標題 Fw: [新聞] Apple CEO Tim Cook為iOS 6中的Maps服務
時間 Fri Sep 28 23:37:34 2012

作者: VeryLike5566 (超喜歡5566) 看板: Gossiping

Apple CEO Tim Cook為iOS 6中的Maps服務道歉

‧VR-Zone中文站 2012/09/28

經過數天的批評後,Apple CEO Tim Cook 破天荒為 Apple Maps 向客戶道歉,並推薦對手

Apple CEO Tim Cook 28 日在 Apple 網站發布了公開信,為 Apple Maps 的缺失道歉,而



在 Apple,我們努力製造世界級的產品,以期儘可能給客戶最好的體驗。自從我們上個星期

我們從第一版 iOS 就一起推出地圖程式。隨著時間推移,我們希望提供客戶更好的地圖,
其中提供 turn-by-turn 導航、語音整合、低空飛行模式和向量地圖等功能。為了達到這個

現在已經有超過 1 億台 iOS 裝置使用新版的 Apple Maps,而且每天都有更多人加入我們
。僅僅一個星期內,使用 iOS 新地圖的使用者已經搜尋了近 5 億個地圖。客戶們愈常使用

當我們努力改進地圖程式時,你們可以從 App Store 中下載其他代替的地圖程式,例如
 Bing、MapQuest 和 Waze,或者也可以使用 Google 和 Nokia 地圖的網頁版,並在主畫面

我們在 Apple 所有努力,都是為了讓我們的產品成為世界第一。我們知道你們希望從我們

Tim Cook

Apple’s CEO


To our customers,

At Apple, we strive to make world-class products that deliver the best
experience possible to our customers. With the launch of our new Maps last
week, we fell short on this commitment. We are extremely sorry for the
frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to
make Maps better.

We launched Maps initially with the first version of iOS. As time progressed,
we wanted to provide our customers with even better Maps including features
such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, Flyover and vector-based
maps. In order to do this, we had to create a new version of Maps from the
ground up.

There are already more than 100 million iOS devices using the new Apple Maps,
with more and more joining us every day. In just over a week, iOS users with
the new Maps have already searched for nearly half a billion locations. The
more our customers use our Maps the better it will get and we greatly
appreciate all of the feedback we have received from you.

While we’re improving Maps, you can try alternatives by downloading map apps
from the App Store like Bing, MapQuest and Waze, or use Google or Nokia maps by
going to their websites and creating an icon on your home screen to their web

Everything we do at Apple is aimed at making our products the best in the
world. We know that you expect that from us, and we will keep working non-stop
until Maps lives up to the same incredibly high standard.

Tim Cook

Apple’s CEO

Apple CEO Tim Cook為iOS 6中的Maps服務道歉 | 數位生活 | 3C產品 | udn數位資訊 經過數天的批評後,Apple CEO Tim Cook 破天荒為 Apple Maps 向客戶道歉,並推薦對手廠商的地圖。 ...

生日:5 月 6 日

身高:183 cm


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
XperiaZ:道歉時要露出賈伯斯阿1F 09/28 22:28
motan:5566得第一2F 09/28 22:28
wjuiahb:翻譯:感謝全球五億白老鼠幫我們測試地圖3F 09/28 22:30
LAKERsBryant:沒了jobs SmartPH & Tablet的市場要進入戰國時代了嗎4F 09/28 22:30
yeskia0314:那他到底推薦了哪一個地圖啊?? 目前沒得用!!!!!!!!!!!!5F 09/28 22:30
Derp:嗯?6F 09/28 22:31
k04121226:嫩7F 09/28 22:31
typepeter:實際上呢,就是狗屁道歉 因為實際上使用者當傻子8F 09/28 22:31
rssh0106:翻譯:  你們給我乖乖地用  別吵9F 09/28 22:31
cosada:就是不爽不要用的意思10F 09/28 22:31
CDing:道歉有屁用 相信第二波第三波的哀縫5銷售率會下降11F 09/28 22:35
jeff82:會掉漆怎麼沒道歉12F 09/28 22:36
Leoreo:今年流行全民公測就對了13F 09/28 22:37
miisoo4u:想當初潮爆的東西...現在拿出門會被嘲笑!!!!  爽~~~~~14F 09/28 22:38
rssh0106:有推薦的...但台灣沒一個能用...15F 09/28 22:38
yafx4200p:果粉:溫馨16F 09/28 22:38
andyan207:現在拿出去被笑XDDD 你以為sony喔...
再說iphone 5台灣又還沒上你是有多少朋友拿到??還被笑勒唬爛也不打草稿....17F 09/28 22:39
CHILAY:其實我以直在想 開車不都用garmin嗎...20F 09/28 22:41
appoo:果迷付費公測21F 09/28 22:41
DennyCrane:等內建goole map app再說吧22F 09/28 22:41
erotica:庫克這是激將法 不是道歉  身為蘋果忠實者更不該去用這些被點名出來的圖資23F 09/28 22:45
台灣的殯與nokia是悲劇 25F 09/28 22:47
rssh0106:開車用garmin  走路用Gmaps  有問題嗎?27F 09/28 23:12
kevin80929:果粉:去書店買紙本地圖不就解決了,罵什麼?28F 09/28 23:23

※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
※ 轉錄者: ZZZZZZZZZ9 (, 時間: 09/28/2012 23:37:34
lecheck:He never even tried to be Jobs. excellent            推1F 09/29 00:06
