枉費上半季這裡喊個半死 XD林組織+鬍子FINISH  目前看來成效很好27F 02/23 14:29
chyu945:LIN一開始就有能磨合成功的信心(決心) 不管媒體麼說不合XD29F 02/23 14:30
olivelee:哈登或其他人也有作一些組織工作但比例少30F 02/23 14:31
chyu945:果然現在就是往期望的樣子前進了 很感動阿31F 02/23 14:31
其實我最意外的是大鬍子竟然加入功夫打氣小組XDDDDDDDDD以前第四節這樣的哨音不利的環境 打完可能就要開大怒灌了冰箱第四節也不會再冰林了...32F 02/23 14:31
mico409:不過短時間只能算有3衛的情況 輪替上要拿捏好~~~36F 02/23 14:33
nancyh:感謝翻譯! 也謝哈登稱讚Lin^^  這場第3節一度嚇死人XD 好險最後獲勝很開心^^37F 02/23 14:34
bluesunflowe:感謝翻譯!!推心得339F 02/23 14:34
ppppllo:人手短缺 向心力凝聚力 反而更強 火箭加油 衝進季後賽吧!!40F 02/23 14:34
bluesunflowe:鬍子似乎想要擠掉發言人...講話也太中聽!!!(大心41F 02/23 14:35
mico409:巫師今天幹掉最近很hot的金塊 明天看來也不好打~~~42F 02/23 14:36
olivelee:感覺哈登沒啥老大的高姿態 脾氣蠻好(因為淡定沒表情 XD但人手短缺反而讓冰箱輪調正常~這~!!?43F 02/23 14:37
ppppllo:好在兩邊都是背靠背 金塊這季真的越打越好 很可怕
本來很擔心這場 因為人手不足 不過每個人的位置卻明確了45F 02/23 14:38
mico409:哈登的大部分表情都被他的大鬍子蓋掉了吧 XD~~~47F 02/23 14:39
ppppllo:鬍子被激的那個T 真的有點奇怪 歐洲步有犯法嗎 對方不爽啥48F 02/23 14:39
chyu945:發現哈登拍照時喜歡很幼稚的比YA! 很傻氣的樣子XD49F 02/23 14:40
mico409:大叔連兩場燃燒小宇宙 希望繼續保持~~~50F 02/23 14:40
ppppllo:飛龍扛PF真得滿辛苦的..希望新同學能順利融入火箭幫助球隊51F 02/23 14:41
momomiruku18:╮(╯▽╰)╭ 有我在 有什麼好擔心的~~
                 糟了 不小心又敗人品Σ(⊙▽⊙"a52F 02/23 14:41
SuWeiLin:Lin本來就是發言人,只是身兼球員而已~ XD54F 02/23 14:46
